383 research outputs found

    A Privacy-Preserving Hybrid Federated Learning Framework for Financial Crime Detection

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    The recent decade witnessed a surge of increase in financial crimes across the public and private sectors, with an average cost of scams of $102m to financial institutions in 2022. Developing a mechanism for battling financial crimes is an impending task that requires in-depth collaboration from multiple institutions, and yet such collaboration imposed significant technical challenges due to the privacy and security requirements of distributed financial data. For example, consider the modern payment network systems, which can generate millions of transactions per day across a large number of global institutions. Training a detection model of fraudulent transactions requires not only secured transactions but also the private account activities of those involved in each transaction from corresponding bank systems. The distributed nature of both samples and features prevents most existing learning systems from being directly adopted to handle the data mining task. In this paper, we collectively address these challenges by proposing a hybrid federated learning system that offers secure and privacy-aware learning and inference for financial crime detection. We conduct extensive empirical studies to evaluate the proposed framework's detection performance and privacy-protection capability, evaluating its robustness against common malicious attacks of collaborative learning. We release our source code at https://github.com/illidanlab/HyFL .Comment: PETs prize challenge versio

    Applications of Federated Learning in Smart Cities: Recent Advances, Taxonomy, and Open Challenges

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    Federated learning plays an important role in the process of smart cities. With the development of big data and artificial intelligence, there is a problem of data privacy protection in this process. Federated learning is capable of solving this problem. This paper starts with the current developments of federated learning and its applications in various fields. We conduct a comprehensive investigation. This paper summarize the latest research on the application of federated learning in various fields of smart cities. In-depth understanding of the current development of federated learning from the Internet of Things, transportation, communications, finance, medical and other fields. Before that, we introduce the background, definition and key technologies of federated learning. Further more, we review the key technologies and the latest results. Finally, we discuss the future applications and research directions of federated learning in smart cities

    Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning over Vertically and Horizontally Partitioned Data for Financial Anomaly Detection

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    The effective detection of evidence of financial anomalies requires collaboration among multiple entities who own a diverse set of data, such as a payment network system (PNS) and its partner banks. Trust among these financial institutions is limited by regulation and competition. Federated learning (FL) enables entities to collaboratively train a model when data is either vertically or horizontally partitioned across the entities. However, in real-world financial anomaly detection scenarios, the data is partitioned both vertically and horizontally and hence it is not possible to use existing FL approaches in a plug-and-play manner. Our novel solution, PV4FAD, combines fully homomorphic encryption (HE), secure multi-party computation (SMPC), differential privacy (DP), and randomization techniques to balance privacy and accuracy during training and to prevent inference threats at model deployment time. Our solution provides input privacy through HE and SMPC, and output privacy against inference time attacks through DP. Specifically, we show that, in the honest-but-curious threat model, banks do not learn any sensitive features about PNS transactions, and the PNS does not learn any information about the banks' dataset but only learns prediction labels. We also develop and analyze a DP mechanism to protect output privacy during inference. Our solution generates high-utility models by significantly reducing the per-bank noise level while satisfying distributed DP. To ensure high accuracy, our approach produces an ensemble model, in particular, a random forest. This enables us to take advantage of the well-known properties of ensembles to reduce variance and increase accuracy. Our solution won second prize in the first phase of the U.S. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Prize Challenge.Comment: Prize Winner in the U.S. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) Prize Challeng

    The Future of Cybercrime: AI and Emerging Technologies Are Creating a Cybercrime Tsunami

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    This paper reviews the impact of AI and emerging technologies on the future of cybercrime and the necessary strategies to combat it effectively. Society faces a pressing challenge as cybercrime proliferates through AI and emerging technologies. At the same time, law enforcement and regulators struggle to keep it up. Our primary challenge is raising awareness as cybercrime operates within a distinct criminal ecosystem. We explore the hijacking of emerging technologies by criminals (CrimeTech) and their use in illicit activities, along with the tools and processes (InfoSec) to protect against future cybercrime. We also explore the role of AI and emerging technologies (DeepTech) in supporting law enforcement, regulation, and legal services (LawTech)

    Equipping Federated Graph Neural Networks with Structure-aware Group Fairness

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely used for various types of graph data processing and analytical tasks in different domains. Training GNNs over centralized graph data can be infeasible due to privacy concerns and regulatory restrictions. Thus, federated learning (FL) becomes a trending solution to address this challenge in a distributed learning paradigm. However, as GNNs may inherit historical bias from training data and lead to discriminatory predictions, the bias of local models can be easily propagated to the global model in distributed settings. This poses a new challenge in mitigating bias in federated GNNs. To address this challenge, we propose F2\text{F}^2GNN, a Fair Federated Graph Neural Network, that enhances group fairness of federated GNNs. As bias can be sourced from both data and learning algorithms, F2\text{F}^2GNN aims to mitigate both types of bias under federated settings. First, we provide theoretical insights on the connection between data bias in a training graph and statistical fairness metrics of the trained GNN models. Based on the theoretical analysis, we design F2\text{F}^2GNN which contains two key components: a fairness-aware local model update scheme that enhances group fairness of the local models on the client side, and a fairness-weighted global model update scheme that takes both data bias and fairness metrics of local models into consideration in the aggregation process. We evaluate F2\text{F}^2GNN empirically versus a number of baseline methods, and demonstrate that F2\text{F}^2GNN outperforms these baselines in terms of both fairness and model accuracy

    Starlit: Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning to Enhance Financial Fraud Detection

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a data-minimization approach enabling collaborative model training across diverse clients with local data, avoiding direct data exchange. However, state-of-the-art FL solutions to identify fraudulent financial transactions exhibit a subset of the following limitations. They (1) lack a formal security definition and proof, (2) assume prior freezing of suspicious customers' accounts by financial institutions (limiting the solutions' adoption), (3) scale poorly, involving either O(n2)O(n^2) computationally expensive modular exponentiation (where nn is the total number of financial institutions) or highly inefficient fully homomorphic encryption, (4) assume the parties have already completed the identity alignment phase, hence excluding it from the implementation, performance evaluation, and security analysis, and (5) struggle to resist clients' dropouts. This work introduces Starlit, a novel scalable privacy-preserving FL mechanism that overcomes these limitations. It has various applications, such as enhancing financial fraud detection, mitigating terrorism, and enhancing digital health. We implemented Starlit and conducted a thorough performance analysis using synthetic data from a key player in global financial transactions. The evaluation indicates Starlit's scalability, efficiency, and accuracy


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    As fundamental changes in information systems drive digitalization, the heavy reliance on computers today significantly increases the risk of fraud. Existing literature promotes machine learning as a potential solution approach for the problem of fraud detection as it is able able to detect patterns in large datasets efficiently. However, there is a lack of clarity and awareness on which components and functionalities of machine learning-based fraud detection systems exist and how these systems can be classified consistently. We draw on 54 identified relevant machine learning-based fraud detection systems to address this research gap and develop a taxonomic scheme. By deriving three archetypes of machine learning-based fraud detection systems, the taxonomy paves the way for research and practice to understand and advance fraud detection knowledge to combat fraud and abuse