4,769 research outputs found

    Timed Context-Free Temporal Logics

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    The paper is focused on temporal logics for the description of the behaviour of real-time pushdown reactive systems. The paper is motivated to bridge tractable logics specialized for expressing separately dense-time real-time properties and context-free properties by ensuring decidability and tractability in the combined setting. To this end we introduce two real-time linear temporal logics for specifying quantitative timing context-free requirements in a pointwise semantics setting: Event-Clock Nested Temporal Logic (EC_NTL) and Nested Metric Temporal Logic (NMTL). The logic EC_NTL is an extension of both the logic CaRet (a context-free extension of standard LTL) and Event-Clock Temporal Logic (a tractable real-time logical framework related to the class of Event-Clock automata). We prove that satisfiability of EC_NTL and visibly model-checking of Visibly Pushdown Timed Automata (VPTA) against EC_NTL are decidable and EXPTIME-complete. The other proposed logic NMTL is a context-free extension of standard Metric Temporal Logic (MTL). It is well known that satisfiability of future MTL is undecidable when interpreted over infinite timed words but decidable over finite timed words. On the other hand, we show that by augmenting future MTL with future context-free temporal operators, the satisfiability problem turns out to be undecidable also for finite timed words. On the positive side, we devise a meaningful and decidable fragment of the logic NMTL which is expressively equivalent to EC_NTL and for which satisfiability and visibly model-checking of VPTA are EXPTIME-complete.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2018, arXiv:1809.02416. arXiv admin note: A technical report with full details is available at arXiv:1808.0427

    Path Checking for MTL and TPTL over Data Words

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    Metric temporal logic (MTL) and timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL) are quantitative extensions of linear temporal logic, which are prominent and widely used in the verification of real-timed systems. It was recently shown that the path checking problem for MTL, when evaluated over finite timed words, is in the parallel complexity class NC. In this paper, we derive precise complexity results for the path-checking problem for MTL and TPTL when evaluated over infinite data words over the non-negative integers. Such words may be seen as the behaviours of one-counter machines. For this setting, we give a complete analysis of the complexity of the path-checking problem depending on the number of register variables and the encoding of constraint numbers (unary or binary). As the two main results, we prove that the path-checking problem for MTL is P-complete, whereas the path-checking problem for TPTL is PSPACE-complete. The results yield the precise complexity of model checking deterministic one-counter machines against formulae of MTL and TPTL

    An interval logic for higher-level temporal reasoning

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    Prior work explored temporal logics, based on classical modal logics, as a framework for specifying and reasoning about concurrent programs, distributed systems, and communications protocols, and reported on efforts using temporal reasoning primitives to express very high level abstract requirements that a program or system is to satisfy. Based on experience with those primitives, this report describes an Interval Logic that is more suitable for expressing such higher level temporal properties. The report provides a formal semantics for the Interval Logic, and several examples of its use. A description of decision procedures for the logic is also included

    On the decidability and complexity of Metric Temporal Logic over finite words

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    Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) is a prominent specification formalism for real-time systems. In this paper, we show that the satisfiability problem for MTL over finite timed words is decidable, with non-primitive recursive complexity. We also consider the model-checking problem for MTL: whether all words accepted by a given Alur-Dill timed automaton satisfy a given MTL formula. We show that this problem is decidable over finite words. Over infinite words, we show that model checking the safety fragment of MTL--which includes invariance and time-bounded response properties--is also decidable. These results are quite surprising in that they contradict various claims to the contrary that have appeared in the literature
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