8,246 research outputs found

    Piecewise Linear Manifold Clustering

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    This work studies the application of topological analysis to non-linear manifold clustering. A novel method, that exploits the data clustering structure, allows to generate a topological representation of the point dataset. An analysis of topological construction under different simulated conditions is performed to explore the capabilities and limitations of the method, and demonstrated statistically significant improvements in performance. Furthermore, we introduce a new information-theoretical validation measure for clustering, that exploits geometrical properties of clusters to estimate clustering compressibility, for evaluation of the clustering goodness-of-fit without any prior information about true class assignments. We show how the new validation measure, when used as regularization criteria, allows creation of clusters that are more informative. A final contribution is a new metaclustering technique that allows to create a model-based clustering beyond point and linear shaped structures. Driven by topological structure and our information-theoretical criteria, this technique provides structured view of the data on new comprehensive and interpretation level. Improvements of our clustering approach are demonstrated on a variety of synthetic and real datasets, including image and climatological data

    Thermalization, Error-Correction, and Memory Lifetime for Ising Anyon Systems

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    We consider two-dimensional lattice models that support Ising anyonic excitations and are coupled to a thermal bath. We propose a phenomenological model for the resulting short-time dynamics that includes pair-creation, hopping, braiding, and fusion of anyons. By explicitly constructing topological quantum error-correcting codes for this class of system, we use our thermalization model to estimate the lifetime of the quantum information stored in the encoded spaces. To decode and correct errors in these codes, we adapt several existing topological decoders to the non-Abelian setting. We perform large-scale numerical simulations of these two-dimensional Ising anyon systems and find that the thresholds of these models range between 13% to 25%. To our knowledge, these are the first numerical threshold estimates for quantum codes without explicit additive structure.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures; v2 matches the journal version and corrects a misstatement about the detailed balance condition of our Metropolis simulations. All conclusions from v1 are unaffected by this correctio

    A Topological Approach to Spectral Clustering

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    We propose two related unsupervised clustering algorithms which, for input, take data assumed to be sampled from a uniform distribution supported on a metric space XX, and output a clustering of the data based on the selection of a topological model for the connected components of XX. Both algorithms work by selecting a graph on the samples from a natural one-parameter family of graphs, using a geometric criterion in the first case and an information theoretic criterion in the second. The estimated connected components of XX are identified with the kernel of the associated graph Laplacian, which allows the algorithm to work without requiring the number of expected clusters or other auxiliary data as input.Comment: 21 Page
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