19 research outputs found

    Lazy-CSeq-SP: Boosting Sequentialization-Based Verification of Multi-threaded C Programs via Symbolic Pruning of Redundant Schedules

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    Abstract. Sequentialization has been shown to be an effective symbolic verification technique for concurrent C programs using POSIX threads. Lazy-CSeq, a tool that applies a lazy sequentialization scheme, has won the Concurrency division of the last two editions of the Competition on Software Verification. The tool encodes all thread schedules up to a given bound into a single non-deterministic sequential C program and then invokes a C model checker. This paper presents a novel optimized imple-mentation of lazy sequentialization, which integrates symbolic pruning of redundant schedules into the encoding. Experimental evaluation shows that our tool outperforms Lazy-CSeq significantly on many benchmarks

    Weighted Branching Simulation Distance for Parametric Weighted Kripke Structures

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    This paper concerns branching simulation for weighted Kripke structures with parametric weights. Concretely, we consider a weighted extension of branching simulation where a single transitions can be matched by a sequence of transitions while preserving the branching behavior. We relax this notion to allow for a small degree of deviation in the matching of weights, inducing a directed distance on states. The distance between two states can be used directly to relate properties of the states within a sub-fragment of weighted CTL. The problem of relating systems thus changes to minimizing the distance which, in the general parametric case, corresponds to finding suitable parameter valuations such that one system can approximately simulate another. Although the distance considers a potentially infinite set of transition sequences we demonstrate that there exists an upper bound on the length of relevant sequences, thereby establishing the computability of the distance.Comment: In Proceedings Cassting'16/SynCoP'16, arXiv:1608.0017

    Risk-aware shielding of Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning policies

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    Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning (POMCP) is a powerful online algorithm that can generate approximate policies for large Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. The online nature of this method supports scalability by avoiding complete policy representation. However, the lack of an explicit policy representation hinders interpretability and a proper evaluation of the risks an agent may incur. In this work, we propose a methodology based on Maximum Satisfiability Modulo Theory (MAX-SMT) for analyzing POMCP policies by inspecting their traces, namely, sequences of belief- action pairs generated by the algorithm. The proposed method explores local properties of the policy to build a compact and informative summary of the policy behaviour. Moreover, we introduce a rich and formal language that a domain expert can use to describe the expected behaviour of a policy. In more detail, we present a formulation that directly computes the risk involved in taking actions by considering the high- level elements specified by the expert. The final formula can identify risky decisions taken by POMCP that violate the expert indications. We show that this identification process can be used offline (to improve the policy’s explainability and identify anomalous behaviours) or online (to shield the risky decisions of the POMCP algorithm). We present an extended evaluation of our approach on four domains: the well-known tiger and rocksample benchmarks, a problem of velocity regulation in mobile robots, and a problem of battery management in mobile robots. We test the methodology against a state-of- the-art anomaly detection algorithm to show that our approach can be used to identify anomalous behaviours in faulty POMCP. We also show, comparing the performance of shielded and unshielded POMCP, that the shielding mechanism can improve the system’s performance. We provide an open-source implementation of the proposed methodologies at https://github.com/GiuMaz/XPOMCP

    Mastering operational limitations of LEO satellites – The GOMX-3 approach

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    When working with space systems the keyword is resources. For a satellite in orbit all resources are sparse and the most critical resource of all is power. It is therefore crucial to have detailed knowledge on how much power is available for an energy harvesting satellite in orbit at every time – especially when in eclipse, where it draws its power from onboard batteries. This paper addresses this problem by a two-step procedure to perform task scheduling for low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites exploiting formal methods. It combines cost-optimal reachability analyses of priced timed automata networks with a realistic kinetic battery model capable of capturing capacity limits as well as stochastic fluctuations. The procedure is in use for the automatic and resource-optimal day-ahead scheduling of GOMX-3, a power-hungry nanosatellite currently orbiting the earth. We explain how this approach has overcome existing problems, has led to improved designs, and has provided new insights