3 research outputs found

    Hierarchal attribute based cryptographic model to handle security services in cloud environment: a new model

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    The sharing of information in the cloud is a unique element of the environment, but there is a risk that the information may land with the wrong people. To counterattack this problem, security-associated methodologies were used to secure the information that was readily available to clients. Despite the lack of benefits, this provides productive/adaptability and dependability in access control strategies between clients in the sharing of information. The novel hierarchal attribute-based cryptographic security model (NHACSM) is being proposed to provide adaptability, versatility, and access control in sharing information in the appropriate climate. This model allows clients to share information in a hierarchal way, allowing for a productive assessment of access control strategy and improved security. The NHACSM method is used to reduce the total time values for different user instances compared to conventional approaches, for example, attribute-set-based encryption (ASBE), key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE), and ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE). With respect to 10 instances existing methods achieve 2.7, 2.5, and 2.3 respectively, and also compared to 20, 30, 40, and 50 instances, our proposed method is low. The encryption and decryption time evaluation values and performance evaluation of different approaches, ASBE, CP-ABE, were taken into account when increasing the user instance

    An extensive research survey on data integrity and deduplication towards privacy in cloud storage

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    Owing to the highly distributed nature of the cloud storage system, it is one of the challenging tasks to incorporate a higher degree of security towards the vulnerable data. Apart from various security concerns, data privacy is still one of the unsolved problems in this regards. The prime reason is that existing approaches of data privacy doesn't offer data integrity and secure data deduplication process at the same time, which is highly essential to ensure a higher degree of resistance against all form of dynamic threats over cloud and internet systems. Therefore, data integrity, as well as data deduplication is such associated phenomena which influence data privacy. Therefore, this manuscript discusses the explicit research contribution toward data integrity, data privacy, and data deduplication. The manuscript also contributes towards highlighting the potential open research issues followed by a discussion of the possible future direction of work towards addressing the existing problems

    SDVADC: Secure Deduplication and Virtual Auditing of Data in Cloud

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    Over the last few years, deploying data to cloud service for repository is an appealing passion that avoids efforts on significant information sustenance and administration. In distributed repository utilities, deduplication technique is often exploited to minimize the capacity and bandwidth necesseties of amenities by erasing repetitive data and caching only a solitary duplicate of them. Proof-of-Ownership mechanisms authorize any possessor of the identical information to approve to the distributed repository server that he possess the information in a dynamic way. In repository utilities with enormous information, the repository servers may intend to minimize the capacity of cached information, and the customers may want to examine the integrity of their information with a reasonable cost. We propose Secure Deduplication and Virtual Auditing of Data in Cloud (SDVADC) mechanism that realizes integrity auditing and