44 research outputs found

    Lipschitz functions on topometric spaces

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    We study functions on topometric spaces which are both (metrically) Lipschitz and (topologically) continuous, using them in contexts where, in classical topology, ordinary continuous functions are used. We study the relations of such functions with topometric versions of classical separation axioms, namely, normality and complete regularity, as well as with completions of topometric spaces. We also recover a compact topometric space XX from the lattice of continuous 11-Lipschitz functions on XX, in analogy with the recovery of a compact topological space XX from the structure of (real or complex) functions on XX

    Metrizable universal minimal flows of Polish groups have a comeagre orbit

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    We prove that, whenever GG is a Polish group with metrizable universal minimal flow M(G)M(G), there exists a comeagre orbit in M(G)M(G). It then follows that there exists an extremely amenable, closed, coprecompact G∗G^* of GG such that M(G)=G/G∗^M(G) = \hat{G/G^*}

    Generic orbits and type isolation in the Gurarij space

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    We study the question of when the space of embeddings of a separable Banach space EE into the separable Gurarij space G\mathbf G admits a generic orbit under the action of the linear isometry group of G\mathbf G. The question is recast in model-theoretic terms, namely type isolation and the existence of prime models. We characterise isolated types over EE using tools from convex analysis. We show that if the set of isolated types over EE is dense, then a dense G_δG\_\delta orbit exists, and otherwise all orbits are meagre. We then study some (families of) examples with respect to this dichotomy. We also point out that the class of Gurarij spaces is the class of models of an ℵ_0\aleph\_0-categorical theory with quantifier elimination, and calculate the density character of the space of types over EE, answering a question of Avil{\'e}s et al

    Continuous first order logic and local stability

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    We develop continuous first order logic, a variant of the logic described in \cite{Chang-Keisler:ContinuousModelTheory}. We show that this logic has the same power of expression as the framework of open Hausdorff cats, and as such extends Henson's logic for Banach space structures. We conclude with the development of local stability, for which this logic is particularly well-suited

    Polish topometric groups

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    International audienceWe define and study the notion of \emph{ample metric generics} for a Polish topological group, which is a weakening of the notion of ample generics introduced by Kechris and Rosendal in \cite{Kechris-Rosendal:Turbulence}. Our work is based on the concept of a \emph{Polish topometric group}, defined in this article. Using Kechris and Rosendal's work as a guide, we explore consequences of ample metric generics (or, more generally, ample generics for Polish topometric groups). Then we provide examples of Polish groups with ample metric generics, such as the isometry group \Iso(\bU_1) of the bounded Urysohn space, the unitary group U(â„“2){\mathcal U}(\ell_2) of a separable Hilbert space, and the automorphism group \Aut([0,1],\lambda) of the Lebesgue measure algebra on [0,1][0,1]. We deduce from this and earlier work of Kittrell and Tsankov that this last group has the automatic continuity property, i.e., any morphism from \Aut([0,1],\lambda) into a separable topological group is continuous

    Definability of groups in ℵ0\aleph_0-stable metric structures

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    We prove that in a continuous ℵ0\aleph_0-stable theory every type-definable group is definable. The two main ingredients in the proof are: \begin{enumerate} \item Results concerning Morley ranks (i.e., Cantor-Bendixson ranks) from \cite{BenYaacov:TopometricSpacesAndPerturbations}, allowing us to prove the theorem in case the metric is invariant under the group action; and \item Results concerning the existence of translation-invariant definable metrics on type-definable groups and the extension of partial definable metrics to total ones. \end{enumerate