8 research outputs found

    Toward Implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems Data Sharing Principles

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    This White Paper reviews the background issues for implementing the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles and recommends Implementation Guidelines to ensure the strongest possible framework for data sharing, consistent with both the spirit and the “letter” of the Principles. As recognized by the 10-Year Implementation Plan, “ensuring that such information is available to those who need it is a function of governments and institutions at all levels.” It is therefore incumbent on governments and institutions participating in GEOSS to continue to develop and implement appropriate policies and procedures that enable and support the GEOSS Data Sharing Principles in fair and effective ways. The implementation approaches discussed here are intended to facilitate this process

    Open data and Earth observations

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    Abstract Earth observations (EO) represent a growing and valuable resource for many scientific, research and practical applications carried out by users around the world. Access to EO data for some applications or activities, like climate change research or emergency response activities, becomes indispensable for their success. However, often EO data or products made of them are (or are claimed to be) subject to intellectual property law protection and are licensed under specific conditions regarding access and use. Restrictive conditions on data use can be prohibitive for further work with the data. Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is an initiative led by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) with the aim to provide coordinated, comprehensive, and sustained EO and information for making informed decisions in various areas beneficial to societies, their functioning and development. It seeks to share data with users world-wide with the fewest possible restrictions on their use by implementing GEOSS Data Sharing Principles adopted by GEO. The Principles proclaim full and open exchange of data shared within GEOSS, while recognizing relevant international instruments and national policies and legislation through which restrictions on the use of data may be imposed. The proposed paper focuses on the issue of the legal-interoperability of data that are shared with varying restrictions on use with the aim to explore the options of making data interoperable. The paper analyses legal protection regimes and their norms applicable to EO data. Based on the findings, it highlights the existing public law statutory, regulatory, and policy approaches, as well as private law instruments, such as waivers, licenses and contracts, that may be used to place the datasets in the public domain, or otherwise make them publicly available for use and re-use without restrictions. It uses GEOSS and the particular characteristics of it as a system to identify the ways to reconcile the vast possibilities it provides through sharing of data from various sources and jurisdictions on the one hand, and the restrictions on the use of the shared resources on the other. On a more general level the paper seeks to draw attention to the obstacles and potential regulatory solutions for sharing factual or research data for the purposes that go beyond research and education

    Development of global soil information facilities

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    ISRIC - World Soil Information has a mandate to serve the international community as custodian of global soil information and to increase awareness and understanding of the role of soils in major global issues. To adapt to the current demand for soil information, ISRIC is updating its enterprise data management system, including procedures for registering acquired data, such as lineage, versioning, quality assessment, and control. Data can be submitted, queried, and analysed using a growing range of web-based services - ultimately aiming at full and open exchange of data, metadata, and products - through the ICSU-accredited World Data Centre for Soils

    Executable Architectures Using Cuckoo Search Optimization Coupled with OPM and CPN-A Module: A New Meta-Architecture Model for FILA SoS

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    Understanding System of Systems (SoS) requires novel ways to apply systems engineering processes. Acknowledged SoS have recognized objectives, a designated manager and resources for the SoS. The goal of this research is to develop a proof of concept tool suite for Acknowledged SoS systems simulation. This suite is named flexible, intelligent and learning architectures for System of Systems (FILA-SoS). FILA-SoS assists the SoS manager in architecture generation, selection, and implementation working as an aid for decision making. Binary cuckoo search constrained optimization is used to generate meta-architectures which are evaluated by a fuzzy assessor for quality assurance. The architecture is then converted into an executable structure using Object Process Methodology (OPM) and Colored Petri Nets (CPN). A hybrid methodology comprising of OPM and CPN approach is implemented for simulating the acquisition environment. Initial application for a Search and Rescue (SAR) SoS, consisting of 25 individual systems with ten capabilities gave promising results

    A Proposal on Using Reuse Readiness Levels to Measure Software Reusability

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    The use of scientific data is becoming increasingly dependent on the software that fosters such use. As the ability to reuse software contributes to capabilities for reusing software-dependent data, instruments for measuring software reusability contribute to the reuse of software and related data. The development and current state of a proposed set of Reuse Readiness Levels (RRLs) are summarized, and potential uses of the software reusability measures are described, along with proposed use cases to support sponsorship of software projects, software production, software adoption, and data stewardship during the systems development lifecycle and the data lifecycle

    Computational intelligence based complex adaptive system-of-systems architecture evolution strategy

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    The dynamic planning for a system-of-systems (SoS) is a challenging endeavor. Large scale organizations and operations constantly face challenges to incorporate new systems and upgrade existing systems over a period of time under threats, constrained budget and uncertainty. It is therefore necessary for the program managers to be able to look at the future scenarios and critically assess the impact of technology and stakeholder changes. Managers and engineers are always looking for options that signify affordable acquisition selections and lessen the cycle time for early acquisition and new technology addition. This research helps in analyzing sequential decisions in an evolving SoS architecture based on the wave model through three key features namely; meta-architecture generation, architecture assessment and architecture implementation. Meta-architectures are generated using evolutionary algorithms and assessed using type II fuzzy nets. The approach can accommodate diverse stakeholder views and convert them to key performance parameters (KPP) and use them for architecture assessment. On the other hand, it is not possible to implement such architecture without persuading the systems to participate into the meta-architecture. To address this issue a negotiation model is proposed which helps the SoS manger to adapt his strategy based on system owners behavior. This work helps in capturing the varied differences in the resources required by systems to prepare for participation. The viewpoints of multiple stakeholders are aggregated to assess the overall mission effectiveness of the overarching objective. An SAR SoS example problem illustrates application of the method. Also a dynamic programing approach can be used for generating meta-architectures based on the wave model. --Abstract, page iii