186 research outputs found

    An Argumentation Framework based on Confidence Degrees to Combine Ontology Mapping Approaches

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    Ontology mapping has a key importance for applications such as information retrieval, database integration, and agent-communication. This paper presents an Argumentation Framework, with confidence degrees associated to the arguments, to combine ontology mapping approaches. Our agents apply individual mapping algorithms and cooperate in order to exchange their local results (arguments). Based on their preferences and confidence of the arguments, the agents compute their preferred mapping sets. The arguments in such preferred sets are viewed as the set of globally acceptable arguments. The model is evaluated using a benchmark for ontology mapping. The results are promising especially what concerns precision

    Schema matching in a peer-to-peer database system

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 112-118).Peer-to-peer or P2P systems are applications that allow a network of peers to share resources in a scalable and efficient manner. My research is concerned with the use of P2P systems for sharing databases. To allow data mediation between peers' databases, schema mappings need to exist, which are mappings between semantically equivalent attributes in different peers' schemas. Mappings can either be defined manually or found semi-automatically using a technique called schema matching. However, schema matching has not been used much in dynamic environments, such as P2P networks. Therefore, this thesis investigates how to enable effective semi-automated schema matching within a P2P network

    Finding and using analogies to guide mathematical proof

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    This thesis is concerned with reasoning by analogy within the context of auto-mated problem solving. In particular, we consider the provision of an analogical reasoning component to a resolution theorem proving system. The framework for reasoning by analogy which we use (called Basic APS) contains three major components -the finding of analogies (analogy matching), the construction of analogical plans, and the application of the plans to guide the search of a theorem prover. We first discuss the relationship of analogy to other machine learning techniques. We then develop programs for each of the component processes of Basic APS.First we consider analogy matching. We reconstruct, analyse and crticise two previous analogy matchers. We introduce the notion of analogy heuristics in order to understand the matchers. We find that we can explain the short-comings of the matchers in terms of analogy heuristics. We then develop a new analogy matching algorithm, based on flexible application of analogy heuristics, and demonstrate its superiority to the previous matchers.We go on to consider analogical plan construction. We describe procedures for constructing a plan for the solution of a problem, given the solution of a different problem and an analogy match between the two problems. Again, we compare our procedures with corresponding ones from previous systems.We then describe procedures for the execution of analogical plans. We demon-strate the procedures on a number of example analogies. The analogies involved are straightforward for a human, but the problems themselves involve.huge search spaees, if tackled directly using resolution. By comparison with unguided search, we demonstrate the dramatic reductfon in search entaile_d by the use of an ana-logical plan.We then consider some directions for development of our analogy systems, which have not yet been implemented. Firstly, towards more flexible and power-ful execution of analogical plans. Secondly, towards an analogy system which can improve its own ability to find and apply analogies over the course of experience

    Structural Graph-based Metamodel Matching

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    Data integration has been, and still is, a challenge for applications processing multiple heterogeneous data sources. Across the domains of schemas, ontologies, and metamodels, this imposes the need for mapping specifications, i.e. the task of discovering semantic correspondences between elements. Support for the development of such mappings has been researched, producing matching systems that automatically propose mapping suggestions. However, especially in the context of metamodel matching the result quality of state of the art matching techniques leaves room for improvement. Although the traditional approach of pair-wise element comparison works on smaller data sets, its quadratic complexity leads to poor runtime and memory performance and eventually to the inability to match, when applied on real-world data. The work presented in this thesis seeks to address these shortcomings. Thereby, we take advantage of the graph structure of metamodels. Consequently, we derive a planar graph edit distance as metamodel similarity metric and mining-based matching to make use of redundant information. We also propose a planar graph-based partitioning to cope with large-scale matching. These techniques are then evaluated using real-world mappings from SAP business integration scenarios and the MDA community. The results demonstrate improvement in quality and managed runtime and memory consumption for large-scale metamodel matching

    Automatic Generation of Trace Links in Model-driven Software Development

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    Traceability data provides the knowledge on dependencies and logical relations existing amongst artefacts that are created during software development. In reasoning over traceability data, conclusions can be drawn to increase the quality of software. The paradigm of Model-driven Software Engineering (MDSD) promotes the generation of software out of models. The latter are specified through different modelling languages. In subsequent model transformations, these models are used to generate programming code automatically. Traceability data of the involved artefacts in a MDSD process can be used to increase the software quality in providing the necessary knowledge as described above. Existing traceability solutions in MDSD are based on the integral model mapping of transformation execution to generate traceability data. Yet, these solutions still entail a wide range of open challenges. One challenge is that the collected traceability data does not adhere to a unified formal definition, which leads to poorly integrated traceability data. This aggravates the reasoning over traceability data. Furthermore, these traceability solutions all depend on the existence of a transformation engine. However, not in all cases pertaining to MDSD can a transformation engine be accessed, while taking into account proprietary transformation engines, or manually implemented transformations. In these cases it is not possible to instrument the transformation engine for the sake of generating traceability data, resulting in a lack of traceability data. In this work, we address these shortcomings. In doing so, we propose a generic traceability framework for augmenting arbitrary transformation approaches with a traceability mechanism. To integrate traceability data from different transformation approaches, our approach features a methodology for augmentation possibilities based on a design pattern. The design pattern supplies the engineer with recommendations for designing the traceability mechanism and for modelling traceability data. Additionally, to provide a traceability mechanism for inaccessible transformation engines, we leverage parallel model matching to generate traceability data for arbitrary source and target models. This approach is based on a language-agnostic concept of three similarity measures for matching. To realise the similarity measures, we exploit metamodel matching techniques for graph-based model matching. Finally, we evaluate our approach according to a set of transformations from an SAP business application and the domain of MDSD

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe explosion of structured Web data (e.g., online databases, Wikipedia infoboxes) creates many opportunities for integrating and querying these data that go far beyond the simple search capabilities provided by search engines. Although much work has been devoted to data integration in the database community, the Web brings new challenges: the Web-scale (e.g., the large and growing volume of data) and the heterogeneity in Web data. Because there are so much data, scalable techniques that require little or no manual intervention and that are robust to noisy data are needed. In this dissertation, we propose a new and effective approach for matching Web-form interfaces and for matching multilingual Wikipedia infoboxes. As a further step toward these problems, we propose a general prudent schema-matching framework that matches a large number of schemas effectively. Our comprehensive experiments for Web-form interfaces and Wikipedia infoboxes show that it can enable on-the-fly, automatic integration of large collections of structured Web data. Another problem we address in this dissertation is schema discovery. While existing integration approaches assume that the relevant data sources and their schemas have been identified in advance, schemas are not always available for structured Web data. Approaches exist that exploit information in Wikipedia to discover the entity types and their associate schemas. However, due to inconsistencies, sparseness, and noise from the community contribution, these approaches are error prone and require substantial human intervention. Given the schema heterogeneity in Wikipedia infoboxes, we developed a new approach that uses the structured information available in infoboxes to cluster similar infoboxes and infer the schemata for entity types. Our approach is unsupervised and resilient to the unpredictable skew in the entity class distribution. Our experiments, using over one hundred thousand infoboxes extracted from Wikipedia, indicate that our approach is effective and produces accurate schemata for Wikipedia entities

    An Integrated Modeling Framework for Managing the Deployment and Operation of Cloud Applications

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    Cloud computing can help Software as a Service (SaaS) providers to take advantage of the sheer number of cloud benefits such as, agility, continuity, cost reduction, autonomy, and easy management of resources. To reap the benefits, SaaS providers should create their applications to utilize the cloud platform capabilities. However, this is a daunting task. First, it requires a full understanding of the service offerings from different providers, and the meta-data artifacts required by each provider to configure the platform to efficiently deploy, run and manage the application. Second, it involves complex decisions that are specified by different stakeholders. Examples include, financial decisions (e.g., selecting a platform to reduces costs), architectural decisions (e.g., partition the application to maximize scalability), and operational decisions (e.g., distributing modules to insure availability and porting the application to other platforms). Finally, while each stakeholder may conduct a certain type of change to address a specific concern, the impact of a change may span multiple models and influence the decisions of several stakeholders. These factors motivate the need for: (i) a new architectural view model that focuses on service operation and reflects the cloud stakeholder perspectives, and (ii) a novel framework that facilitates providing holistic as well as partial architectural views, and generating the required platform artifacts by fragmenting the model into artifacts that can be easily modified separately. This PhD research devises a novel architecture framework, "The 5+1 Architectural View Model", for cloud applications, in which each view corresponds to a different perspective on cloud application deployment. The architectural framework is realized as a cloud modeling framework, called "StratusML", which consists of a modeling language that uses layers to specify the cloud configuration space, and a transformation engine to generate the configuration space artifacts. The usefulness and practical applicability of StratusML to model multi-cloud and multi-tenant applications have been demonstrated though a representative domain example. Moreover, to automate the framework evolution as new concerns and cloud platforms emerge, this research work introduces also a novel schema matching technique, called "Liberate". Liberate supports the process of domain model creation, evolution, and transformations. Liberate helps solve the vendor lock-in problem by reducing the manual efforts required to map complex correspondences between cloud schemas whose domain concepts do not share linguistic similarities. The evaluation of Liberate shows its superiority in the cloud domain over existing schema matching approaches