4 research outputs found

    A brokerage system for enhancing wireless access

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    This paper contributes to the management of a network infrastructure formed by distinct wireless access technologies, which are administered by several cooperating mobile operators. These wireless technologies may cover a public area, which at specific times of the day are overwhelmed by a large number of users. A new management solution is proposed that controls the heterogeneous network infrastructure in a distributed way, using policies and metrics, and ensuring a Quality of Service (QoS) level associated with each terminal connection. The QoS level is supported through a novel, vertical and dynamic aggregation of performance information about the wireless access, originated at distinct technologies. A closed innovative control loop among a flexible brokerage service in the network, and agents at the mobile terminals, counteracts any abnormal data load. This allows the terminals to make well-informed decisions about their connections to improve on the QoS offered to the application layer. In this way, depending on the management policies of the brokerage service and the quality metrics, wireless access technologies that by default only offer a best-effort connection service can be enhanced in a very straightforward way. The obtained results highlight the advantages for using this new distributed solution to manage the heterogeneous network infrastructure in several distinct usage scenarios.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cooperative Energy-efficient Management of Federated WiFi Networks

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    The proliferation of overlapping, always-on IEEE 802.11 access points (APs) in urban areas, can cause inefficient bandwidth usage and energy waste. Cooperation among APs could address these problems by allowing underused devices to hand over their wireless stations to nearby APs and temporarily switch off, while avoiding to overload a BSS and thus offloading congested APs. The federated house model provides an appealing backdrop to implement cooperation among APs. In this paper, we outline a distributed framework that assumes the presence of a multipurpose gateway with AP capabilities in every household. Our framework allows cooperation through the monitoring of local wireless resources and the triggering of offloading requests toward other federated gateways. Our simulation results show that, in realistic residential settings, the proposed framework yields an energy saving between 45 and 86 percent under typical usage patterns, while avoiding congestion and meeting user expectations in terms of throughput. Furthermore, we show the feasibility and the benefits of our framework with a real test-bed deployed on commodity hardware

    Cooperation Strategies for Enhanced Connectivity at Home

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    WHILE AT HOME , USERS MAY EXPERIENCE A POOR I NTERNET SERVICE while being connected to their 802.11 Access Points (APs). The AP is just one component of the Internet Gateway (GW) that generally includes a backhaul connection (ADSL, fiber,etc..) and a router providing a LAN. The root cause of performance degradation may be poor/congested wireless channel between the user and the GW or congested/bandwidth limited backhaul connection. The latter is a serious issue for DSL users that are located far from the central office because the greater the distance the lesser the achievable physical datarate. Furthermore, the GW is one of the few devices in the home that is left always on, resulting in energy waste and electromagnetic pollution increase. This thesis proposes two strategies to enhance Internet connectivity at home by (i) creating a wireless resource sharing scheme through the federation and the coordination of neighboring GWs in order to achieve energy efficiency while avoiding congestion, (ii) exploiting different king of connectivities, i.e., the wired plus the cellular (3G/4G) connections, through the aggregation of the available bandwidth across multiple access technologies. In order to achieve the aforementioned strategies we study and develop: • A viable interference estimation technique for 802.11 BSSes that can be implemented on commodity hardware at the MAC layer, without requiring active measurements, changes in the 802.11 standard, cooperation from the wireless stations (WSs). We extend previous theoretical results on the saturation throughput in order to quantify the impact in term of throughput loss of any kind of interferer. We im- plement and extensively evaluate our estimation technique with a real testbed and with different kind of interferer, achieving always good accuracy. • Two available bandwidth estimation algorithms for 802.11 BSSes that rely only on passive measurements and that account for different kind of interferers on the ISM band. This algorithms can be implemented on commodity hardware, as they require only software modifications. The first algorithm applies to intra-GW while the second one applies to inter-GW available bandwidth estimation. Indeed, we use the first algorithm to compute the metric for assessing the Wi-Fi load of a GW and the second one to compute the metric to decide whether accept incoming WSs from neighboring GWs or not. Note that in the latter case it is assumed that one or more WSs with known traffic profile are requested to relocate from one GW to another one. We evaluate both algorithms with simulation as well as with a real test-bed for different traffic patterns, achieving high precision. • A fully distributed and decentralized inter-access point protocol for federated GWs that allows to dynamically manage the associations of the wireless stations (WSs) in the federated network in order to achieve energy efficiency and offloading con- gested GWs, i.e, we keep a minimum number of GWs ON while avoiding to create congestion and real-time throughput loss. We evaluate this protocol in a federated scenario, using both simulation and a real test-bed, achieving up to 65% of energy saving in the simulated setting. We compare the energy saving achieved by our protocol against a centralized optimal scheme, obtaining close to optimal results. • An application level solution that accelerates slow ADSL connections with the parallel use of cellular (3G/4G) connections. We study the feasibility and the potential performance of this scheme at scale using both extensive throughput measurement of the cellular network and trace driven analysis. We validate our solution by implementing a real test bed and evaluating it "in the wild, at several residential locations of a major European city. We test two applications: Video-on-Demand (VoD) and picture upload, obtaining remarkable throughput increase for both applications at all locations. Our implementation features a multipath scheduler which we compare to other scheduling policies as well as to transport level solution like MTCP, obtaining always better result