3,775 research outputs found

    An Automated Approach Towards Sparse Single-Equation Cointegration Modelling

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    In this paper we propose the Single-equation Penalized Error Correction Selector (SPECS) as an automated estimation procedure for dynamic single-equation models with a large number of potentially (co)integrated variables. By extending the classical single-equation error correction model, SPECS enables the researcher to model large cointegrated datasets without necessitating any form of pre-testing for the order of integration or cointegrating rank. Under an asymptotic regime in which both the number of parameters and time series observations jointly diverge to infinity, we show that SPECS is able to consistently estimate an appropriate linear combination of the cointegrating vectors that may occur in the underlying DGP. In addition, SPECS is shown to enable the correct recovery of sparsity patterns in the parameter space and to posses the same limiting distribution as the OLS oracle procedure. A simulation study shows strong selective capabilities, as well as superior predictive performance in the context of nowcasting compared to high-dimensional models that ignore cointegration. An empirical application to nowcasting Dutch unemployment rates using Google Trends confirms the strong practical performance of our procedure

    Penalized Likelihood and Bayesian Function Selection in Regression Models

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    Challenging research in various fields has driven a wide range of methodological advances in variable selection for regression models with high-dimensional predictors. In comparison, selection of nonlinear functions in models with additive predictors has been considered only more recently. Several competing suggestions have been developed at about the same time and often do not refer to each other. This article provides a state-of-the-art review on function selection, focusing on penalized likelihood and Bayesian concepts, relating various approaches to each other in a unified framework. In an empirical comparison, also including boosting, we evaluate several methods through applications to simulated and real data, thereby providing some guidance on their performance in practice

    Statistical Compressed Sensing of Gaussian Mixture Models

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    A novel framework of compressed sensing, namely statistical compressed sensing (SCS), that aims at efficiently sampling a collection of signals that follow a statistical distribution, and achieving accurate reconstruction on average, is introduced. SCS based on Gaussian models is investigated in depth. For signals that follow a single Gaussian model, with Gaussian or Bernoulli sensing matrices of O(k) measurements, considerably smaller than the O(k log(N/k)) required by conventional CS based on sparse models, where N is the signal dimension, and with an optimal decoder implemented via linear filtering, significantly faster than the pursuit decoders applied in conventional CS, the error of SCS is shown tightly upper bounded by a constant times the best k-term approximation error, with overwhelming probability. The failure probability is also significantly smaller than that of conventional sparsity-oriented CS. Stronger yet simpler results further show that for any sensing matrix, the error of Gaussian SCS is upper bounded by a constant times the best k-term approximation with probability one, and the bound constant can be efficiently calculated. For Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), that assume multiple Gaussian distributions and that each signal follows one of them with an unknown index, a piecewise linear estimator is introduced to decode SCS. The accuracy of model selection, at the heart of the piecewise linear decoder, is analyzed in terms of the properties of the Gaussian distributions and the number of sensing measurements. A maximum a posteriori expectation-maximization algorithm that iteratively estimates the Gaussian models parameters, the signals model selection, and decodes the signals, is presented for GMM-based SCS. In real image sensing applications, GMM-based SCS is shown to lead to improved results compared to conventional CS, at a considerably lower computational cost
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