18 research outputs found

    Identification and Use of Frailty Indicators from Text to Examine Associations with Clinical Outcomes Among Patients with Heart Failure.

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    Frailty is an important health outcomes indicator and valuable for guiding healthcare decisions in older adults, but is rarely collected in a quantitative, systematic fashion in routine healthcare. Using a cohort of 12,000 Veterans with heart failure, we investigated the feasibility of topic modeling to identify frailty topics in clinical notes. Topics were generated through unsupervised learning and then manually reviewed by an expert. A total of 53 frailty topics were identified from 100,000 notes. We further examined associations of frailty with age-, sex-, and Charlson Comorbidity Index-adjusted 1-year hospitalizations and mortality (composite outcome) using logistic regression. Frailty (≤ 4 topics versu

    Methodologically Grounded SemanticAnalysis of Large Volume of Chilean Medical Literature Data Applied to the Analysis of Medical Research Funding Efficiency in Chile

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    Background Medical knowledge is accumulated in scientific research papers along time. In order to exploit this knowledge by automated systems, there is a growing interest in developing text mining methodologies to extract, structure, and analyze in the shortest time possible the knowledge encoded in the large volume of medical literature. In this paper, we use the Latent Dirichlet Allocation approach to analyze the correlation between funding efforts and actually published research results in order to provide the policy makers with a systematic and rigorous tool to assess the efficiency of funding programs in the medical area. Results We have tested our methodology in the Revista Medica de Chile, years 2012-2015. 50 relevant semantic topics were identified within 643 medical scientific research papers. Relationships between the identified semantic topics were uncovered using visualization methods. We have also been able to analyze the funding patterns of scientific research underlying these publications. We found that only 29% of the publications declare funding sources, and we identified five topic clusters that concentrate 86% of the declared funds. Conclusions Our methodology allows analyzing and interpreting the current state of medical research at a national level. The funding source analysis may be useful at the policy making level in order to assess the impact of actual funding policies, and to design new policies.This research was partially funded by CONICYT, Programa de Formacion de Capital Humano avanzado (CONICYT-PCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2015-21150115). MG work in this paper has been partially supported by FEDER funds for the MINECO project TIN2017-85827-P, and projects KK-2018/00071 and KK2018/00082 of the Elkartek 2018 funding program. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 777720. No role has been played by funding bodies in the design of the study and collection, analysis, or interpretation of data or in writing the manuscript

    Clustering of longitudinal viral loads in the Western Cape

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    Introduction: Routine viral load (VL) monitoring is important for assessing the effectiveness of ART in South Africa. There is little information however, on how the longitudinal VL patterns change for subgroups of persons living with HIV (PLHIV) who have experienced at least one elevated VL. We investigated the possible longitudinal VL patterns that may exist among this unique population. Methods: This mini-dissertation offers three components; a research protocol (Section A), a literature review (Section B) and a journal ready manuscript (Section C). We examined HIV VL data for the Western Cape from 2008 to 2018, taken from the National Health Laboratory Services (NHLS). Using< 1000 copies/mL as a threshold for viral suppression, we identified 109092 individuals who had at least one instance of an elevated VL. A nonparametric (KML-Shape) and a model-based (LCMM) clustering technique were used to identify latent subgroups of longitudinal VL trajectories among these individuals. Results: Both the KML-Shape and LCMM clustering techniques identified five latent viral load trajectory subgroups. KML-Shape found majority of individuals' trajectories belonged to clusters that had a decreasing longitudinal VL trend (76.6% of individuals), while LCMM found a smaller proportion of individuals' trajectories belonged to clusters that had a decreasing longitudinal trend (52.5% of individuals). Most of the trajectory subgroups identified had long periods of low-level viremia. Conclusion: Although majority of individuals belonged to clusters that had downward trends, further research is needed to better understand factors contributing to membership of clusters that did not have a downward longitudinal trend. Understanding these factors may help in the development of targeted HIV prevention programs for these individuals

    Analyzing Public Reactions, Perceptions, and Attitudes during the MPox Outbreak: Findings from Topic Modeling of Tweets

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    The recent outbreak of the MPox virus has resulted in a tremendous increase in the usage of Twitter. Prior works in this area of research have primarily focused on the sentiment analysis and content analysis of these Tweets, and the few works that have focused on topic modeling have multiple limitations. This paper aims to address this research gap and makes two scientific contributions to this field. First, it presents the results of performing Topic Modeling on 601,432 Tweets about the 2022 Mpox outbreak that were posted on Twitter between 7 May 2022 and 3 March 2023. The results indicate that the conversations on Twitter related to Mpox during this time range may be broadly categorized into four distinct themes - Views and Perspectives about Mpox, Updates on Cases and Investigations about Mpox, Mpox and the LGBTQIA+ Community, and Mpox and COVID-19. Second, the paper presents the findings from the analysis of these Tweets. The results show that the theme that was most popular on Twitter (in terms of the number of Tweets posted) during this time range was Views and Perspectives about Mpox. This was followed by the theme of Mpox and the LGBTQIA+ Community, which was followed by the themes of Mpox and COVID-19 and Updates on Cases and Investigations about Mpox, respectively. Finally, a comparison with related studies in this area of research is also presented to highlight the novelty and significance of this research work