20 research outputs found

    Methodology for standard cell compliance and detailed placement for triple patterning lithography

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    As the feature size of semiconductor process further scales to sub-16nm technology node, triple patterning lithography (TPL) has been regarded one of the most promising lithography candidates. M1 and contact layers, which are usually deployed within standard cells, are most critical and complex parts for modern digital designs. Traditional design flow that ignores TPL in early stages may limit the potential to resolve all the TPL conflicts. In this paper, we propose a coherent framework, including standard cell compliance and detailed placement to enable TPL friendly design. Considering TPL constraints during early design stages, such as standard cell compliance, improves the layout decomposability. With the pre-coloring solutions of standard cells, we present a TPL aware detailed placement, where the layout decomposition and placement can be resolved simultaneously. Our experimental results show that, with negligible impact on critical path delay, our framework can resolve the conflicts much more easily, compared with the traditional physical design flow and followed layout decomposition

    EDA Solutions for Double Patterning Lithography

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    Expanding the optical lithography to 32-nm node and beyond is impossible using existing single exposure systems. As such, double patterning lithography (DPL) is the most promising option to generate the required lithography resolution, where the target layout is printed with two separate imaging processes. Among different DPL techniques litho-etch-litho-etch (LELE) and self-aligned double patterning (SADP) methods are the most popular ones, which apply two complete exposure lithography steps and an exposure lithography followed by a chemical imaging process, respectively. To realize double patterning lithography, patterns located within a sub-resolution distance should be assigned to either of the imaging sub-processes, so-called layout decomposition. To achieve the optimal design yield, layout decomposition problem should be solved with respect to characteristics and limitations of the applied DPL method. For example, although patterns can be split between the two sub-masks in the LELE method to generate conflict free masks, this pattern split is not favorable due to its sensitivity to lithography imperfections such as the overlay error. On the other hand, pattern split is forbidden in SADP method because it results in non-resolvable gap failures in the final image. In addition to the functional yield, layout decomposition affects parametric yield of the designs printed by double patterning. To deal with both functional and parametric challenges of DPL in dense and large layouts, EDA solutions for DPL are addressed in this thesis. To this end, we proposed a statistical method to determine the interconnect width and space for the LELE method under the effect of random overlay error. In addition to yield maximization and achieving near-optimal trade-off between different parametric requirements, the proposed method provides valuable insight about the trend of parametric and functional yields in future technology nodes. Next, we focused on self-aligned double patterning and proposed layout design and decomposition methods to provide SADP-compatible layouts and litho-friendly decomposed layouts. Precisely, a grid-based ILP formulation of SADP decomposition was proposed to avoid decomposition conflicts and improve overall printability of layout patterns. To overcome the limited applicability of this ILP-based method to fully-decomposable layouts, a partitioning-based method is also proposed which is faster than the grid-based ILP decomposition method too. Moreover, an A∗-based SADP-aware detailed routing method was proposed which performs detailed routing and layout decomposition simultaneously to avoid litho-limited layout configurations. The proposed router preserves the uniformity of pattern density between the two sub-masks of the SADP process. We finally extended our decomposition method for double patterning to triple patterning and formulated SATP decomposition by integer linear programming. In addition to conventional minimum width and spacing constraints, the proposed decomposition method minimizes the mandrel-trim co-defined edges and maximizes the layout features printed by structural spacers to achieve the minimum pattern distortion. This thesis is one of the very early researches that investigates the concept of litho-friendliness in SADP-aware layout design and decomposition. Provided by experimental results, the proposed methods advance prior state-of-the-art algorithms in various aspects. Precisely, the suggested SADP decomposition methods improve total length of sensitive trim edges, total EPE and overall printability of attempted designs. Additionally, our SADP-detailed routing method provides SADP-decomposable layouts in which trim patterns are highly robust to lithography imperfections. The experimental results for SATP decomposition show that total length of overlay-sensitive layout patterns, total EPE and overall printability of the attempted designs are also improved considerably by the proposed decomposition method. Additionally, the methods in this PhD thesis reveal several insights for the upcoming technology nodes which can be considered for improving the manufacturability of these nodes

    2019 EURÄ“CA Abstract Book

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    Listing of student participant abstracts

    Removal of antagonistic spindle forces can rescue metaphase spindle length and reduce chromosome segregation defects

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    Regular Abstracts - Tuesday Poster Presentations: no. 1925Metaphase describes a phase of mitosis where chromosomes are attached and oriented on the bipolar spindle for subsequent segregation at anaphase. In diverse cell types, the metaphase spindle is maintained at a relatively constant length. Metaphase spindle length is proposed to be regulated by a balance of pushing and pulling forces generated by distinct sets of spindle microtubules and their interactions with motors and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Spindle length appears important for chromosome segregation fidelity, as cells with shorter or longer than normal metaphase spindles, generated through deletion or inhibition of individual mitotic motors or MAPs, showed chromosome segregation defects. To test the force balance model of spindle length control and its effect on chromosome segregation, we applied fast microfluidic temperature-control with live-cell imaging to monitor the effect of switching off different combinations of antagonistic forces in the fission yeast metaphase spindle. We show that spindle midzone proteins kinesin-5 cut7p and microtubule bundler ase1p contribute to outward pushing forces, and spindle kinetochore proteins kinesin-8 klp5/6p and dam1p contribute to inward pulling forces. Removing these proteins individually led to aberrant metaphase spindle length and chromosome segregation defects. Removing these proteins in antagonistic combination rescued the defective spindle length and, in some combinations, also partially rescued chromosome segregation defects. Our results stress the importance of proper chromosome-to-microtubule attachment over spindle length regulation for proper chromosome segregation.postprin

    Psr1p interacts with SUN/sad1p and EB1/mal3p to establish the bipolar spindle

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    Regular Abstracts - Sunday Poster Presentations: no. 382During mitosis, interpolar microtubules from two spindle pole bodies (SPBs) interdigitate to create an antiparallel microtubule array for accommodating numerous regulatory proteins. Among these proteins, the kinesin-5 cut7p/Eg5 is the key player responsible for sliding apart antiparallel microtubules and thus helps in establishing the bipolar spindle. At the onset of mitosis, two SPBs are adjacent to one another with most microtubules running nearly parallel toward the nuclear envelope, creating an unfavorable microtubule configuration for the kinesin-5 kinesins. Therefore, how the cell organizes the antiparallel microtubule array in the first place at mitotic onset remains enigmatic. Here, we show that a novel protein psrp1p localizes to the SPB and plays a key role in organizing the antiparallel microtubule array. The absence of psr1+ leads to a transient monopolar spindle and massive chromosome loss. Further functional characterization demonstrates that psr1p is recruited to the SPB through interaction with the conserved SUN protein sad1p and that psr1p physically interacts with the conserved microtubule plus tip protein mal3p/EB1. These results suggest a model that psr1p serves as a linking protein between sad1p/SUN and mal3p/EB1 to allow microtubule plus ends to be coupled to the SPBs for organization of an antiparallel microtubule array. Thus, we conclude that psr1p is involved in organizing the antiparallel microtubule array in the first place at mitosis onset by interaction with SUN/sad1p and EB1/mal3p, thereby establishing the bipolar spindle.postprin