16 research outputs found

    Heartbeat detection by laser doppler vibrometry and machine learning

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    Background: Heartbeat detection is a crucial step in several clinical fields. Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) is a promising non-contact measurement for heartbeat detection. The aim of this work is to assess whether machine learning can be used for detecting heartbeat from the carotid LDV signal. Methods: The performances of Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) were compared using the leave-one-subject-out cross-validation as the testing protocol in an LDV dataset collected from 28 subjects. The classification was conducted on LDV signal windows, which were labeled as beat, if containing a beat, or no-beat, otherwise. The labeling procedure was performed using electrocardiography as the gold standard. Results: For the beat class, the f1-score (f 1) values were 0.93, 0.93, 0.95, 0.96 for RF, DT, KNN and SVM, respectively. No statistical differences were found between the classifiers. When testing the SVM on the full-length (10 min long) LDV signals, to simulate a real-world application, we achieved a median macro-f 1 of 0.76. Conclusions: Using machine learning for heartbeat detection from carotid LDV signals showed encouraging results, representing a promising step in the field of contactless cardiovascular signal analysis

    Heartbeat detection by Laser Doppler Vibrometry and Machine Learning

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    none6openAntognoli, Luca; Moccia, Sara; Migliorelli, Lucia; Casaccia, Sara; Scalise, Lorenzo; Frontoni, EmanueleAntognoli, Luca; Moccia, Sara; Migliorelli, Lucia; Casaccia, Sara; Scalise, Lorenzo; Frontoni, Emanuel

    A semi-supervised deep learning model for ship encounter situation classification

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    Maritime safety is an important issue for global shipping industries. Currently, most of collision accidents at sea are caused by the misjudgement of the ship’s operators. The deployment of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) can greatly reduce ships’ reliance on human operators by using an automated intelligent collision avoidance system to replace human decision-making. To successfully develop such a system, the capability of autonomously identifying other ships and evaluating their associated encountering situation is of paramount importance. In this paper, we aim to identify ships’ encounter situation modes using deep learning methods based upon the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. First, a segmentation process is developed to divide each ship’s AIS data into different segments that contain only one encounter situation mode. This is different to the majority of studies that have proposed encounter situation mode classification using hand-crafted features, which may not reflect the actual ship’s movement states. Furthermore, a number of present classification tasks are conducted using substantial labelled AIS data followed by a supervised training paradigm, which is not applicable to our dataset as it contains a large number of unlabelled AIS data. Therefore, a method called Semi-Supervised Convolutional Encoder–Decoder Network (SCEDN) for ship encounter situation classification based on AIS data is proposed. The structure of the network is not only able to automatically extract features from AIS segments but also share training parameters for the unlabelled data. The SCEDN uses an encoder–decoder convolutional structure with four channels for each segment (distance, speed, Time to the Closed Point of Approach (TCPA) and Distance to the Closed Point of Approach (DCPA)) been developed. The performance of the SCEDN model are evaluated by comparing to several baselines with the experimental results demonstrating a higher accuracy can be achieved by our proposed model


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    Multi-label data streams are sequences of multi-label instances arriving over time to a multi-label classifier. The properties of the data stream may continuously change due to concept drift. Therefore, algorithms must adapt constantly to the new data distributions. In this paper we propose a novel ensemble method for multi-label drifting streams named Homogeneous Ensemble of Self-Adjusting Nearest Neighbors (HESAkNN). It leverages a self-adjusting kNN as a base classifier with the advantages of ensembles to adapt to concept drift in the multi-label environment. To promote diverse knowledge within the ensemble, each base classifier is given a unique subset of features and samples to train on. These samples are distributed to classifiers in a probabilistic manner that follows a Poisson distribution as in online bagging. Accompanying these mechanisms, a collection of ADWIN detectors monitor each classifier for the occurrence of a concept drift. Upon detection, the algorithm automatically trains additional classifiers in the background to attempt to capture new concepts. After a pre-determined number of instances, both active and background classifiers are compared and only the most accurate classifiers are selected to populate the new active ensemble. The experimental study compares the proposed approach with 30 other classifiers including problem transformation, algorithm adaptation, kNNs, and ensembles on 30 diverse multi-label datasets and 11 performance metrics. Results validated using non-parametric statistical analysis support the better performance of the heterogeneous ensemble and highlights the contribution of the feature and instance diversity in improving the performance of the ensemble