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    UMAP 2018 HUM (Holistic User Modeling) Workshop Chairs’ Preface & Organization

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    It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the UMAP 2018 HUM (Holistic User Modeling) Workshop. According to a recent claim by IBM, 90% of the data available today have been created in the last two years. This exponential growth of online information has given new life to research in the area of user modeling and personalization, since information about users' preferences, sentiment and opinions, as well as signals describing their physical and psychological state, can now be obtained by mining data gathered from many heterogeneous sources. We can distinguish two important classes of such data sources. One of these comes from recent trends in Quantified Self (QS) and Personal Informatics, which has emphasized the use of technology to collect personal data on different aspects of people's daily lives. These data can be internal states (such as mood or glucose level) or indicators of performance (such as the kilometers run). The purpose of collecting these data is self-monitoring, performed to gain self-knowledge or to obtain some change or improvement (behavioral, psychological, therapeutic, etc.). Often these data are also exploited for behavior change purposes, for example to increase the user's physical activity. The other key category comes from the enormous amount of textual content that is continuously spread on social networks. This has driven a strong research effort to investigate to what extent such data can be exploited to infer user interests, personality traits, emotions, and knowledge. Moreover, the recent phenomenon of (Linked) Open Data fueled this research line by making available a huge amount of machine-readable textual data that can be used to connect all the data points spread in different data silos under a uniform representation formalism. The main goal of the workshop is to investigate whether techniques for advanced content representation and methodologies for gathering and modeling personal data (e.g. physiological, behavioral) can be exploited to build a new generation of personalized and intelligent systems in domains as diverse as health, learning, behavior change, e-government, smart cities (e.g., by combining mood data and music preferences data to provide recommendations on music to be listened)