13 research outputs found

    Rigorous Validation of Systems Security Engineering Analytics

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    In response to the asymmetric advantage that attackers enjoy over defenders in cyber systems, the cyber community has generated a steady stream of cybersecurity-related frameworks, methodologies, analytics, and “best practices” lists. However, these artifacts almost never under-go rigorous validation of their efficacy but instead tend to be accepted on faith, to, we suggest, our collective detriment based on evidence of continued attacker success. But what would rigorous validation look like, and can we afford it? This paper describes the design and estimates the cost of a controlled experiment whose goal is to deter-mine the effectiveness of an exemplar systems security analytic. Given the significant footprint that humans play in cyber systems (e.g., their design, use, attack, and defense), any such experiment must necessarily take into account and control for variable human behavior. Thus, the paper reinforces the argument that cybersecurity can be understood as a hybrid discipline with strong technical and human dimensions

    SoK: Contemporary Issues and Challenges to Enable Cyber Situational Awareness for Network Security

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    Cyber situational awareness is an essential part of cyber defense that allows the cybersecurity operators to cope with the complexity of today's networks and threat landscape. Perceiving and comprehending the situation allow the operator to project upcoming events and make strategic decisions. In this paper, we recapitulate the fundamentals of cyber situational awareness and highlight its unique characteristics in comparison to generic situational awareness known from other fields. Subsequently, we provide an overview of existing research and trends in publishing on the topic, introduce front research groups, and highlight the impact of cyber situational awareness research. Further, we propose an updated taxonomy and enumeration of the components used for achieving cyber situational awareness. The updated taxonomy conforms to the widely-accepted three-level definition of cyber situational awareness and newly includes the projection level. Finally, we identify and discuss contemporary research and operational challenges, such as the need to cope with rising volume, velocity, and variety of cybersecurity data and the need to provide cybersecurity operators with the right data at the right time and increase their value through visualization

    Simulation for Cybersecurity: State of the Art and Future Directions

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    In this article, we provide an introduction to simulation for cybersecurity and focus on three themes: (1) an overview of the cybersecurity domain; (2) a summary of notable simulation research efforts for cybersecurity; and (3) a proposed way forward on how simulations could broaden cybersecurity efforts. The overview of cybersecurity provides readers with a foundational perspective of cybersecurity in the light of targets, threats, and preventive measures. The simulation research section details the current role that simulation plays in cybersecurity, which mainly falls on representative environment building; test, evaluate, and explore; training and exercises; risk analysis and assessment; and humans in cybersecurity research. The proposed way forward section posits that the advancement of collecting and accessing sociotechnological data to inform models, the creation of new theoretical constructs, and the integration and improvement of behavioral models are needed to advance cybersecurity efforts