3,943 research outputs found

    Voice Operated Guidance Systems for Vision Impaired People: Investigating a User-Centered Open Source Model

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    People who have impaired vision regularly use white canes and/or guide dogs to assist in obstacle avoidance. Guide dogs can also be of limited assistance for finding the way to a remote location, known as ??wayfinding?? Several electronic devices are currently available for providing guidance to a remote location, but these tend to be expensive, or make use of a Braille interface. This project investigated the suitability of a user centered client server approach for the development of a talking GPS system intended to fill a niche for outdoor wayfinding. The work resulted in a working prototype proof-of-concept system that uses a speech-recognition speech-synthesis interface. The prototype solution includes a custom web application which accesses the Google maps API. The system is intended to be scalable and extensible with additional features such as sensors for obstacle avoidance and access to web-based information such as weather, train or bus timetable information. The client server approach was found to be suitable for the development of this type of application

    Review of Machine Vision-Based Electronic Travel Aids

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    Visual impaired people have navigation and mobility problems on the road. Up to now, many approaches have been conducted to help them navigate around using different sensing techniques. This paper reviews several machine vision- based Electronic Travel Aids (ETAs) and compares them with those using other sensing techniques. The functionalities of machine vision-based ETAs are classified from low-level image processing such as detecting the road regions and obstacles to high-level functionalities such as recognizing the digital tags and texts. In addition, the characteristics of the ETA systems for blind people are particularly discussed

    Obstacle detection display for visually impaired:Coding of direction, distance, and height on a vibrotactile waist band

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    Electronic travel aids (ETAs) can potentially increase the safety and comfort of blind users by detecting and displaying obstacles outside the range of the white cane. In a series of experiments, we aim to balance the amount of information displayed and the comprehensibility of the information taking into account the risk of information overload. In Experiment 1, we investigate perception of compound signals displayed on a tactile vest while walking. The results confirm that the threat of information overload is clear and present. Tactile coding parameters that are sufficiently discriminable in isolation may not be so in compound signals and while walking and using the white cane. Horizontal tactor location is a strong coding parameter, and temporal pattern is the preferred secondary coding parameter. Vertical location is also possible as coding parameter but it requires additional tactors and makes the display hardware more complex and expensive and less user friendly. In Experiment 2, we investigate how we can off-load the tactile modality by mitigating part of the information to an auditory display. Off-loading the tactile modality through auditory presentation is possible, but this off-loading is limited and may result in a new threat of auditory overload. In addition, taxing the auditory channel may in turn interfere with other auditory cues from the environment. In Experiment 3, we off-load the tactile sense by reducing the amount of displayed information using several filter rules. The resulting design was evaluated in Experiment 4 with visually impaired users. Although they acknowledge the potential of the display, the added of the ETA as a whole also depends on its sensor and object recognition capabilities. We recommend to use not more than two coding parameters in a tactile compound message and apply filter rules to reduce the amount of obstacles to be displayed in an obstacle avoidance ETA.</p

    Detección y modelado de escaleras con sensor RGB-D para asistencia personal

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    La habilidad de avanzar y moverse de manera efectiva por el entorno resulta natural para la mayoría de la gente, pero no resulta fácil de realizar bajo algunas circunstancias, como es el caso de las personas con problemas visuales o cuando nos movemos en entornos especialmente complejos o desconocidos. Lo que pretendemos conseguir a largo plazo es crear un sistema portable de asistencia aumentada para ayudar a quienes se enfrentan a esas circunstancias. Para ello nos podemos ayudar de cámaras, que se integran en el asistente. En este trabajo nos hemos centrado en el módulo de detección, dejando para otros trabajos el resto de módulos, como podría ser la interfaz entre la detección y el usuario. Un sistema de guiado de personas debe mantener al sujeto que lo utiliza apartado de peligros, pero también debería ser capaz de reconocer ciertas características del entorno para interactuar con ellas. En este trabajo resolvemos la detección de uno de los recursos más comunes que una persona puede tener que utilizar a lo largo de su vida diaria: las escaleras. Encontrar escaleras es doblemente beneficioso, puesto que no sólo permite evitar posibles caídas sino que ayuda a indicar al usuario la posibilidad de alcanzar otro piso en el edificio. Para conseguir esto hemos hecho uso de un sensor RGB-D, que irá situado en el pecho del sujeto, y que permite captar de manera simultánea y sincronizada información de color y profundidad de la escena. El algoritmo usa de manera ventajosa la captación de profundidad para encontrar el suelo y así orientar la escena de la manera que aparece ante el usuario. Posteriormente hay un proceso de segmentación y clasificación de la escena de la que obtenemos aquellos segmentos que se corresponden con "suelo", "paredes", "planos horizontales" y una clase residual, de la que todos los miembros son considerados "obstáculos". A continuación, el algoritmo de detección de escaleras determina si los planos horizontales son escalones que forman una escalera y los ordena jerárquicamente. En el caso de que se haya encontrado una escalera, el algoritmo de modelado nos proporciona toda la información de utilidad para el usuario: cómo esta posicionada con respecto a él, cuántos escalones se ven y cuáles son sus medidas aproximadas. En definitiva, lo que se presenta en este trabajo es un nuevo algoritmo de ayuda a la navegación humana en entornos de interior cuya mayor contribución es un algoritmo de detección y modelado de escaleras que determina toda la información de mayor relevancia para el sujeto. Se han realizado experimentos con grabaciones de vídeo en distintos entornos, consiguiendo buenos resultados tanto en precisión como en tiempo de respuesta. Además se ha realizado una comparación de nuestros resultados con los extraídos de otras publicaciones, demostrando que no sólo se consigue una eciencia que iguala al estado de la materia sino que también se aportan una serie de mejoras. Especialmente, nuestro algoritmo es el primero capaz de obtener las dimensiones de las escaleras incluso con obstáculos obstruyendo parcialmente la vista, como puede ser gente subiendo o bajando. Como resultado de este trabajo se ha elaborado una publicación aceptada en el Second Workshop on Assitive Computer Vision and Robotics del ECCV, cuya presentación tiene lugar el 12 de Septiembre de 2014 en Zúrich, Suiza

    Secure Navigation System for Visually Impaired

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    A cane is commonly used to help blind people navigate on a path. A stick is used to inform them about any pits, obstacles or elevation. This paper presents a secure system which detects any obstacles using an Ultrasonic sensor. GPS-GSM module is used that gives us the location of the person and sends a message alert on the phone of their families on regular intervals. Also, obstacle detection warning is given through a voice command using speaker or headphones. This system is designed to help visually impaired navigate a path safely and without much difficulties. In the present ongoing systems the security and safety of the visually impaired person is not adequately taken care of. So we will be preparing an Electronic Travelling Aid (ETA) with ultrasonic sensor and GPS for increasing the security and safety of the visually impaired person. This system will be more efficient and cost effective as compared to its former systems

    Furthering Service 4.0: Harnessing Intelligent Immersive Environments and Systems

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    With the increasing complexity of service operations in different industries and more advanced uses of specialized equipment and procedures, the great current challenge for companies is to increase employees' expertise and their ability to maintain and improve service quality. In this regard, Service 4.0 aims to support and promote innovation in service operations using emergent technology. Current technological innovations present a significant opportunity to provide on-site, real-time support for field service professionals in many areas

    From A to Z: Wearable technology explained

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    Wearable technology (WT) has become a viable means to provide low-cost clinically sensitive data for more informed patient assessment. The benefit of WT seems obvious: small, worn discreetly in any environment, personalised data and possible integration into communication networks, facilitating remote monitoring. Yet, WT remains poorly understood and technology innovation often exceeds pragmatic clinical demand and use. Here, we provide an overview of the common challenges facing WT if it is to transition from novel gadget to an efficient, valid and reliable clinical tool for modern medicine. For simplicity, an A–Z guide is presented, focusing on key terms, aiming to provide a grounded and broad understanding of current WT developments in healthcare