181 research outputs found

    CRT-based dialogs: Theory and design

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    CRT (cathode ray tube) based, direct selection dialogs for computing machines and systems were apparently a cure for issues like ease of learning and ease of use. But unforeseen ~ and probably unforeseeable problems arose as increasingly sophisticated systems and dialogs were developed. This paper describes some of the emerging problems in CRT-based dialog design, develops theories about why they occur, and discusses potential solutions for them as a basis for future research. This investigation also provides a survey of the research into what makes programming and programming languages difficult, and what makes them simple

    Special Libraries, Winter 1986

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    Volume 77, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1986/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Applying the Law of Neutrality While Transitioning the Seas of Cyberspace

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    The Epigenetic Research Program (EPR): a transdisciplinary approach for the dynamics of knowledge, society - and beyond

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    'Mit dem 'epigenetischen Zugang' wurde ein einheitliches Forschungsprogramm aufgebaut, das zur Analyse von 'wissensbasierten Prozessen' in einer Unzahl von Bereichen dient. Konkret wurde mit dem epigenetischen Programm bislang auf der einen Seite ein anspruchsvolles 'transdisziplinäres Forschungsprogramm' konstruiert und auf der anderen Seite eine Reihe von Anwendungen im Bereich von Organisationsanalysen oder auch 'Nationalen Innovationssystemen' durchgeführt. Darüberhinaus erlaubt das epigenetische Programm, sich jenseits der gegenwärtig diskutierten Merkmale von 'Wissensgesellschaften' wie der Diffusion von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien oder der Ausweitung in den traditionellen Stätten der Wissensproduktion - Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute - zu bewegen. Zu guter Letzt sei der Hinweis angebracht, daß gerade die neue Architektur von Wissens- und Informationsgesellschaften innovative Schlaglichter auf Fragen der gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheit wirft und gegenwärtige Problemfelder in diesem Bereich scharf zu akzentuieren vermag.' (Autorenreferat)'With the 'epigenetic approach', an entire research program has been set up which is devoted to the study of 'knowledge-based processes' in human societies - and beyond. More concretely, an epigenetic approach has been built up in which two different areas are addressed and dealt with simultaneously, namely theoretical foundations for the analysis of 'knowledge based processes' and a comparatively large number of empirical applications, ranging from the study of organizations to the level of 'National Innovation Systems'. Moreover, the emphasis on 'knowledge and information societies' is not motivated by current reconfigurations via communication and information technologies or the expansion of 'knowledge generating capacities' beyond the confines of traditional universities or research institutes. Likewise, 'knowledge and information societies' are not conceptualized as a stage beyond socio-economic inequality, contrasting it, for example, to traditional 'class societies', but, once again, as a theoretical approach which offers new insights into the basic structure of current societal disparities.' (Autorenreferat)

    The Tiger Vol. 86 Issue 5 1992-09-25

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    Systems for the future: Proceedings of the Australian systems conference

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    The depth and variety of papers in this volume are a testament to the applicability of systems thinking to a wide range of problems. The complexity of modern management demands approaches that take into account not only difficult technical challenges, but also the various views and perceptions of those involved in the problem situation. The following papers are a small subset of the work being done to rise to this challenge. Systems methodologies and techniques will shape the future. They provide an avenue to attempt to solve the myriad of environmental, social, business, and technical problems that face us. Systems approaches help us to understand the basis of many present dilemmas. This understanding plus associated techniques make system science a discipline for the future

    Volume 12, Number 9

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    Police Subpoena Library Records in Hendricks Case, Dan White Is Out and Not Sorry, Liquor Commission Show Their Class, Tougher Laws for Drunk Driving, Hendricks Case Revelations Upset Dozier, Computer Predicts Dangers in Nuke Launch Policy, New Covert Narc Force Begins Local Round Ups, 1984 Theme of IWU Art Show, Holy See-Saw, Hi-Tech Babies in Bloomington-Normal, \u27Something About Amelia\u27 Opens Discussion, Protect Neighborhood Stores--Boycott Cub Foods, Troops Invade Angel Island, Water Department Enters Bloomington Homes Unasked, Locked in the Electric Sweatshophttps://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan/1131/thumbnail.jp

    Volume 12, Number 9

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    Police Subpoena Library Records in Hendricks Case, Dan White Is Out and Not Sorry, Liquor Commission Show Their Class, Tougher Laws for Drunk Driving, Hendricks Case Revelations Upset Dozier, Computer Predicts Dangers in Nuke Launch Policy, New Covert Narc Force Begins Local Round Ups, 1984 Theme of IWU Art Show, Holy See-Saw, Hi-Tech Babies in Bloomington-Normal, \u27Something About Amelia\u27 Opens Discussion, Protect Neighborhood Stores--Boycott Cub Foods, Troops Invade Angel Island, Water Department Enters Bloomington Homes Unasked, Locked in the Electric Sweatshophttps://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan/1131/thumbnail.jp
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