5 research outputs found

    Analysis of usage of information systems and technology: Cloud computing

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    The objective of the paper was to determine the effect of performance expectancy on the learners’ intention to adopt and use Cloud computing.The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model is used as the basis of this paper, and the data was collected using questionnaires. The questionnaires were analysed for correlation, significance and variance, to study Cloud computing adoption and use based on performance expectancy.The results of the paper revealed that, out of the ten sub-variables, ‘Mobile devices are also mediums for learning’ made the largest contribution, with 62.1 percent agreeing to the statement.There was a relatively strong positive correlation between the feeling of increased interest in studying using internet devices, and Cloud computing adoption and use.All the sub variables for performance expectancy contributed positively, and they reached the statistical significance of p<0.01 in terms of contribution

    A Case Study Of Determinants Of An Effective Cloud Computing Strategy

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    The cloud continues to be an area of information systems that is being adopted cautiously by business firms. The authors of this study analyze factors that can determine the effectiveness of a cloud strategy as firms invest in this computing method. The authors examine cloud computing strategy from a detailed case study and statistical interpretation of a sample of projects of firms and organizations. The findings impute that technical factors are driving cloud computing projects more than procedural factors and that projects in the study exhibit less discipline in methodology than might otherwise be helpful in enabling an initial cloud computing strategy. This study contributes a framework for a prudent cloud computing strategy that can help firms as they further invest in this method of technology

    A Descriptive Literature Review and Classification of Cloud Computing Research

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    We present a descriptive literature review and classification scheme for cloud computing research. This includes 205 refereed journal articles published since the inception of cloud computing research. The articles are classified based on a scheme that consists of four main categories: technological issues, business issues, domains and applications, and conceptualising cloud computing. The results show that although current research is still skewed towards technological issues, new research themes regarding social and organisational implications are emerging. This review provides a reference source and classification scheme for IS researchers interested in cloud computing, and to indicate under-researched areas as well as future directions

    Determinants of cloud computing: adoption and application by high school learners

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    The current study investigated the determinants of Internet services’ adoption and use among high school learners in the East London Education District, in the Eastern Cape. Underpinned by the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, the research questions included: (1) What is the effect of performance expectancy on the learner’s intention to adopt and use Internet services? (2) What degree of variation exists for effort expectancy on the learner’s intention to adopt and use Internet services? (3) How much of the determinants explain the usage of Internet services? (4) Which is (are) the best predictor(s) of Internet service usage given a set of determinants? (5) What is the effect of confounding variables (if any) on Internet services’ adoption and usage? (6) Which model can be designed based on the best predictor(s) of Internet services’ adoption and usage for secondary school learners? A quantitative approach based on the positivist paradigm was used to quantify the relationships among various factors that contribute to Internet services’ adoption and use. The research design used was a survey. Data were collected through structured questionnaires. Out of 286 questionnaires issued, the response rate was 40.6%. The study sample size was 116 high school learners using simple random sampling. The data was analysed using the multiple regression analysis technique, and Pearson correlations. Out of the four determinants from the UTAUT, performance expectancy was the strongest predictor of intention to adopt Internet services. Large positive correlations ranging from r = 0.638 up to r = 0.989 were found among performance expectancy and effort expectancy variables towards the intention to use Internet services, significant at p < 0.05. To enhance the efficiency of the UTAUT model, this study has designed the Adoption and Application of Technology for Learning (AATL) model, which added the price of Internet, persistent use of Internet, and perceptions about Internet use