13 research outputs found

    Topic-informed neural machine translation

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    In recent years, neural machine translation (NMT) has demonstrated state-of-the-art machine translation (MT) performance. It is a new approach to MT, which tries to learn a set of parameters to maximize the conditional probability of target sentences given source sentences. In this paper, we present a novel approach to improve the translation performance in NMT by conveying topic knowledge during translation. The proposed topic-informed NMT can increase the likelihood of selecting words from the same topic and domain for translation. Experimentally, we demonstrate that topic-informed NMT can achieve a 1.15 (3.3% relative) and 1.67 (5.4% relative) absolute improvement in BLEU score on the Chinese-to-English language pair using NIST 2004 and 2005 test sets, respectively, compared to NMT without topic information

    Domain Control for Neural Machine Translation

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    Machine translation systems are very sensitive to the domains they were trained on. Several domain adaptation techniques have been deeply studied. We propose a new technique for neural machine translation (NMT) that we call domain control which is performed at runtime using a unique neural network covering multiple domains. The presented approach shows quality improvements when compared to dedicated domains translating on any of the covered domains and even on out-of-domain data. In addition, model parameters do not need to be re-estimated for each domain, making this effective to real use cases. Evaluation is carried out on English-to-French translation for two different testing scenarios. We first consider the case where an end-user performs translations on a known domain. Secondly, we consider the scenario where the domain is not known and predicted at the sentence level before translating. Results show consistent accuracy improvements for both conditions.Comment: Published in RANLP 201

    Translating Phrases in Neural Machine Translation

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    Phrases play an important role in natural language understanding and machine translation (Sag et al., 2002; Villavicencio et al., 2005). However, it is difficult to integrate them into current neural machine translation (NMT) which reads and generates sentences word by word. In this work, we propose a method to translate phrases in NMT by integrating a phrase memory storing target phrases from a phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT) system into the encoder-decoder architecture of NMT. At each decoding step, the phrase memory is first re-written by the SMT model, which dynamically generates relevant target phrases with contextual information provided by the NMT model. Then the proposed model reads the phrase memory to make probability estimations for all phrases in the phrase memory. If phrase generation is carried on, the NMT decoder selects an appropriate phrase from the memory to perform phrase translation and updates its decoding state by consuming the words in the selected phrase. Otherwise, the NMT decoder generates a word from the vocabulary as the general NMT decoder does. Experiment results on the Chinese to English translation show that the proposed model achieves significant improvements over the baseline on various test sets.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP 201

    Improving Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translation with Salient Document Context

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    Lexical ambiguity is a challenging and pervasive problem in machine translation (\mt). We introduce a simple and scalable approach to resolve translation ambiguity by incorporating a small amount of extra-sentential context in neural \mt. Our approach requires no sense annotation and no change to standard model architectures. Since actual document context is not available for the vast majority of \mt training data, we collect related sentences for each input to construct pseudo-documents. Salient words from pseudo-documents are then encoded as a prefix to each source sentence to condition the generation of the translation. To evaluate, we release \docmucow, a challenge set for translation disambiguation based on the English-German \mucow \cite{raganato-etal-2020-evaluation} augmented with document IDs. Extensive experiments show that our method translates ambiguous source words better than strong sentence-level baselines and comparable document-level baselines while reducing training costs

    Exploring the use of Acoustic Embeddings in Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has recently demonstrated improved performance over statistical machine translation and relies on an encoder-decoder framework for translating text from source to target. The structure of NMT makes it amenable to add auxiliary features, which can provide complementary information to that present in the source text. In this paper, auxiliary features derived from accompanying audio, are investigated for NMT and are compared and combined with text-derived features. These acoustic embeddings can help resolve ambiguity in the translation, thus improving the output. The following features are experimented with: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic vectors and GMM subspace i-vectors derived from audio. These are contrasted against: skip-gram/Word2Vec features and LDA features derived from text. The results are encouraging and show that acoustic information does help with NMT, leading to an overall 3.3% relative improvement in BLEU scores

    Dynamic Topic Tracker for KB-to-Text Generation

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    Recently, many KB-to-text generation tasks have been proposed to bridge the gap between knowledge bases and natural language by directly converting a group of knowledge base triples into human-readable sentences. However, most of the existing models suffer from the off-topic the problem, namely, the models are prone to generate some unrelated clauses that are somehow involved with certain input terms regardless of the given input data. This problem seriously degrades the quality of the generation results. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic topic tracker for solving this problem. Different from existing models, our proposed model learns a global hidden representation for topics and recognizes the corresponding topic during each generation step. The recognized topic is used as additional information to guide the generation process and thus alleviates the off-topic problem. The experimental results show that our proposed model can enhance the performance of sentence generation and the off-topic problem is significantly mitigated

    Evaluation of Terminology Translation in Instance-Based Neural MT Adaptation

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    We address the issues arising when a neural machine translation engine trained on generic data receives requests from a new domain that contains many specific technical terms. Given training data of the new domain, we consider two alternative methods to adapt the generic system: corpus-based and instance-based adaptation. While the first approach is computationally more intensive in generating a domain-customized network, the latter operates more efficiently at translation time and can handle on-the-fly adaptation to multiple domains. Besides evaluating the generic and the adapted networks with conventional translation quality metrics, in this paper we focus on their ability to properly handle domain-specific terms. We show that instance-based adaptation, by fine-tuning the model on-the-fly, is capable to significantly boost the accuracy of translated terms, producing translations of quality comparable to the expensive corpus-based method