16 research outputs found

    Verification of the virtual bandwidth SAR (VB-SAR) scheme for centimetric resolution subsurface imaging from space

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    This work presents the first experimental demonstration of the virtual bandwidth synthetic aperture radar (VB-SAR) imaging scheme. VB-SAR is a newly-developed subsurface imaging technique which, in stark contrast to traditional close-proximity ground penetrating radar (GPR) schemes, promises imaging from remote standoff platforms such as aircraft and satellites. It specifically exploits the differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) phase history of a radar wave within a drying soil volume to generate high- resolution vertical maps of the scattering through the soil volume. For this study, a stack of C-band VV polarisation DInSAR images of a sandy soil containing a buried target was collected in the laboratory whilst the soil moisture was varied - firstly during controlled water addition, and then during subsequent drying. The wetting image set established the moisture-phase relationship for the soil, which was then applied to the drying DInSAR image set using the VB-SAR scheme. This allowed retrieval of high resolution VB-SAR imagery with a vertical discrimination of 0.04m from a stack of 1m vertical resolution DInSAR images. This work unequivocally shows that the basic principles of the VB-SAR technique are valid and opens the door to further investigation of this promising technique

    A very high resolution X- and Ku-band field study of a barley crop in support of the SWINTOL Project

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    SAR Wave INteraction for Natural Targets Over Land (SWINTOL) is a project funded by the European Space Agency. The study’s goal is to better understand the interaction of high frequency radar (> X-band) with vegetation and soils, in order to drive the development of a high-frequency electromagnetic model to simulate SAR imagery at high resolution (< 1 m). Existing models work well at C and X band frequencies, but do not work properly at higher frequencies. Cranfield University’s role in this project was to provide the field data necessary for model validation and development. Radar imagery was taken of a barley crop over an entire growing season. The portable outdoor GB-SAR system used the tomographic profiling (TP) technique to capture polarimetric imagery of the crop. TP is a scheme that provides detailed maps of the vertical backscatter pattern through a crop canopy, along a narrow transect directly beneath the radar platform. Fully-polarimetric imagery was obtained across overlapping 6.5 GHz bandwidths over the X- and Ku-band frequency range 8-20 GHz. This gave the opportunity to see the detailed scattering behaviour within the crop at the plant component level, from emergence of the crop through to harvesting. In combination with the imagery, full bio-geophysical characterisation of the crop and soil was made on each measurement date. Surface roughness characterisation of the soil was captured using a 3D optical stereoscopic system. This work details the measurements made, and provides a comparative assessment of the results in terms of understanding the backscatter in relation to biophysical and radar parameters

    Temporal Characteristics of Boreal Forest Radar Measurements

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    Radar observations of forests are sensitive to seasonal changes, meteorological variables and variations in soil and tree water content. These phenomena cause temporal variations in radar measurements, limiting the accuracy of tree height and biomass estimates using radar data. The temporal characteristics of radar measurements of forests, especially boreal forests, are not well understood. To fill this knowledge gap, a tower-based radar experiment was established for studying temporal variations in radar measurements of a boreal forest site in southern Sweden. The work in this thesis involves the design and implementation of the experiment and the analysis of data acquired. The instrument allowed radar signatures from the forest to be monitored over timescales ranging from less than a second to years. A purpose-built, 50 m high tower was equipped with 30 antennas for tomographic imaging at microwave frequencies of P-band (420-450 MHz), L-band (1240-1375 MHz) and C-band (5250-5570 MHz) for multiple polarisation combinations. Parallel measurements using a 20-port vector network analyser resulted in significantly shorter measurement times and better tomographic image quality than previous tower-based radars. A new method was developed for suppressing mutual antenna coupling without affecting the range resolution. Algorithms were developed for compensating for phase errors using an array radar and for correcting for pixel-variant impulse responses in tomographic images. Time series results showed large freeze/thaw backscatter variations due to freezing moisture in trees. P-band canopy backscatter variations of up to 10 dB occurred near instantaneously as the air temperature crossed 0⁰C, with ground backscatter responding over longer timescales. During nonfrozen conditions, the canopy backscatter was very stable with time. Evidence of backscatter variations due to tree water content were observed during hot summer periods only. A high vapour pressure deficit and strong winds increased the rate of transpiration fast enough to reduce the tree water content, which was visible as 0.5-2 dB backscatter drops during the day. Ground backscatter for cross-polarised observations increased during strong winds due to bending tree stems. Significant temporal decorrelation was only seen at P-band during freezing, thawing and strong winds. Suitable conditions for repeat-pass L-band interferometry were only seen during the summer. C-band temporal coherence was high over timescales of seconds and occasionally for several hours for night-time observations during the summer. Decorrelation coinciding with high transpiration rates was observed at L- and C-band, suggesting sensitivity to tree water dynamics.The observations from this experiment are important for understanding, modelling and mitigating temporal variations in radar observables in forest parameter estimation algorithms. The results also are also useful in the design of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar missions with interferometric and tomographic capabilities. The results motivate the implementation of single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radars for forest applications at P-, L- and C-band

    Subsurface radar imaging from space

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    © Cranfield University, 2018Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are two widely used techniques for acquiring radar images. GPR, as its name suggests, produces radar images of the below ground environment. SAR is a remote sensing technique which allows moving radar systems to produce radar images with dramatically improved resolutions over conventional radar systems. Despite their benefits, both GPR and SAR suffer from certain limitations. In the case of GPR, the radar system has to be in close proximity with the subsurface volume being surveyed, which limits the process to relatively small areas that are easily accessible. SAR allows large areas to be surveyed rapidly from large distances, but cannot distinguish buried objects from surface objects. This thesis focuses on a radar technique that offers the opportunity to overcome these limitations and allow subsurface radar imaging of large areas using radar data gathered by remote sensing systems. This novel technique is known as Virtual Bandwidth SAR (VB-SAR). VB-SAR utilises changes in soil moisture over a series of SAR images to differentiate buried objects from objects on the surface. In addition to this differentiation, VB-SAR also allows extremely high (centimetre scale) subsurface range resolutions to be obtained from SAR images with range resolutions measured in metres. This research has experimentally demonstrated the basic feasibility of performing remote subsurface radar imaging with the VB-SAR scheme. Within the laboratory environment a buried target has been successfully imaged using VB-SAR and the fundamentals of VB-SAR have been verified. Dramatic increases in subsurface range resolutions have been demonstrated, as has the ability of the VB-SAR scheme to work correctly over a range of radar frequencies, observation angles and polarisations. This laboratory work has been enabled by use of the Tomographic Profiling (TP) imaging scheme. TP is a synthetic aperture based imaging algorithm, but unlike conventional SAR TP produces images with a constant look angle over the entire imaging scene. This enabled the performance of the VB-SAR imaging scheme to be easily evaluated over a range of look angles using a single radar dataset and simplified the experimental setup. In addition to the experimental work, simulation exercises have been conducted and image processors have been implemented. Simulation, using a simulator created as part of this work, has allowed testing of the VB-SAR scheme in a range of scenarios (sidelooking SAR, different soils, multiple buried targets). The image processor work has implemented a high performance TP processor and a practical VB-SAR imager

    Spatio-temporal influence of tundra snow properties on Ku-band (17.2 GHz) backscatter

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    During the 2010/11 boreal winter, a distributed set of backscatter measurements was collected using a ground-based Ku-band (17.2 GHz) scatterometer system at 26 open tundra sites. A standard snow-sampling procedure was completed after each scan to evaluate local variability in snow layering, depth, density and water equivalent (SWE) within the scatterometer field of view. The shallow depths and large basal depth hoar encountered presented an opportunity to evaluate backscatter under a set of previously untested conditions. Strong Ku-band response was found with increasing snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE). In particular, co-polarized vertical backscatter increased by 0.82 dB for every 1 cm increase in SWE (R2 = 0.62). While the result indicated strong potential for Ku-band retrieval of shallow snow properties, it did not characterize the influence of sub-scan variability. An enhanced snow-sampling procedure was introduced to generate detailed characterizations of stratigraphy within the scatterometer field of view using near-infrared photography along the length of a 5m trench. Changes in snow properties along the trench were used to discuss variations in the collocated backscatter response. A pair of contrasting observation sites was used to highlight uncertainties in backscatter response related to short length scale spatial variability in the observed tundra environment

    Elevation and Deformation Extraction from TomoSAR

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    3D SAR tomography (TomoSAR) and 4D SAR differential tomography (Diff-TomoSAR) exploit multi-baseline SAR data stacks to provide an essential innovation of SAR Interferometry for many applications, sensing complex scenes with multiple scatterers mapped into the same SAR pixel cell. However, these are still influenced by DEM uncertainty, temporal decorrelation, orbital, tropospheric and ionospheric phase distortion and height blurring. In this thesis, these techniques are explored. As part of this exploration, the systematic procedures for DEM generation, DEM quality assessment, DEM quality improvement and DEM applications are first studied. Besides, this thesis focuses on the whole cycle of systematic methods for 3D & 4D TomoSAR imaging for height and deformation retrieval, from the problem formation phase, through the development of methods to testing on real SAR data. After DEM generation introduction from spaceborne bistatic InSAR (TanDEM-X) and airborne photogrammetry (Bluesky), a new DEM co-registration method with line feature validation (river network line, ridgeline, valley line, crater boundary feature and so on) is developed and demonstrated to assist the study of a wide area DEM data quality. This DEM co-registration method aligns two DEMs irrespective of the linear distortion model, which improves the quality of DEM vertical comparison accuracy significantly and is suitable and helpful for DEM quality assessment. A systematic TomoSAR algorithm and method have been established, tested, analysed and demonstrated for various applications (urban buildings, bridges, dams) to achieve better 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. These include applying Cosmo-Skymed X band single-polarisation data over the Zipingpu dam, Dujiangyan, Sichuan, China, to map topography; and using ALOS L band data in the San Francisco Bay region to map urban building and bridge. A new ionospheric correction method based on the tile method employing IGS TEC data, a split-spectrum and an ionospheric model via least squares are developed to correct ionospheric distortion to improve the accuracy of 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging. Meanwhile, a pixel by pixel orbit baseline estimation method is developed to address the research gaps of baseline estimation for 3D & 4D spaceborne SAR tomography imaging. Moreover, a SAR tomography imaging algorithm and a differential tomography four-dimensional SAR imaging algorithm based on compressive sensing, SAR interferometry phase (InSAR) calibration reference to DEM with DEM error correction, a new phase error calibration and compensation algorithm, based on PS, SVD, PGA, weighted least squares and minimum entropy, are developed to obtain accurate 3D & 4D tomographic SAR imaging results. The new baseline estimation method and consequent TomoSAR processing results showed that an accurate baseline estimation is essential to build up the TomoSAR model. After baseline estimation, phase calibration experiments (via FFT and Capon method) indicate that a phase calibration step is indispensable for TomoSAR imaging, which eventually influences the inversion results. A super-resolution reconstruction CS based study demonstrates X band data with the CS method does not fit for forest reconstruction but works for reconstruction of large civil engineering structures such as dams and urban buildings. Meanwhile, the L band data with FFT, Capon and the CS method are shown to work for the reconstruction of large manmade structures (such as bridges) and urban buildings

    Remote Sensing Observations of Tundra Snow with Ku- and X-band Radar

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    Seasonal patterns of snow accumulation in the Northern Hemisphere are changing in response to variations in Arctic climate. These changes have the potential to influence global climate, regional hydrology, and sensitive ecosystems as they become more pronounced. To refine our understanding of the role of snow in the Earth system, improved methods to characterize global changes in snow extent and mass are needed. Current space-borne observations and ground-based measurement networks lack the spatial resolution to characterize changes in volumetric snow properties at the scale of ground observed variation. Recently, radar has emerged as a potential complement to existing observation methods with demonstrated sensitivity to snow volume at high spatial resolutions (< 200 m). In 2009, this potential was recognized by the proposed European Space Agency Earth Explorer mission, the Cold Regions High Resolution Hydrology Observatory (CoReH2O); a satellite based dual frequency (17.2 and 9.6 GHz) radar for observation of cryospheric variables including snow water equivalent (SWE). Despite increasing international attention, snow-radar interactions specific to many snow cover types remain unevaluated at 17.2 or 9.6 GHz, including those common to the Canadian tundra. This thesis aimed to use field-based experimentation to close gaps in knowledge regarding snow-microwave interaction and to improve our understanding of how these interactions could be exploited to retrieve snow properties in tundra environments. Between September 2009 and March 2011, a pair of multi-objective field campaigns were conducted in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada to collect snow, ice, and radar measurements in a number of unique sub-arctic environments. Three distinct experiments were undertaken to characterize and evaluate snow-radar response using novel seasonal, spatial, and destructive sampling methods in previously untested terrestrial tundra environments. Common to each experiment was the deployment of a sled-mounted dual-frequency (17.2 and 9.6 GHz) scatterometer system known as UW-Scat. This adaptable ground-based radar system was used to collect backscatter measurements across a range of representative tundra snow conditions at remote terrestrial sites. The assembled set of measurements provide an extensive database from which to evaluate the influence of seasonal processes of snow accumulation and metamorphosis on radar response. Several advancements to our understanding of snow-radar interaction were made in this thesis. First, proof-of-concept experiments were used to establish seasonal and spatial observation protocols for ground-based evaluation. These initial experiments identified the presence of frequency dependent sensitivity to evolving snow properties in terrestrial environments. Expanding upon the preliminary experiments, a seasonal observation protocol was used to demonstrate for the first time Ku-band and X-band sensitivity to evolving snow properties at a coastal tundra observation site. Over a 5 month period, 13 discrete scatterometer observations were collected at an undisturbed snow target where Ku-band measurements were shown to hold strong sensitivity to increasing snow depth and water equivalent. Analysis of longer wavelength X-band measurements was complicated by soil response not easily separable from the target snow signal. Definitive evidence of snow volume scattering was shown by removing the snowpack from the field of view which resulted in a significant reduction in backscatter at both frequencies. An additional set of distributed snow covered tundra targets were evaluated to increase knowledge of spatiotemporal Ku-band interactions. In this experiment strong sensitivities to increasing depth and SWE were again demonstrated. To further evaluate the influence of tundra snow variability, detailed characterization of snow stratigraphy was completed within the sensor field of view and compared against collocated backscatter response. These experiments demonstrated Ku-band sensitivity to changes in tundra snow properties observed over short distances. A contrasting homogeneous snowpack showed a reduction in variation of the radar signal in comparison to a highly variable open tundra site. Overall, the results of this thesis support the single frequency Ku-band (17.2 GHz) retrieval of shallow tundra snow properties and encourage further study of X-band interactions to aid in decomposition of the desired snow volume signal.4 month