7,794 research outputs found

    Spin-Charge Separation and the Pauli Electron

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    The separation between the spin and the charge converts the quantum mechanical Pauli Hamiltonian into the Hamiltonian of the non-Abelian Georgi-Glashow model, notorious for its magnetic monopoles and confinement. The independent spin and charge fluctuations both lead to the Faddeev model, suggesting the existence of a deep duality structure and indicating that the fundamental carriers of spin and charge are knotted solitons.Comment: 7 pages; v2: new results added, references update

    Spontaneous Inter-layer Coherence in Double-Layer Quantum-Hall Systems I: Charged Vortices and Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase Transitions

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    At strong magnetic fields double-layer two-dimensional-electron-gas systems can form an unusual broken symmetry state with spontaneous inter-layer phase coherence. In this paper we explore the rich variety of quantum and finite-temperature phase transitions associated with this broken symmetry. We describe the system using a pseudospin language in which the layer degree-of-freedom is mapped to a fictional spin 1/2 degree-of-freedom. With this mapping the spontaneous symmetry breaking is equivalent to that of a spin 1/2 easy-plane ferromagnet. In this language spin-textures can carry a charge. In particular, vortices carry e/2 electrical charge and vortex-antivortex pairs can be neutral or carry charge e. We derive an effective low-energy action and use it to discuss the charged and collective neutral excitations of the system. We have obtained the parameters of the Landau-Ginzburg functional from first-principles estimates and from finite-size exact diagonalization studies. We use these results to estimate the dependence of the critical temperature for the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition on layer separation.Comment: 56 pages, 19 figures available upon request at [email protected]. RevTex 3.0. IUCM94-00

    Short-ranged RVB physics, quantum dimer models and Ising gauge theories

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    Quantum dimer models are believed to capture the essential physics of antiferromagnetic phases dominated by short-ranged valence bond configurations. We show that these models arise as particular limits of Ising (Z_2) gauge theories, but that in these limits the system develops a larger local U(1) invariance that has different consequences on different lattices. Conversely, we note that the standard Z_2 gauge theory is a generalised quantum dimer model, in which the particular relaxation of the hardcore constraint for the dimers breaks the U(1) down to Z_2. These mappings indicate that at least one realization of the Senthil-Fisher proposal for fractionalization is exactly the short ranged resonating valence bond (RVB) scenario of Anderson and of Kivelson, Rokhsar and Sethna. They also suggest that other realizations will require the identification of a local low energy, Ising link variable {\it and} a natural constraint. We also discuss the notion of topological order in Z_2 gauge theories and its connection to earlier ideas in RVB theory. We note that this notion is not central to the experiment proposed by Senthil and Fisher to detect vortices in the conjectured Z_2 gauge field.Comment: 17 pages, 4 postscript figures automatically include

    Topological doping and the stability of stripe phases

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    We analyze the properties of a general Ginzburg-Landau free energy with competing order parameters, long-range interactions, and global constraints (e.g., a fixed value of a total ``charge'') to address the physics of stripe phases in underdoped high-Tc and related materials. For a local free energy limited to quadratic terms of the gradient expansion, only uniform or phase-separated configurations are thermodynamically stable. ``Stripe'' or other non-uniform phases can be stabilized by long-range forces, but can only have non-topological (in-phase) domain walls where the components of the antiferromagnetic order parameter never change sign, and the periods of charge and spin density waves coincide. The antiphase domain walls observed experimentally require physics on an intermediate lengthscale, and they are absent from a model that involves only long-distance physics. Dense stripe phases can be stable even in the absence of long-range forces, but domain walls always attract at large distances, i.e., there is a ubiquitous tendency to phase separation at small doping. The implications for the phase diagram of underdoped cuprates are discussed.Comment: 18 two-column pages, 2 figures, revtex+eps

    Mutual-Chern-Simons effective theory of doped antiferromagnets

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    A mutual-Chern-Simons Lagrangian is derived as a minimal field theory description of the phase-string model for doped antiferromagnets. Such an effective Lagrangian is shown to retain the full symmetries of parity, time-reversal, and global SU(2) spin rotation, in contrast to conventional Chern-Simons theories where first two symmetries are usually broken. Two ordered phases, i.e., antiferromagnetic and superconducting states, are found at low temperatures as characterized by dual Meissner effects and dual flux quantization conditions due to the mutual-Chern-Simons gauge structure. A dual confinement in charge/spin degrees of freedom occurs such that no true spin-charge separation is present in these ordered phases, but the spin-charge separation/deconfinement serves as a driving force in the unconventional phase transitions of these ordered states to disordered states.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    A Model for Topological Fermions

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    We introduce a model designed to describe charged particles as stable topological solitons of a field with values on the internal space S^3. These solitons behave like particles with relativistic properties like Lorentz contraction and velocity dependence of mass. This mass is defined by the energy of the soliton. In this sense this model is a generalisation of the sine-Gordon model from 1+1 dimensions to 3+1 dimensions, from S^1 to S^3. (We do not chase the aim to give a four-dimensional generalisation of Coleman's isomorphism between the Sine-Gordon model and the Thirring model which was shown in 2-dimensional space-time.) For large distances from the center of solitons this model tends to a dual U(1)-theory with freely propagating electromagnetic waves. Already at the classical level it describes important effects, which usually have to be explained by quantum field theory, like particle-antiparticle annihilation and the running of the coupling.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, more detailed calculations and comparison to Skyrme model and 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles adde

    How to realize a robust practical Majorana chain in a quantum dot-superconductor linear array

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    Semiconducting nanowires in proximity to superconductors are promising experimental systems for Majorana fermions, which may ultimately be used as building blocks for topological quantum computers. A serious challenge in the experimental realization of the Majorana fermions is the supression of topological superconductivity by disorder. We show that Majorana fermions protected by a robust topological gap can occur at the ends of a chain of quantum dots connected by s-wave superconductors. In the appropriate parameter regime, we establish that the quantum dot/superconductor system is equivalent to a 1D Kitaev chain, which can be tuned to be in a robust topological phase with Majorana end modes even in the case where the quantum dots and superconductors are both strongly disordered. Such a spin-orbit coupled quantum dot - s-wave superconductor array provides an ideal experimental platform for the observation of non-Abelian Majorana modes.Comment: 8 pages; 3 figures; version 2: Supplementary material updated to include more general proof for localized Majorana fermion
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