255 research outputs found

    Corruption and entrepreneurship: A bibliometric analysis

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    The impact of corruption on entrepreneurial dynamics became an attractive topic for scholars after the appearance of public scandals that led to the delegitimization of many governments in the last 40 years. The research that explored the relationship between corruption and entrepreneurship has produced controversial results. It appears that the interaction of these two constructs is influenced by contextual factors both at an individual and national level of analysis. By using a bibliometric methodology and a fractional counting method to analyse the scientific literature on corruption and entrepreneurship, this paper identifies and analyses 180 articles recorded in the Scopus database. It represents a contribution by showing the state of the art of research on corruption and entrepreneurship and proposes future lines of research. Important results have been found about the evolution of the volume of articles and citations on this topic over time. Significant academic interest in this field commenced in the 21st century, and more specifically in the last ten years. This work also provides findings about the most prolific journals, institutions and authors, as well as the most relevant countries, with the United States and United Kingdom leading in terms of the number of publications. In addition, an in-depth analysis of authors' keywords has identified different trends, such as institutions, economic growth, shadow economy, regulation, Africa, culture, economic development, business environment, and informal economy. Finally, some future research lines are proposed, such as institutional theory, tax morale, corruption perceptions, European regions, risk aversion and institutional entrepreneurship

    Twenty Years of Random Forest: preliminary results of a systematic literature review

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    The Random Forest (RF) model consists of an ensemble classifier that produces many decision trees through the use of a randomly selected subset of samples and training variables. The RF model has assumed importance within the scientific community thanks to its performance. The accuracy of its classifications and prediction has allowed the use of RF in several research domains, which have benefited from it. The present study aims to provide a preliminary review of the whole sci- entific production characterized by all the publications citing the article ”Random Forest” by Breiman, 2001, in the last 20 years (2001-2021)

    Information Metrics (iMetrics): A Research Specialty with a Socio-Cognitive Identity?

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    "Bibliometrics", "scientometrics", "informetrics", and "webometrics" can all be considered as manifestations of a single research area with similar objectives and methods, which we call "information metrics" or iMetrics. This study explores the cognitive and social distinctness of iMetrics with respect to the general information science (IS), focusing on a core of researchers, shared vocabulary and literature/knowledge base. Our analysis investigates the similarities and differences between four document sets. The document sets are drawn from three core journals for iMetrics research (Scientometrics, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and Journal of Informetrics). We split JASIST into document sets containing iMetrics and general IS articles. The volume of publications in this representation of the specialty has increased rapidly during the last decade. A core of researchers that predominantly focus on iMetrics topics can thus be identified. This core group has developed a shared vocabulary as exhibited in high similarity of title words and one that shares a knowledge base. The research front of this field moves faster than the research front of information science in general, bringing it closer to Price's dream.Comment: Accepted for publication in Scientometric

    Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) Through Bibliometric Lenses

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    Abstract Purpose: This study aims to examine the published data from the journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). A quarterly journal of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE). The study\u27s goal is to provide a venue for exchanging ideas and research in the library field. Designed/methodology/approach: The Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) published work between 2015 and 2021 is analyzed using a bibliometric technique. The Authorship Pattern is part of the analysis. Contributions from various organizations and the most dynamic authorship and geographic distribution of the published work. Research limitation(s): The research was limited to five years of performance from 2015 to 2021, and no other factors were considered for this paper. Key finding(s): During 2015-21, a total of 445 Authors contributed 230 papers, averaging 5.2 articles per issue. According to the study, single authors authored 131 (57 percent) of the 230 publications, and the most prolific authors were from the United States of America. Practical implication(s): According to this study, the current style and publication procedures have gaps and loopholes. The analysis will surely raise awareness among potential authors, readers, and library information professionals in general and Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS) stakeholders and scholars. This research will aid in determining the journal\u27s scope and coverage. Contribution to knowledge: The present research will further highlight the scope of JELIS and contribute a handsome knowledge for the scholars in Canada and abroad. Stakeholders of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) and editors of this journal will boost their quality by reading this article. This contribution is the first attempt on JELIS and no other paper relevant to bibliometric on this journal has been contributed by others. This will also help novice researchers who want to research bibliometric examination of various journals and scholarly databases. It will add a scholarly realm by assisting and expanding knowledge’s boundaries

    Research Performance Of IFLA Journals Based On Scopus Database

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    This study examined the performance of selected IFLA journals for 22 years between 2001 to 2021. The methodology used in this study includes Annual Growth Rate (AGR), Relative Growth Rate (RGR), and Doubling Time (Dt), as well as countries and institutions. With the highest productivity and distribution of publications per year, used to evaluate research productivity. To obtain the information required for this study, the Scopus database was consulted. During the research period, 813 publications were retrieved. Based on the study, the most articles were published in 2021, 84 (10.33%), and the lowest number was 25 (3.07%) in 2018. Due to the annual increase in the constant fluctuations in publications, research shows an average, productivity in IFLA journals

    Social media marketing: A bibliometric study in digital marketing literatures

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    After the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the global market, people around the world reduced their visits to physical stores, however opted to make purchases online instead. By providing a platform for their products to be heard during the crisis, the public was able to express their opinion through social media.The purpose of this study is to improve the understanding of digital marketing and to examine the effects and factors that influence the use of social media (digital marketing), publication-related journals on online marketing on brands and consumers in the study of digital marketing.The study collected data using the Web of Science (WoS) SSCI database from January 2016 to June 2022 on the topic Digital Marketing , where 4,295 articles containing quantitative analysis of the relevant literature on Digital Marketing (DM) to find overall trends and predictions were adopted. Six different categories of DM articles were used to classify and investigate the different distribution states in order to find the relevant research developments and division states between 2016 and 2022. Research gaps and DMs are analyzed and synthesized, and a framework for future directions is proposed.This study presents the relevance of digital marketing journal capabilities to the advertising business, research trends and future information in organizing digital marketing (DM), marketing-related research and identifying the core of DM-related research, key aspects of measuring business performance. The proposed dimension of the Digital Marketing Capability Framework is to identify new research directions in the marketing and advertising chain. Systematic evaluation of the relevant literature is categorized at the company level. Key measures of the relevance of digital marketing capabilities to companies (B2C and B2B) and business performance are presented

    Publication Trends Of Pakistan Heart Journal: A Bibliometric Study

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    Objective:This paper aims to describe bibliometric study of scholarly literature published in Pakistan Heart Journalcoveringperiod from 2005 to 2015 and to explore publication trends. Methodology:This quantitative study applied required bibliometric methods to analyze Originalarticles, authorship pattern, citations, contributions from different regions and other relevant parameters of Pakistan Heart Journal covering period from January 2005 to June 2015. The data is collected from Postgraduate Medical Institute (PGMI) Library. Results:The study reveals that number of articles published in each issue of the journal ranges from 09 to 44. In regard to productivity, male authors hadhighest contribution (90.84%) and majority of authors belonged to Khyber Pukhtunkhwareion(41.69%). The finding shows that Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar had the highest research productivity in the region. Cardiologyis main subject area covered in the articles with Ischemic heart disease as leading topic (23%) followed by Preventive cardiology (19.47%). Articles with three authors were more in numbers (24.03%). Journal (95.36%) proved to be the more cited source of information.Variation was found in the number of references cited in each article, 38.67% (87) articles have 11-20 references. Article’s length was also analyzed and it was revealed thatmajority (30.22%) of articles were comprised of threepages. Conclusion: The Study investigated that the frequency of Pakistan Heart Journal found irregular with gradual increase in number of articles. Significantincrease in number of articles had been seen in the last five years.Being a special journal about heart diseases, largernumber of articles was on Ischemic heart disease followed by Preventivecardiology

    Bibliometric Analysis of the ASLIB Journal of Information Management from 2014 to 2021

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the papers published in the ASLIB Journal of Information Management between 2014 to 2021. The Scopus database was chosen for bibliographic data extraction. The VOSviewer software was used to visualize the research results using network maps. During the research period, 311 papers with 2534 citations were discovered. The publication trends of the ASLIB Journal of Information Management have been identified using a variety of bibliometric variables. The findings of the study revealed that, the most documents (n=52) were published in 2020, while the most citations (n=558) were recorded in 2015. In total, 827 authors from 51 nations contributed to the publications. The average number of citations per document (ACPD) is 8.15, with 22.65 (2014) being the most and 0.26 being the lowest (2021). The level of collaboration varies between 0.74 and 0.84. During the study period, the average degree of collaboration was 0.786. According to the findings, the ASLIB magazine of information management publishes high-quality research articles on a variety of library and information science topics. The Journal Citescore is 3.3, SJR is 0.558, and SNIP is 1.132, according to Scopus
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