560,935 research outputs found

    On learning optimized reaction diffusion processes for effective image restoration

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    For several decades, image restoration remains an active research topic in low-level computer vision and hence new approaches are constantly emerging. However, many recently proposed algorithms achieve state-of-the-art performance only at the expense of very high computation time, which clearly limits their practical relevance. In this work, we propose a simple but effective approach with both high computational efficiency and high restoration quality. We extend conventional nonlinear reaction diffusion models by several parametrized linear filters as well as several parametrized influence functions. We propose to train the parameters of the filters and the influence functions through a loss based approach. Experiments show that our trained nonlinear reaction diffusion models largely benefit from the training of the parameters and finally lead to the best reported performance on common test datasets for image restoration. Due to their structural simplicity, our trained models are highly efficient and are also well-suited for parallel computation on GPUs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. CVPR2015 oral presentation together with the supplemental material of 13 pages, 8 pages (Notes on diffusion networks

    Topic-Based Influence Computation in Social Networks under Resource Constraints

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    As social networks are constantly changing and evolving, methods to analyze dynamic social networks are becoming more important in understanding social trends. However, due to the restrictions imposed by the social network service providers, the resources available to fetch the entire contents of a social network are typically very limited. As a result, analysis of dynamic social network data requires maintaining an approximate copy of the social network for each time period, locally. In this paper, we study the problem of dynamic network and text fetching with limited probing capacities, for identifying and maintaining influential users as the social network evolves. We propose an algorithm to probe the relationships (required for global influence computation) as well as posts (required for topic-based influence computation) of a limited number of users during each probing period, based on the influence trends and activities of the users. We infer the current network based on the newly probed user data and the last known version of the network maintained locally. Additionally, we propose to use link prediction methods to further increase the accuracy of our network inference. We employ PageRank as the metric for influence computation. We illustrate how the proposed solution maintains accurate PageRank scores for computing global influence, and topic-sensitive weighted PageRank scores for topic-based influence. The latter relies on a topic-based network constructed via weights determined by semantic analysis of posts and their sharing statistics. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithms by comparing them with the true influence scores of the full and up-to-date version of the network, using data from the micro-blogging service Twitter. Results show that our techniques significantly outperform baseline methods and are superior to state-of-the-art techniques from the literature

    Handling Mobility in Dense Networks

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    Network densification is one of key technologies in future networks to significantly increase network capacity. The gain obtained by network densification for fixed terminals have been studied and proved. However for mobility users, there are a number of issues, such as more frequent handover, packet loss due to high mobility, interference management and so on. The conventional solutions are to handover high speed mobiles to macro base stations or multicast traffic to multiple base stations. These solutions fail to exploit the capacity of dense networks and overuse the backhaul capacity. In this paper we propose a set of solutions to systematically solve the technical challenges of mobile dense networks. We introduce network architecture together with data transmission protocols to support mobile users. A software-defined protocol (SDP) concept is presented so that combinations of transport protocols and physical layer functions can be optimized and triggered on demand. Our solutions can significantly boost performance of dense networks and simplify the packet handling process. Importantly, the gain brought by network densification to fixed users can also be achieved for mobile users

    Improving Interpretability of Deep Neural Networks with Semantic Information

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    Interpretability of deep neural networks (DNNs) is essential since it enables users to understand the overall strengths and weaknesses of the models, conveys an understanding of how the models will behave in the future, and how to diagnose and correct potential problems. However, it is challenging to reason about what a DNN actually does due to its opaque or black-box nature. To address this issue, we propose a novel technique to improve the interpretability of DNNs by leveraging the rich semantic information embedded in human descriptions. By concentrating on the video captioning task, we first extract a set of semantically meaningful topics from the human descriptions that cover a wide range of visual concepts, and integrate them into the model with an interpretive loss. We then propose a prediction difference maximization algorithm to interpret the learned features of each neuron. Experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness in video captioning using the interpretable features, which can also be transferred to video action recognition. By clearly understanding the learned features, users can easily revise false predictions via a human-in-the-loop procedure.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Contributive Social Capital Extraction From Different Types of Online Data Sources

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    It is a recurring problem of online communication that the properties of unknown people are hard to assess. This may lead to various issues such as the spread of `fake news' from untrustworthy sources. In sociology the sum of (social) resources available to a person through their social network is often described as social capital. In this article, we look at social capital from a different angle. Instead of evaluating the advantage that people have because of their membership in a certain group, we investigate various ways to infer the social capital a person adds or may add to the network, their contributive social capital (CSC). As there is no consensus in the literature on what the social capital of a person exactly consists of, we look at various related properties: expertise, reputation, trustworthiness, and influence. The analysis of these features is investigated for five different sources of online data: microblogging (e.g., Twitter), social networking platforms (e.g., Facebook), direct communication (e.g., email), scientometrics, and threaded discussion boards (e.g., Reddit). In each field we discuss recent publications and put a focus on the data sources used, the algorithms implemented, and the performance evaluation. The findings are compared and set in context to contributive social capital extraction. The analysis algorithms are based on individual features (e.g., followers on Twitter), ratios thereof, or a person's centrality measures (e.g., PageRank). The machine learning approaches, such as straightforward classifiers (e.g., support vector machines) use ground truths that are connected to social capital. The discussion of these methods is intended to facilitate research on the topic by identifying relevant data sources and the best suited algorithms, and by providing tested methods for the evaluation of findings.Comment: 44 page

    Which is better? A Modularized Evaluation for Topic Popularity Prediction

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    Topic popularity prediction in social networks has drawn much attention recently. Various elegant models have been proposed for this issue. However, different datasets and evaluation metrics they use lead to low comparability. So far there is no unified scheme to evaluate them, making it difficult to select and compare models. We conduct a comprehensible survey, propose an evaluation scheme and apply it to existing methods. Our scheme consists of four modules: classification; qualitative evaluation on several metrics; quantitative experiment on real world data; final ranking with risk matrix and MinDis\textit{MinDis} to reflect performances under different scenarios. Furthermore, we analyze the efficiency and contribution of features used in feature oriented methods. The results show that feature oriented methods are more suitable for scenarios requiring high accuracy, while relation based methods have better consistency. Our work helps researchers compare and choose methods appropriately, and provides insights for further improvements

    User-level Weibo Recommendation incorporating Social Influence based on Semi-Supervised Algorithm

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    Tencent Weibo, as one of the most popular micro-blogging services in China, has attracted millions of users, producing 30-60 millions of weibo (similar as tweet in Twitter) daily. With the overload problem of user generate content, Tencent users find it is more and more hard to browse and find valuable information at the first time. In this paper, we propose a Factor Graph based weibo recommendation algorithm TSI-WR (Topic-Level Social Influence based Weibo Recommendation), which could help Tencent users to find most suitable information. The main innovation is that we consider both direct and indirect social influence from topic level based on social balance theory. The main advantages of adopting this strategy are that it could first build a more accurate description of latent relationship between two users with weak connections, which could help to solve the data sparsity problem; second provide a more accurate recommendation for a certain user from a wider range. Other meaningful contextual information is also combined into our model, which include: Users profile, Users influence, Content of weibos, Topic information of weibos and etc. We also design a semi-supervised algorithm to further reduce the influence of data sparisty. The experiments show that all the selected variables are important and the proposed model outperforms several baseline methods.Comment: to be sumitted in JASIS

    Self-Supervised Representation Learning on Document Images

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    This work analyses the impact of self-supervised pre-training on document images in the context of document image classification. While previous approaches explore the effect of self-supervision on natural images, we show that patch-based pre-training performs poorly on document images because of their different structural properties and poor intra-sample semantic information. We propose two context-aware alternatives to improve performance on the Tobacco-3482 image classification task. We also propose a novel method for self-supervision, which makes use of the inherent multi-modality of documents (image and text), which performs better than other popular self-supervised methods, including supervised ImageNet pre-training, on document image classification scenarios with a limited amount of data.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted at DAS 2020: IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis System

    Deep Temporal Sigmoid Belief Networks for Sequence Modeling

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    Deep dynamic generative models are developed to learn sequential dependencies in time-series data. The multi-layered model is designed by constructing a hierarchy of temporal sigmoid belief networks (TSBNs), defined as a sequential stack of sigmoid belief networks (SBNs). Each SBN has a contextual hidden state, inherited from the previous SBNs in the sequence, and is used to regulate its hidden bias. Scalable learning and inference algorithms are derived by introducing a recognition model that yields fast sampling from the variational posterior. This recognition model is trained jointly with the generative model, by maximizing its variational lower bound on the log-likelihood. Experimental results on bouncing balls, polyphonic music, motion capture, and text streams show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art predictive performance, and has the capacity to synthesize various sequences.Comment: to appear in NIPS 201

    "Birds of a Feather": Does User Homophily Impact Information Diffusion in Social Media?

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    This article investigates the impact of user homophily on the social process of information diffusion in online social media. Over several decades, social scientists have been interested in the idea that similarity breeds connection: precisely known as "homophily". Homophily has been extensively studied in the social sciences and refers to the idea that users in a social system tend to bond more with ones who are similar to them than to ones who are dissimilar. The key observation is that homophily structures the ego-networks of individuals and impacts their communication behavior. It is therefore likely to effect the mechanisms in which information propagates among them. To this effect, we investigate the interplay between homophily along diverse user attributes and the information diffusion process on social media. In our approach, we first extract diffusion characteristics---corresponding to the baseline social graph as well as graphs filtered on different user attributes (e.g. location, activity). Second, we propose a Dynamic Bayesian Network based framework to predict diffusion characteristics at a future time. Third, the impact of attribute homophily is quantified by the ability of the predicted characteristics in explaining actual diffusion, and external variables, including trends in search and news. Experimental results on a large Twitter dataset demonstrate that choice of the homophilous attribute can impact the prediction of information diffusion, given a specific metric and a topic. In most cases, attribute homophily is able to explain the actual diffusion and external trends by ~15-25% over cases when homophily is not considered.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 3 table