1,493 research outputs found

    Robust Leader Election in a Fast-Changing World

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    We consider the problem of electing a leader among nodes in a highly dynamic network where the adversary has unbounded capacity to insert and remove nodes (including the leader) from the network and change connectivity at will. We present a randomized Las Vegas algorithm that (re)elects a leader in O(D\log n) rounds with high probability, where D is a bound on the dynamic diameter of the network and n is the maximum number of nodes in the network at any point in time. We assume a model of broadcast-based communication where a node can send only 1 message of O(\log n) bits per round and is not aware of the receivers in advance. Thus, our results also apply to mobile wireless ad-hoc networks, improving over the optimal (for deterministic algorithms) O(Dn) solution presented at FOMC 2011. We show that our algorithm is optimal by proving that any randomized Las Vegas algorithm takes at least omega(D\log n) rounds to elect a leader with high probability, which shows that our algorithm yields the best possible (up to constants) termination time.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    Improved Tradeoffs for Leader Election

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    We consider leader election in clique networks, where nn nodes are connected by point-to-point communication links. For the synchronous clique under simultaneous wake-up, i.e., where all nodes start executing the algorithm in round 11, we show a tradeoff between the number of messages and the amount of time. More specifically, we show that any deterministic algorithm with a message complexity of nf(n)n f(n) requires Ω(lognlogf(n)+1)\Omega\left(\frac{\log n}{\log f(n)+1}\right) rounds, for f(n)=Ω(logn)f(n) = \Omega(\log n). Our result holds even if the node IDs are chosen from a relatively small set of size Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n\log n), as we are able to avoid using Ramsey's theorem. We also give an upper bound that improves over the previously-best tradeoff. Our second contribution for the synchronous clique under simultaneous wake-up is to show that Ω(nlogn)\Omega(n\log n) is in fact a lower bound on the message complexity that holds for any deterministic algorithm with a termination time T(n)T(n). We complement this result by giving a simple deterministic algorithm that achieves leader election in sublinear time while sending only o(nlogn)o(n\log n) messages, if the ID space is of at most linear size. We also show that Las Vegas algorithms (that never fail) require Θ(n)\Theta(n) messages. For the synchronous clique under adversarial wake-up, we show that Ω(n3/2)\Omega(n^{3/2}) is a tight lower bound for randomized 22-round algorithms. Finally, we turn our attention to the asynchronous clique: Assuming adversarial wake-up, we give a randomized algorithm that achieves a message complexity of O(n1+1/k)O(n^{1 + 1/k}) and an asynchronous time complexity of k+8k+8. For simultaneous wake-up, we translate the deterministic tradeoff algorithm of Afek and Gafni to the asynchronous model, thus partially answering an open problem they pose