18,967 research outputs found

    Generalized Approximate Message-Passing Decoder for Universal Sparse Superposition Codes

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    Sparse superposition (SS) codes were originally proposed as a capacity-achieving communication scheme over the additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC) [1]. Very recently, it was discovered that these codes are universal, in the sense that they achieve capacity over any memoryless channel under generalized approximate message-passing (GAMP) decoding [2], although this decoder has never been stated for SS codes. In this contribution we introduce the GAMP decoder for SS codes, we confirm empirically the universality of this communication scheme through its study on various channels and we provide the main analysis tools: state evolution and potential. We also compare the performance of GAMP with the Bayes-optimal MMSE decoder. We empirically illustrate that despite the presence of a phase transition preventing GAMP to reach the optimal performance, spatial coupling allows to boost the performance that eventually tends to capacity in a proper limit. We also prove that, in contrast with the AWGNC case, SS codes for binary input channels have a vanishing error floor in the limit of large codewords. Moreover, the performance of Hadamard-based encoders is assessed for practical implementations

    Sparse Regression Codes for Multi-terminal Source and Channel Coding

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    We study a new class of codes for Gaussian multi-terminal source and channel coding. These codes are designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression and are called Sparse Superposition or Sparse Regression codes. Codewords are linear combinations of subsets of columns of a design matrix. These codes were recently introduced by Barron and Joseph and shown to achieve the channel capacity of AWGN channels with computationally feasible decoding. They have also recently been shown to achieve the optimal rate-distortion function for Gaussian sources. In this paper, we demonstrate how to implement random binning and superposition coding using sparse regression codes. In particular, with minimum-distance encoding/decoding it is shown that sparse regression codes attain the optimal information-theoretic limits for a variety of multi-terminal source and channel coding problems.Comment: 9 pages, appeared in the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing - 201