21 research outputs found

    Structure-aware halftoning

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    our result faithfully preserves the texture details as well as the local tone. All images have the same resolution of 445×377. This paper presents an optimization-based halftoning technique that preserves the structure and tone similarities between the original and the halftone images. By optimizing an objective function consisting of both the structure and the tone metrics, the generated halftone images preserve visually sensitive texture details as well as the local tone. It possesses the blue-noise property and does not introduce annoying patterns. Unlike the existing edge-enhancement halftoning, the proposed method does not suffer from the deficiencies of edge detector. Our method is tested on various types of images. In multiple experiments and the user study, our method consistently obtains the best scores among all tested methods.

    Efficient Halftoning via Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Halftoning aims to reproduce a continuous-tone image with pixels whose intensities are constrained to two discrete levels. This technique has been deployed on every printer, and the majority of them adopt fast methods (e.g., ordered dithering, error diffusion) that fail to render structural details, which determine halftone's quality. Other prior methods of pursuing visual pleasure by searching for the optimal halftone solution, on the contrary, suffer from their high computational cost. In this paper, we propose a fast and structure-aware halftoning method via a data-driven approach. Specifically, we formulate halftoning as a reinforcement learning problem, in which each binary pixel's value is regarded as an action chosen by a virtual agent with a shared fully convolutional neural network (CNN) policy. In the offline phase, an effective gradient estimator is utilized to train the agents in producing high-quality halftones in one action step. Then, halftones can be generated online by one fast CNN inference. Besides, we propose a novel anisotropy suppressing loss function, which brings the desirable blue-noise property. Finally, we find that optimizing SSIM could result in holes in flat areas, which can be avoided by weighting the metric with the contone's contrast map. Experiments show that our framework can effectively train a light-weight CNN, which is 15x faster than previous structure-aware methods, to generate blue-noise halftones with satisfactory visual quality. We also present a prototype of deep multitoning to demonstrate the extensibility of our method

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    QualityAdaptive sharpness enhancement and noise removal of a colour images based on the bilateral filtering

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    In this paper, we present the Adaptive Bilateral Filter (ABF) for sharpness enhancement and noise removal of a colour images. The ABF sharpens an image by increasing the slope of the edges without producing overshoot or undershoot. It is an approach to sharpness enhancement that is fundamentally different from the unsharp mask (USM). This new approach to slope restoration also differs significantly from previous slope restoration algorithms. Compared with an USM based sharpening method, the optimal unsharp mask (OUM), In terms of noise removal, ABF will outperform the bilateral filter and the OUM. ABF works well for both gray images and color images. Due to operation of sharpening of colour images along the edge slope tend to poseterize the image using ABF by pulling up or pulling down the colour images. The proposed method is effective at removing signal noise while enhancing the experimental results in perceptual quality both quantatively and qualitatively

    Taming Reversible Halftoning via Predictive Luminance

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    Traditional halftoning usually drops colors when dithering images with binary dots, which makes it difficult to recover the original color information. We proposed a novel halftoning technique that converts a color image into a binary halftone with full restorability to its original version. Our novel base halftoning technique consists of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to produce the reversible halftone patterns, and a noise incentive block (NIB) to mitigate the flatness degradation issue of CNNs. Furthermore, to tackle the conflicts between the blue-noise quality and restoration accuracy in our novel base method, we proposed a predictor-embedded approach to offload predictable information from the network, which in our case is the luminance information resembling from the halftone pattern. Such an approach allows the network to gain more flexibility to produce halftones with better blue-noise quality without compromising the restoration quality. Detailed studies on the multiple-stage training method and loss weightings have been conducted. We have compared our predictor-embedded method and our novel method regarding spectrum analysis on halftone, halftone accuracy, restoration accuracy, and the data embedding studies. Our entropy evaluation evidences our halftone contains less encoding information than our novel base method. The experiments show our predictor-embedded method gains more flexibility to improve the blue-noise quality of halftones and maintains a comparable restoration quality with a higher tolerance for disturbances.Comment: to be published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Laser scanner jitter characterization, page content analysis for optimal rendering, and understanding image graininess

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    In Chapter 1, the electrophotographic (EP) process is widely used in imaging systems such as laser printers and office copiers. In the EP process, laser scanner jitter is a common artifact that mainly appears along the scan direction due to the condition of polygon facets. Prior studies have not focused on the periodic characteristic of laser scanner jitter in terms of the modeling and analysis. This chapter addresses the periodic characteristic of laser scanner jitter in the mathematical model. In the Fourier domain, we derive an analytic expression for laser scanner jitter in general, and extend the expression assuming a sinusoidal displacement. This leads to a simple closed-form expression in terms of Bessel functions of the first kind. We further examine the relationship between the continuous-space halftone image and the periodic laser scanner jitter. The simulation results show that our proposed mathematical model predicts the phenomenon of laser scanner jitter effectively, when compared to the characterization using a test pattern, which consists of a flat field with 25% dot coverage However, there is some mismatches between the analytical spectrum and spectrum of the processed scanned test target. We improve experimental results by directly estimating the displacement instead of assuming a sinusoidal displacement. This gives a better prediction of the phenomenon of laser scanner jitter. ^ In Chapter 2, we describe a segmentation-based object map correction algorithm, which can be integrated in a new imaging pipeline for laser electrophotographic (EP) printers. This new imaging pipeline incorporates the idea of object-oriented halftoning, which applies different halftone screens to different regions of the page, to improve the overall print quality. In particular, smooth areas are halftoned with a low-frequency screen to provide more stable printing; whereas detail areas are halftoned with a high-frequency screen, since this will better reproduce the object detail. In this case, the object detail also serves to mask any print defects that arise from the use of a high frequency screen. These regions are defined by the initial object map, which is translated from the page description language (PDL). However, the information of object type obtained from the PDL may be incorrect. Some smooth areas may be labeled as raster causing them to be halftoned with a high frequency screen, rather than being labeled as vector, which would result in them being rendered with a low frequency screen. To correct the misclassification, we propose an object map correction algorithm that combines information from the incorrect object map with information obtained by segmentation of the continuous-tone RGB rasterized page image. Finally, the rendered image can be halftoned by the object-oriented halftoning approach, based on the corrected object map. Preliminary experimental results indicate the benefits of our algorithm combined with the new imaging pipeline, in terms of correction of misclassification errors. ^ In Chapter 3, we describe a study to understand image graininess. With the emergence of the high-end digital printing technologies, it is of interest to analyze the nature and causes of image graininess in order to understand the factors that prevent high-end digital presses from achieving the same print quality as commercial offset presses. We want to understand how image graininess relates to the halftoning technology and marking technology. This chapter provides three different approaches to understand image graininess. First, we perform a Fourier-based analysis of regular and irregular periodic, clustered-dot halftone textures. With high-end digital printing technology, irregular screens can be considered since they can achieve a better approximation to the screen sets used for commercial offset presses. This is due to the fact that the elements of the periodicity matrix of an irregular screen are rational numbers, rather than integers, which would be the case for a regular screen. From the analytical results, we show that irregular halftone textures generate new frequency components near the spectrum origin; and these frequency components are low enough to be visible to the human viewer. However, regular halftone textures do not have these frequency components. In addition, we provide a metric to measure the nonuniformity of a given halftone texture. The metric indicates that the nonuniformity of irregular halftone textures is higher than the nonuniformity of regular halftone textures. Furthermore, a method to visualize the nonuniformity of given halftone textures is described. The analysis shows that irregular halftone textures are grainier than regular halftone textures. Second, we analyze the regular and irregular periodic, clustered-dot halftone textures by calculating three spatial statistics. First, the disparity between lattice points generated by the periodicity matrix, and centroids of dot clusters are considered. Next, the area of dot clusters in regular and irregular halftone textures is considered. Third, the compactness of dot clusters in the regular and irregular halftone textures is calculated. The disparity of between centroids of irregular dot clusters and lattices points generated by the irregular screen is larger than the disparity of between centroids of regular dot clusters and lattices points generated by the regular screen. Irregular halftone textures have higher variance in the histogram of dot-cluster area. In addition, the compactness measurement shows that irregular dot clusters are less compact than regular dot clusters. But, a clustered-dot halftone algorithm wants to produce clustered-dot as compact as possible. Lastly, we exam the current marking technology by printing the same halftone pattern on different substrates, glossy and polyester media. The experimental results show that the current marking technology provides better print quality on glossy media than on polyester media. With above three different approaches, we conclude that the current halftoning technology introduces image graininess in the spatial domain because of the non-integer elements in the periodicity matrix of the irregular screen and the finite addressability of the marking engine. In addition, the geometric characteristics of irregular dot clusters is more irregular than the geometric characteristics of regular dot clusters. Finally, the marking technology provides inconsistency of print quality between substrates

    Scanline calculation of radial influence for image processing

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    Efficient methods for the calculation of radial influence are described and applied to two image processing problems, digital halftoning and mixed content image compression. The methods operate recursively on scanlines of image values, spreading intensity from scanline to scanline in proportions approximating a Cauchy distribution. For error diffusion halftoning, experiments show that this recursive scanline spreading provides an ideal pattern of distribution of error. Error diffusion using masks generated to provide this distribution of error alleviate error diffusion "worm" artifacts. The recursive scanline by scanline application of a spreading filter and a complementary filter can be used to reconstruct an image from its horizontal and vertical pixel difference values. When combined with the use of a downsampled image the reconstruction is robust to incomplete and quantized pixel difference data. Such gradient field integration methods are described in detail proceeding from representation of images by gradient values along contours through to a variety of efficient algorithms. Comparisons show that this form of gradient field integration by convolution provides reduced distortion compared to other high speed gradient integration methods. The reduced distortion can be attributed to success in approximating a radial pattern of influence. An approach to edge-based image compression is proposed using integration of gradient data along edge contours and regularly sampled low resolution image data. This edge-based image compression model is similar to previous sketch based image coding methods but allows a simple and efficient calculation of an edge-based approximation image. A low complexity implementation of this approach to compression is described. The implementation extracts and represents gradient data along edge contours as pixel differences and calculates an approximate image by performing integration of pixel difference data by scanline convolution. The implementation was developed as a prototype for compression of mixed content image data in printing systems. Compression results are reported and strengths and weaknesses of the implementation are identified

    <title>Tone-dependent error diffusion</title>

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