7 research outputs found

    Time-constrained project scheduling with adjacent resources

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    We develop a decomposition method for the Time-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (TCPSP) with Adjacent Resources. For adjacent resources the resource units are ordered and the units assigned to a job have to be adjacent. On top of that, adjacent resources are not required by single jobs, but by job groups. As soon as a job of such a group starts, the adjacent resource units are occupied, and they are not released before all jobs of that group are completed. The developed decomposition method separates the adjacent resource assignment from the rest of the scheduling problem. Test results demonstrate the applicability of the decomposition method. The presented decomposition forms a first promising approach for the TCPSP with adjacent resources and may form a good basis to develop more elaborated methods


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    Increasing project complexity makes scheduling problems more difficult to solve and requires more versatile algorithms. Two different approaches for the project scheduling optimization could be considered: TCPSP (Time-Constrained Project Scheduling), and RCPSP (Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling). In this paper we study thepossibility to apply Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) for these scheduling problems regarding different fitness functions. Wesearch for strengths and weaknesses of MAS as a prerequisite study for a further implementation of the TCSP on a specific MAS platform.multi-agent systems, scheduling, project management, planning

    A multi-agent system with application in project scheduling

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    The new economic and social dynamics increase project complexity and makes scheduling problems more difficult, therefore scheduling requires more versatile solutions as Multi Agent Systems (MAS). In this paper the authors analyze the implementation of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) considering two scheduling problems: TCPSP (Time-Constrained Project Scheduling), and RCPSP (Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling). The authors propose an improved BDI (Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions) model and present the first the MAS implementation results in JADE platform.multi-agent architecture, scheduling, project management, BDI architecture, JADE.

    Decomposition method for project scheduling with spatial resources

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    Project scheduling problems are in practice often restricted by a limited availability of spatial resources. In this paper we develop a decomposition method for the Time-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (TCPSP) with Spatial Resources. Spatial resources are resources that are not required by single activities, but by activity groups. As soon as an activity of such a group starts, the spatial resource units are occupied, and they are not released before all activities of that group are completed. On top of that, the spatial resource units that are assigned to a group have to be adjacent. The developed decomposition method separates the spatial resource assignment from the rest of the scheduling problem. Test results demonstrate the applicability of the decomposition method. The presented decomposition forms a first promising approach for the TCPSP with spatial resources and may form a good basis to develop more elaborate methods

    Análisis de la relación entre políticas de asignación de recursos en la atención de desastres y la mortalidad

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    244 páginasEl presente trabajo encuentra la relación entre políticas de asignación de recursos para el sistema logístico humanitario colombiano y el tiempo de respuesta del sistema para la atención de la población afectada. La relación se determina comparando el desempeño del sistema frente a dos políticas de asignación de recursos utilizadas en la programación de proyectos con recursos restringidos, identificadas como más relevantes en la literatura y adoptables al sistema humanitario. Se construyó un modelo del sistema Colombiano de atención de desastres utilizando una combinación de redes AON y dinámica de sistemas, con el fin de establecer el impacto sobre los tiempos de respuesta de dichas políticas. Se encontró que, si bien la aplicación de políticas de asignación de recursos puede cambiar significativamente el número de muertos de un desastre, las políticas evaluadas, en promedio no disminuyeron el número de muertos. El criterio de asignación de recursos utilizado actualmente por el sistema colombiano puede considerarse adecuado, pero se recomienda evaluar otras políticas de asignación de recursos que no estén basadas en la ruta crítica sino en la información de recursos y de la estructura de la red

    Time-constrained project scheduling with adjacent resources

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    We develop a decomposition method for the Time-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (TCPSP) with adjacent resources. For adjacent resources the resource units are ordered and the units assigned to a job have to be adjacent. On top of that, adjacent resources are not required by single jobs, but by job groups. As soon as a job of such a group starts, the adjacent resource units are occupied, and they are not released before all jobs of that group are completed. The developed decomposition method separates the adjacent resource assignment from the rest of the scheduling problem. Test results demonstrate the applicability of the decomposition method. The presented decomposition forms a first promising approach for the TCPSP with adjacent resources and may form a good basis to develop more elaborated methods