3 research outputs found

    Implantando a realidade aumentada em instruções de uso sobre um novo produto

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    Orientadora: Profª Dra. Maria Lucia Leite Ribeiro OkimotoCo-orientador: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Gitirana Gomes FerreiraAcompanha CD-ROM. Solicitar no Balcão de Empréstimo.Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 07/02/2012Bibliografia: fls. 82-85Resumo: Ao utilizar um produto pela primeira vez, o usuário dispõe de vários métodos para aprender a utilizá-lo. Sugere-se uma nova alternativa através de um jogo sério em realidade aumentada. A realidade aumentada é uma tecnologia que permite a visualização simultânea de elementos reais e virtuais, enquanto o jogo sério é uma categoria de jogos em que a instrução, e não a diversão, constitui o principal objetivo. Propõe-se que o usuário interaja com o produto através da realidade aumentada, beneficiando-se do contato direto com o produto e da instrução guiada e interativa. A fundamentação teórica é nas áreas de jogos e realidade aumentada. Foram realizados testes de usabilidade, com aplicação de questionários pós-tarefa e observação das gravações dos testes, avaliando-se seis métricas: learnability, facilidade de uso, satisfação, tempo da tarefa, sucesso da tarefa e erros. Aplicou-se a análise de variância para a comparação entre os resultados do grupo que aprendeu pelo jogo sério em realidade aumentada e os resultados dos grupos que aprenderam por manipulação direta do produto, manual de instruções e vídeo. O jogo sério em realidade aumentada obteve melhores resultados nas métricas analisadas, com um melhor desempenho dos participantes deste grupo em relação aos demais.Abstract: When using a product for the first time, the user might choose from many methods to learn how to use the product. It is suggested a new possibility that uses an augmented reality serious game. The augmented reality is a technology that allows the simultaneous visualization of both real and virtual elements; the serious game is a kind of game that has the instruction - and not the fun - as its main objective. It is proposed that the user interacts with the product by using augmented reality, with the benefits of direct manipulating the product and using a guided and interactive instruction. The theoretical basis comes from the games and augmented reality areas. Six metrics were evaluated in the usability tests: learnability, ease of use, satisfaction, task-time, task-success and errors. A questionnaire was answered by each participant after performing the tasks, and the tests were recorded. It was performed an analysis of variance to compare the results between the augmented reality serious game and other three groups that learned by direct manipulation, instructions manual and video. The analyzed metrics showed that the augmented reality serious game provided better results than the others groups. The performance of people that learned by the developed method was better than from people that learned by the other methods

    User Expectations and Experiences of Mobile Augmented Reality Services

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    Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) as an emerging field of technology has the potential to engender services that demonstrate novel aspects like enriching the reality with digital information, location-based interaction, and tangible user interfaces. The early visions of MAR anticipated it to revolutionize the way of accessing and interacting with information in mobile contexts. However, one hindrance in this path is the lack of research understanding of the subjective user experience (UX) resulting from, e.g., the novel interaction metaphors and the mixing of realities that MAR embodies. What is more, little is known about users’ expectations of the futuristic concept of MAR and the experiences it could evoke. Because of the increasing importance of UX as a quality attribute in products and services, there is a need to understand the characteristics and expectations of UX in specific emerging fields like MAR. The goal of this thesis research is twofold: (1) to understand potential users’ expectations with regard to UX of future MAR services and (2) to understand the actual UX of the recent first-generation MAR applications like Junaio and Layar. By understanding the scope of expectations and experience that can take place in the field of MAR, it is possible to help the design and engineering of AR-based services to consider also the experiential aspirations of potential end users. This compound thesis belongs to the research field of Human-Computer Interaction. It contains four studies, in which altogether 401 persons participated in either interviews or online surveys. The empirical findings on expected and actual experiences are reported in six publications. The theoretical contribution is mostly conceptual, culminating to a framework that describes the facets of UX and categories of meaningful experiences in MAR. Based on the empirical findings and the framework, the practical contribution is concretized in the form of (1) design implications and (2) subjective evaluation measures to help designing future MAR services with an experience-oriented approach. According to the results, potential users (early adopters) expected MAR services to create a great extent of pleasurable experiences, such as empowerment, surprise, awareness, liveliness, playfulness, tangibility, collectivity, inspiration and creativity. Furthermore, the expectations were attributed to a variety of service components, also relating to other ubiquitous computing aspects (e.g., the augmentation as an output, proactive functionalities, and embedding of digital content to the reality). This implies that emerging technological concepts like MAR are perceived in very diverse ways and that people’s expectations of them consist largely of general needs and desires. The existing first-generation MAR applications, however, seem generally not to fulfill the expectations, showing a much narrower extent of actualized experience characteristics. This experiential gap, as well as the narrower extent of functionalities in current applications, contains much potential with regard to pursuing a rich and pleasurable UX in future design of MAR services. The empirical results, conceptualizations and practical implications can be utilized and built on in academic research as well as in development of MAR. The novelty and complexity of both MAR and UX as concepts elicit an extensive breadth of aspects to be studied in detail in future research and development – regarding both MAR as a field of technology and UX as a field of theory

    Arguably augmented reality : relationships between the virtual and the real

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    This thesis is about augmented reality (AR). AR is commonly considered a technology that integrates virtual images into a user’s view of the real world. Yet, this thesis is not about such technologies. We believe a technology-based notion of AR is incomplete. In this thesis, we challenge the technology-oriented view, provide new perspectives on AR and propose a different understanding. We argue that AR is characterized by the relationships between the virtual and the real and approach AR from a fundamental, experience-focused view. By doing so, we create an unusually broad and diverse image of what AR is, or arguably could be. We discuss the fundamental characteristics of AR and the many possible manifestations it can take and propose new, imaginative AR environments that have no counterpart in a purely physical world. Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi