3 research outputs found

    Access Analysis of GEO, MEO, & LEO Satellite Systems

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    The goal of this study is to calculate access duration and intervals for three different kinds of satellite schemes to support a WSN (wireless sensor network). The first scenario involves only LEO-level satellites. The second scenario involves LEO, MEO, and GEO level satellites. The third scenario involves only MEO level satellites. These scenarios are simulated using STK (Systems Tool Kit)

    Communication Networks in CubeSat Constellations: Analysis, Design and Implementation

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    CubeSat constellations are redefining the way we approach to space missions, from the particular impact on scientific mission possibilities, constellations potential is growing with the increasing accessibility in terms of low development and launch costs and higher performances of the available technologies for CubeSats. In this thesis we focus on communication networks in CubeSat constellations: the project consist of developing a clustering algorithm able to group small satellites in order to create an optimized communication network by considering problems related to mutual access time and communication capabilities we reduce the typical negative effects of clustering algorithms such as ripple effect of re-clustering and optimizing the cluster-head formation number. The network creation is exploited by our proposed hardware system, composed by a phased array with up to 10dB gain, managed by a beamforming algorithm, to increase the total data volume transferable from a CubeSat constellation to the ground station. The total data volume earned vary from 40% to a peak of 99% more, depending on the constellation topology analyzed

    A versatile constellation of microsatellites with electric propulsion for Earth Observation: mission analysis and platform design

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    The increasing interest towards the exploitation of the observations from the space to support daily human activities devoted to land and vegetation management is the starting point for the creation of Earth Observation missions. Actual state-of-art technology and future perspectives allow to think to design a very small platform able to be equipped with an instrument devoted to satisfy requirements imposed by all possible involved users. This thesis describes the mission analysis related to a constellation of microsatellites which seems an optimum solution to achieve with limited costs the very high performance demanded by applications for natural resources management, like for example agriculture or disasters monitoring. The presence of a micro-electric propulsion device on-board the platform like the ALTA HT100D is studied. This unique feature of the mission provides an excellent degree of versatility, ensuring a further reduction of costs and increase of performance. Different mission scenarios are proposed, and a preliminary design of the platform is provided