3 research outputs found

    Atomic Distributed Transactions: a RESTful Design

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    ABSTRACT The REST architectural style supports the reliable interaction of clients with a single server. However, no guarantees can be made for more complex interactions which require to atomically transfer state among resources distributed across multiple servers. In this paper we describe a lightweight design for transactional composition of RESTful services. The approach -based on the TryCancel/Confirm (TCC) pattern -does not require any extension to the HTTP protocol. The design assumes that resources are designed to comply with the TCC pattern and ensures that the resources involved in the transaction are not aware of it. It delegates the responsability of achieving the atomicity of the transaction to a coordinator which exposes a RESTful API

    Blockchain Application - Case Study on Hyperledger Fabric

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    Usalduse keskkonna saamiseks kasutatakse kolmandaid osapooli ja nende tarkvara platvorme. Plokiahela tehnoloogia ja nutikaid lepingud on üks võimalus, kuidas välistada kolmas osapool. Üks viimased turule tulnud vabatarkvara platvorme on Hyperledger Fabric - modulaarne süsteem, mis kasutab üldkasutavaid programmeerimskeeli nutikate lepingute keelena. See avardab platvormi kasutamist ettevõtte tarkvara loomisel. Võrdleme platvormi tavapäraste lahendustega ning uurime väljakutseid, mida pakub uus plokiahela põhine süsteem ja selle jaoks loodud nutika leping nimega chaincode. Selle töö käigus realiseeriti parkimiseks mõeldud rakendus, mille nutikas leping on kirjutatud Go programmeerimiskeeles.Töö käigus realiseerisime prototüübi, leidsime lahendused tehnilistele probleemidele, realiseerisime kasutusjuhud.To enable software platform to be used without a third trusted party, one of the possibilities is to use blockchain and smart contracts. One of the latest platform is open-source Hyperledger Fabric, a modular system that uses conventional programming languages for smart contracts. This opens up vast possibilities for using it product centric enterprise systems. In this paper we compare the platform to a conventional solution and study the challenges provided by the smart contract called chaincode. We implement a parking spot application for multisided market using smart contract and Go programming language. In the end we have a working prototype with solutions to technical problems, covering predetermined use cases

    C.: Towards Distributed Atomic Transactions over RESTful Services. In: REST: From Research to Practice

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    Abstract There is considerable debate in the REST community whether or not transaction support is needed and possible. This chapter's contribution to this debate is threefold: we define a business case for transactions in REST based on the Try-Cancel/Confirm (TCC) pattern; we outline a very light-weight protocol that guarantees atomicity and recovery over distributed REST resources; and we discuss the inherent theoretical limitations of our approach. Our TCC for REST approach minimizes the assumptions made on the individual services that can be part of a transaction and does not require any extension to the HTTP protocol. A very simple but realistic example helps to illustrate the applicability of the approach