6 research outputs found

    Chromatic number, clique subdivisions, and the conjectures of Haj\'os and Erd\H{o}s-Fajtlowicz

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    For a graph GG, let χ(G)\chi(G) denote its chromatic number and σ(G)\sigma(G) denote the order of the largest clique subdivision in GG. Let H(n) be the maximum of χ(G)/σ(G)\chi(G)/\sigma(G) over all nn-vertex graphs GG. A famous conjecture of Haj\'os from 1961 states that σ(G)χ(G)\sigma(G) \geq \chi(G) for every graph GG. That is, H(n)1H(n) \leq 1 for all positive integers nn. This conjecture was disproved by Catlin in 1979. Erd\H{o}s and Fajtlowicz further showed by considering a random graph that H(n)cn1/2/lognH(n) \geq cn^{1/2}/\log n for some absolute constant c>0c>0. In 1981 they conjectured that this bound is tight up to a constant factor in that there is some absolute constant CC such that χ(G)/σ(G)Cn1/2/logn\chi(G)/\sigma(G) \leq Cn^{1/2}/\log n for all nn-vertex graphs GG. In this paper we prove the Erd\H{o}s-Fajtlowicz conjecture. The main ingredient in our proof, which might be of independent interest, is an estimate on the order of the largest clique subdivision which one can find in every graph on nn vertices with independence number α\alpha.Comment: 14 page

    Crux, space constraints and subdivisions

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    For a given graph HH, its subdivisions carry the same topological structure. The existence of HH-subdivisions within a graph GG has deep connections with topological, structural and extremal properties of GG. One prominent examples of such connections, due to Bollob\'{a}s and Thomason and independently Koml\'os and Szemer\'edi, asserts that the average degree of GG being dd ensures a KΩ(d)K_{\Omega(\sqrt{d})}-subdivision in GG. Although this square-root bound is best possible, various results showed that much larger clique subdivisions can be found in a graph from many natural classes. We investigate the connection between crux, a notion capturing the essential order of a graph, and the existence of large clique subdivisions. This reveals the unifying cause underpinning all those improvements for various classes of graphs studied. Roughly speaking, when embedding subdivisions, natural space constraints arise; and such space constraints can be measured via crux. Our main result gives an asymptotically optimal bound on the size of a largest clique subdivision in a generic graph GG, which is determined by both its average degree and its crux size. As corollaries, we obtain (1) a characterisation of extremal graphs for which the square-root bound above is tight: they are essentially disjoint union of graphs each of which has the crux size linear in dd; (2) a unifying approach to find a clique subdivision of almost optimal size in graphs which does not contain a fixed bipartite graph as a subgraph; (3) and that the clique subdivision size in random graphs G(n,p)G(n,p) witnesses a dichotomy: when p=ω(n1/2)p = \omega(n^{-1/2}), the barrier is the space, while when p=o(n1/2)p=o( n^{-1/2}), the bottleneck is the density.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Topological cliques of random graphs

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    Given a graph G, denote by tcl(G) the largest integer r for which G contains a TKr, a toplogical complete r-graph. We show that for every ε{lunate} \u3e 0 almost every graph G of order n satisfies (2-ε)n 1 2 ≤ tlc(G)≤(2+ε) 1 2. © 1981