5 research outputs found


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    Kesuksesan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan core business dan menjaga kesimbangan manfaat dalam mendukung keputusan strategik mutlak dilakukan organisasi. Untuk itu manajemen harus memiliki sistem kendali internal atau kerangka kerja yang digunakan sebagai alat optimalisasi tingkat resiko dan penggunaan sumber daya terkait pengelolaan TI.Salah satu panduan pengelolaan TI yang terus meningkat penggunaannya adalah COBIT (Control Objective for Information Related Technology) yang diterbitkan oleh ISACA (Information System Audit and Control Association). Beberapa lembaga survey dalam bidang IT governance mengungkapkan peningkatan yang cukup tinggi terhadap penggunaan COBIT pada organisasi. Peningkatan penggunaan COBIT ini tidak terlepas dari adanya pergeseran budaya TI dan meningkatnya kesadaran organisasi terhadap pengelolaan TI. COBIT diterbitkan secara spesifik untuk menjawab tantangan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi secara global sesuai dengan misinya yaitu terus melakukan penelitian untuk penyempurnaan sebagai alat pengelolaan TI yang berstandar internasional.Studi literatur ini memperlihatkan beberapa fasilitas yang terdapat dalam COBIT 4.0/4.1 dan perubahan-perubahan dalam COBIT 5 serta memperlihatkan beberapa organisasi di dunia yang menerapkan COBIT 4.0/4.1 dan 5 dalam pengelolaan TI

    A Framework for Implementing IT Service Management in the Field of Pre-hospital Emergency Management with an Integrated Approach COBIT Maturity Model and ITIL Framework

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    Introduction: The purpose of this research is to provide an appropriate framework forimplementing IT management services in the field of pre-hospital emergencies with anintegrated approach of COBIT maturity model and ITIL framework.Methods: In a qualitative part, experts familiar with the field of pre-hospital emergency andinformation technology were purposefully selected. In the quantitative phase of the statisticalcommunity, we included experts in the field of information technology management whoare also experts in the field of emergency, as well as university professors who workedin the field of emergency and senior and middle managers in the field of pre-hospitalemergency entered the community. Considering the limitations of the community and thepurposefulness of the selection of individuals to enter the community, 915 individuals wereselected as a sample. To select a sample in the quantitative section, Morgan table was used.They were selected by simple random method using software. To collect information, wefirst reviewed the texts and articles in the field of ITIL and COBIT and then the extractedcodes in this category were reviewed and an overview of the research was obtained; then,in the qualitative part the interview method and in the quantitative part the researchermadequestionnaire were used. To analyze the data in the qualitative section, we used MAXQDA software to review and categorize the information. Then, in the quantitative section,the researcher-made questionnaire was collected and finally the model was fitted usingconfirmatory factor analysis.Results: In the end, it was concluded that the main components such as management,organization, processes, eyes, size, goals of the organization, staff, monitoring and evaluation,support, organization, information architecture and service delivery and their subcomponentswere the main factors that should be paid special attention in the field of prehospitalemergency management.Conclusion: To be more successful in implementing the organization’s framework, it mustidentify the most important problems and then create a controllable domain to implementservice support processes in the organization. The selected processes should be strongly andclearly supported by the general management of the organization. A codified and specificplan for implementation should be developed. A coordinated and planned approach fordesign, implementation should be specified and after the implementation of the mentionedprocesses. After expressing the output measurement indicators of the processes, the outputsshould be measured and based on the changes that exist, these changes should be consideredand returned to the planning stage to re-formulate the steps

    Management of IS Outsourcing Relationships – A Dyadic Analysis of Antecedents and Consequences of Dependencies and Power

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    Many companies today rely heavily on specialized information technology (IT) suppliers for fulfilling their IT demands. However, external provision, i.e., outsourcing, of IT services is a risky endeavor, and expectations are frequently not met. This dissertation addresses the challenge of successfully managing outsourcing relationships between clients and IT suppliers. The dissertation begins by presenting results from a multiple case study that analyzes the organizational design of the management of supplier relations in the IT organizations of five client companies. These results contribute to research in this area and show IT decision makers on the client side efficient ways of organizing the ‘client-supplier interface’. Special attention is paid to the risks associated with outsourcing arrangements that should be addressed as part of successful relationship management. From a client’s perspective, excessive dependence on the IT supplier is viewed as a major outsourcing hazard. However, research from related disciplines suggests not only analyzing a client’s dependence but also incorporating the supplier’s dependence on the client in a dyadic exchange relationship. Differences between the dependency levels of the client and the supplier can lead to a power advantage for one party that can then be used to the detriment of the dependence-disadvantaged party. The dissertation investigates different dependence and power constellations in outsourcing relationships using a case study approach. The investigation results in conceptualizations and measurement instruments for client and supplier dependence in outsourcing relationships. The dissertation ends with a large-scale empirical survey that analyzes the effects of different combinations of dependencies and power use on the contractual partners’ satisfaction with the exchange performance. Taken together, the results advance knowledge about the successful management of outsourcing relationships and, more specifically, they enable clients and IT suppliers to capture and optimize dependence relations

    Developing a socio-technical process framework for information systems project management in a Public HEI : a case study of Kuwait University

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    The observable variety in Information Systems projects outcomes is a global phenomenon, and IS projects in the State of Kuwait are no exception. The participatory approach of managing IS projects by including key stakeholders (e.g. top and middle managers, IT support, external vendors, consultants, and users) became a commonly accepted fashion both in public and private institutions to improve project efficiency and effectiveness. The consensus is that IS project success relies on interlinked factors that support/hinder those stakeholders in reaching their planned goals. Accordingly, these factors are socio-technical as they continuously affect the interplay between the social sub-system and technical sub-system of the IS project. Aiming to understand the status quo of IS project implementation at Kuwait University, this thesis adopts McLeod and MacDonell’s framework (2011) supported by the Social-Technical Theory (Mumford, 2006). Both led the researcher to explore different factors that affect individual’s actions, development process, project content, and the overall project outcomes in Kuwait University (as a public institution). The Kuwaiti context is under-researched and required an interpretative research approach to shed light on this developing context and address the expanding west-east digital divide. In doing so, a qualitative case study was best suited to help capture the social construction of those success factors and reveal their constructive influence on the IS project success/failure. Out of 23 semi-structured interviews, our findings refer to an “event” as a temporal instance that causes turbulence/imbalance between individual’s actions, the development process, and project context. During these incidents, the project outcomes respond differently to the institutional environment. Further, our evidence pointed to two layers of institutional factors that reflect completely different epistemological grounds; country-level versus organisational level. While the former reflects the political factors that shape the outcomes of IS projects in the State of Kuwait in general, the latter reflects socio-technical factors that apply on educational IS systems developed in Kuwait University. Theoretically, a revised model of educational IS development has been developed to reflect the temporal dimension that shapes the development process and the project outcomes. McLeod and MacDonell’s process-based framework offers a socio-technical view that is untapped in the original framework and helps set out the right policies and practices of IS project management for practitioners and regulators in Kuwait University. Furthermore, the political and cultural insights offered by the research participants would assist western universities while developing IS educational projects in Kuwait through franchise entry mode or distant learning