873 research outputs found

    State-recycling and time-resolved imaging in topological photonic lattices

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    Photonic lattices - arrays of optical waveguides - are powerful platforms for simulating a range of phenomena, including topological phases. While probing dynamics is possible in these systems, by reinterpreting the propagation direction as "time," accessing long timescales constitutes a severe experimental challenge. Here, we overcome this limitation by placing the photonic lattice in a cavity, which allows the optical state to evolve through the lattice multiple times. The accompanying detection method, which exploits a multi-pixel single-photon detector array, offers quasi-real time-resolved measurements after each round trip. We apply the state-recycling scheme to intriguing photonic lattices emulating Dirac fermions and Floquet topological phases. In this new platform, we also realise a synthetic pulsed electric field, which can be used to drive transport within photonic lattices. This work opens a new route towards the detection of long timescale effects in engineered photonic lattices and the realization of hybrid analogue-digital simulators.Comment: Comments are welcom

    Anderson localization in generalized discrete time quantum walks

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    We study Anderson localization in a generalized discrete time quantum walk - a unitary map related to a Floquet driven quantum lattice. It is controlled by a quantum coin matrix which depends on four angles with the meaning of potential and kinetic energy, and external and internal synthetic flux. Such quantum coins can be engineered with microwave pulses in qubit chains. The ordered case yields a two-band eigenvalue structure on the unit circle which becomes completely flat in the limit of vanishing kinetic energy. Disorder in the external magnetic field does not impact localization. Disorder in all the remaining angles yields Anderson localization. In particular, kinetic energy disorder leads to logarithmic divergence of the localization length at spectral symmetry points. Strong disorder in potential and internal magnetic field energies allows to obtain analytical expressions for spectrally independent localization length which is highly useful for various applications.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Topological Photonics

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    Topological photonics is a rapidly emerging field of research in which geometrical and topological ideas are exploited to design and control the behavior of light. Drawing inspiration from the discovery of the quantum Hall effects and topological insulators in condensed matter, recent advances have shown how to engineer analogous effects also for photons, leading to remarkable phenomena such as the robust unidirectional propagation of light, which hold great promise for applications. Thanks to the flexibility and diversity of photonics systems, this field is also opening up new opportunities to realize exotic topological models and to probe and exploit topological effects in new ways. This article reviews experimental and theoretical developments in topological photonics across a wide range of experimental platforms, including photonic crystals, waveguides, metamaterials, cavities, optomechanics, silicon photonics, and circuit QED. A discussion of how changing the dimensionality and symmetries of photonics systems has allowed for the realization of different topological phases is offered, and progress in understanding the interplay of topology with non-Hermitian effects, such as dissipation, is reviewed. As an exciting perspective, topological photonics can be combined with optical nonlinearities, leading toward new collective phenomena and novel strongly correlated states of light, such as an analog of the fractional quantum Hall effect.Comment: 87 pages, 30 figures, published versio

    Spectral Theory of Sparse Non-Hermitian Random Matrices

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    Sparse non-Hermitian random matrices arise in the study of disordered physical systems with asymmetric local interactions, and have applications ranging from neural networks to ecosystem dynamics. The spectral characteristics of these matrices provide crucial information on system stability and susceptibility, however, their study is greatly complicated by the twin challenges of a lack of symmetry and a sparse interaction structure. In this review we provide a concise and systematic introduction to the main tools and results in this field. We show how the spectra of sparse non-Hermitian matrices can be computed via an analogy with infinite dimensional operators obeying certain recursion relations. With reference to three illustrative examples --- adjacency matrices of regular oriented graphs, adjacency matrices of oriented Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs, and adjacency matrices of weighted oriented Erd\H{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs --- we demonstrate the use of these methods to obtain both analytic and numerical results for the spectrum, the spectral distribution, the location of outlier eigenvalues, and the statistical properties of eigenvectors.Comment: 60 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum walk approach to search on fractal structures

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    We study continuous-time quantum walks mimicking the quantum search based on Grover's procedure. This allows us to consider structures, that is, databases, with arbitrary topological arrangements of their entries. We show that the topological structure of the database plays a crucial role by analyzing, both analytically and numerically, the transition from the ground to the first excited state of the Hamiltonian associated with different (fractal) structures. Additionally, we use the probability of successfully finding a specific target as another indicator of the importance of the topological structure.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure