3 research outputs found

    Predicting Analysis of User’s Interest from Web Log Data in e-Commerce using Classification Algorithms

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    The accelerated development of e-commerce has been a concern for business people. Business people should be able to gain customer interest in a variety of ways so that their companies can compete with others.  Analyzing click-flow data will help organizations or firms assess customer loyalty, provide advertising privileges, and develop marketing strategies through user interests. By understanding consumer preferences, clickstream data analysis may be used to determine who is participating, assist companies in evaluating customer contentment, boost productivity, and design marketing strategies. This research was performed by defining experimental user interests using Dynamic Mining and Page Interest Estimation methods. The findings of this analysis, using three algorithms at the pattern discovery page, demonstrated that the Decision Tree method excelled in both methods. It indicated that the operational performance of the Decision Tree performed well in the assessment of user interests with two different approaches. The findings of this experiment can be used as a proposal for researching the field of web usage mining, collaborating with other approaches to achieve higher accuracy values

    Research Methodology for Analysis of E-Commerce User Activity Based on User Interest using Web Usage Mining

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    Visitor interaction with e-commerce websites generates large amounts of clickstream data stored in web access logs. From a business standpoint, clickstream data can be used as a means of finding information on user interest. In this paper, the authors propose a method to find user interest in products offered on e-commerce websites based on web usage mining of clickstream data. In this study, user interest was investigated using the PIE approach coupled with clustering and classification techniques. The experimental results showed that the method is able to assist in analyzing visitor behavior and user interest in e-commerce products by identifying those products that prompt visitor interest

    Bridging the Gap

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    Effective organization and retrieval of news content are heavily reliant on accurate news classification. While the mountainous research has been conducted in resourceful languages like English and Chinese, the researches on under-resourced languages like the Kurdish language are severely lacking. To address this challenge, we introduce a hybrid approach called RFO-CNN in this paper. The proposed method combines an improved version of red fox optimization algorithm (RFO) and convolutional neural network (CNN) for finetuning CNN’s parameters. Our model’s efficacy was tested on two widely used Kurdish news datasets, KNDH and KDC-4007, both of which contain news articles classified into various categories. We compared the performance of RFO-CNN to other cutting-edge deep learning models such as bidirectional long short-term memory networks and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) transformers, as well as classical machine learning approaches such as multinomial naive bayes, support vector machine, and K-nearest neighbors. We trained and tested our datasets using four different scenarios: 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the RFO-CNN model across all scenarios, outperforming the benchmark BERT model and other machine learning models in terms of accuracy and F1-score