744,398 research outputs found

    Toward Open-Set Face Recognition

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    Much research has been conducted on both face identification and face verification, with greater focus on the latter. Research on face identification has mostly focused on using closed-set protocols, which assume that all probe images used in evaluation contain identities of subjects that are enrolled in the gallery. Real systems, however, where only a fraction of probe sample identities are enrolled in the gallery, cannot make this closed-set assumption. Instead, they must assume an open set of probe samples and be able to reject/ignore those that correspond to unknown identities. In this paper, we address the widespread misconception that thresholding verification-like scores is a good way to solve the open-set face identification problem, by formulating an open-set face identification protocol and evaluating different strategies for assessing similarity. Our open-set identification protocol is based on the canonical labeled faces in the wild (LFW) dataset. Additionally to the known identities, we introduce the concepts of known unknowns (known, but uninteresting persons) and unknown unknowns (people never seen before) to the biometric community. We compare three algorithms for assessing similarity in a deep feature space under an open-set protocol: thresholded verification-like scores, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) scores, and an extreme value machine (EVM) probabilities. Our findings suggest that thresholding EVM probabilities, which are open-set by design, outperforms thresholding verification-like scores.Comment: Accepted for Publication in CVPR 2017 Biometrics Worksho

    Unconstrained Face Detection and Open-Set Face Recognition Challenge

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    Face detection and recognition benchmarks have shifted toward more difficult environments. The challenge presented in this paper addresses the next step in the direction of automatic detection and identification of people from outdoor surveillance cameras. While face detection has shown remarkable success in images collected from the web, surveillance cameras include more diverse occlusions, poses, weather conditions and image blur. Although face verification or closed-set face identification have surpassed human capabilities on some datasets, open-set identification is much more complex as it needs to reject both unknown identities and false accepts from the face detector. We show that unconstrained face detection can approach high detection rates albeit with moderate false accept rates. By contrast, open-set face recognition is currently weak and requires much more attention.Comment: This is an ERRATA version of the paper originally presented at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics. Due to a bug in our evaluation code, the results of the participants changed. The final conclusion, however, is still the sam


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    During the past many decades, many face recognition algorithms have been proposed. The face recognition problem under controlled environment has been well studied and almost solved. However, in unconstrained environments, the performance of face recognition methods could still be significantly affected by factors such as illumination, pose, resolution, occlusion, aging, etc. In this thesis, we look into the problem of face recognition across these variations and quantization. We present a face recognition algorithm based on simultaneous sparse approximations under varying illumination and pose with dictionaries learned for each class. A novel test image is projected onto the span of the atoms in each learned dictionary. The resulting residual vectors are then used for classification. An image relighting technique based on pose-robust albedo estimation is used to generate multiple frontal images of the same person with variable lighting. As a result, the proposed algorithm has the ability to recognize human faces with high accuracy even when only a single or a very few images per person are provided for training. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated using publicly available databases and it is shown that this method is efficient and can perform significantly better than many competitive face recognition algorithms. The problem of recognizing facial images across aging remains an open problem. We look into this problem by studying the growth in the facial shapes. Building on recent advances in landmark extraction, and statistical techniques for landmark-based shape analysis, we show that using well-defined shape spaces and its associated geometry, one can obtain significant performance improvements in face verification. Toward this end, we propose to model the facial shapes as points on a Grassmann manifold. The face verification problem is then formulated as a classification problem on this manifold. We then propose a relative craniofacial growth model which is based on the science of craniofacial anthropometry and integrate it with the Grassmann manifold and the SVM classifier. Experiments show that the proposed method is able to mitigate the variations caused by the aging progress and thus effectively improve the performance of open-set face verification across aging. In applications such as document understanding, only binary face images may be available as inputs to a face recognition algorithm. We investigate the effects of quantization on several classical face recognition algorithms. We study the performances of PCA and multiple exemplar discriminant analysis (MEDA) algorithms with quantized images and with binary images modified by distance and Box-Cox transforms. We propose a dictionary-based method for reconstructing the grey scale facial images from the quantized facial images. Two dictionaries with low mutual coherence are learned for the grey scale and quantized training images respectively using a modified KSVD method. A linear transform function between the sparse vectors of quantized images and the sparse vectors of grey scale images is estimated using the training data. In the testing stage, a grey scale image is reconstructed from the quantized image using the transform matrix and normalized dictionaries. The identities of the reconstructed grey scale images are then determined using the dictionary-based face recognition (DFR) algorithm. Experimental results show that the reconstructed images are similar to the original grey-scale images and the performance of face recognition on the quantized images is comparable to the performance on grey scale images. The online social network and social media is growing rapidly. It is interesting to study the impact of social network on computer vision algorithms. We address the problem of automated face recognition on a social network using a loopy belief propagation framework. The proposed approach propagates the identities of faces in photos across social graphs. We characterize its performance in terms of structural properties of the given social network. We propose a distance metric defined using face recognition results for detecting hidden connections. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed on graph structure networks, scalability, different degrees of nodes, labeling errors correction and hidden connections discovery. The result demonstrates that the constraints imposed by the social network have the potential to improve the performance of face recognition methods. The result also shows it is possible to discover hidden connections in a social network based on face recognition

    People tracking and re-identification by face recognition for RGB-D camera networks

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    This paper describes a face recognition-based people tracking and re-identification system for RGB-D camera networks. The system tracks people and learns their faces online to keep track of their identities even if they move out from the camera's field of view once. For robust people re-identification, the system exploits the combination of a deep neural network- based face representation and a Bayesian inference-based face classification method. The system also provides a predefined people identification capability: it associates the online learned faces with predefined people face images and names to know the people's whereabouts, thus, allowing a rich human-system interaction. Through experiments, we validate the re-identification and the predefined people identification capabilities of the system and show an example of the integration of the system with a mobile robot. The overall system is built as a Robot Operating System (ROS) module. As a result, it simplifies the integration with the many existing robotic systems and algorithms which use such middleware. The code of this work has been released as open-source in order to provide a baseline for the future publications in this field

    Peer Review, Peer Education, and Modeling in the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Zadeh Project

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    This open access book about the Zadeh Project demonstrates and explores a core question in clinical ethics: how can ethics consultants be accountable in the face of a robust plurality of ethical standpoints, especially those that underwrite practices and methods for doing ethics consultation as well as those viewpoints and values encountered in daily clinical ethics practice? Underscoring this question is the recognition that the field of clinical ethics consultation has arrived at a crucial point in its maturation. Many efforts are underway to more formally “professionalize” the field, with most aimed toward stabilizing a specific set of institutional considerations. Stretched between these institutional and practical initiatives resides a crucial set of of ethical considerations, chief among them the meaning and scope of responsibility for clinical ethics consultants. Developed around a long-form case scenario, the Zadeh Project provides a multi-layered series of “peer-reviews”: critique of the actions of the case scenario’s ethics consultant; reflection on clinical ethics method; examination of the many ways that commitments to method and practice can, and do, intersect, overlap, and alter one another. The design and format of this book thus models a key element for clinical ethics practice: the need and ability to provide careful and thoughtful explanation of core moral considerations that emerge among diverse standpoints. Specifically designed for those studying to become and those who are ethics consultants, this book, with its innovative and multi-layered approach, allows readers to share a peer-review-like experience that shows accountability to be what it is, an ethical, not merely procedural or administrative, undertaking

    Learning from Millions of 3D Scans for Large-scale 3D Face Recognition

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    Deep networks trained on millions of facial images are believed to be closely approaching human-level performance in face recognition. However, open world face recognition still remains a challenge. Although, 3D face recognition has an inherent edge over its 2D counterpart, it has not benefited from the recent developments in deep learning due to the unavailability of large training as well as large test datasets. Recognition accuracies have already saturated on existing 3D face datasets due to their small gallery sizes. Unlike 2D photographs, 3D facial scans cannot be sourced from the web causing a bottleneck in the development of deep 3D face recognition networks and datasets. In this backdrop, we propose a method for generating a large corpus of labeled 3D face identities and their multiple instances for training and a protocol for merging the most challenging existing 3D datasets for testing. We also propose the first deep CNN model designed specifically for 3D face recognition and trained on 3.1 Million 3D facial scans of 100K identities. Our test dataset comprises 1,853 identities with a single 3D scan in the gallery and another 31K scans as probes, which is several orders of magnitude larger than existing ones. Without fine tuning on this dataset, our network already outperforms state of the art face recognition by over 10%. We fine tune our network on the gallery set to perform end-to-end large scale 3D face recognition which further improves accuracy. Finally, we show the efficacy of our method for the open world face recognition problem.Comment: 11 page