113,821 research outputs found

    Parameterized TSP: Beating the Average

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    In the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), we are given a complete graph KnK_n together with an integer weighting ww on the edges of KnK_n, and we are asked to find a Hamilton cycle of KnK_n of minimum weight. Let h(w)h(w) denote the average weight of a Hamilton cycle of KnK_n for the weighting ww. Vizing (1973) asked whether there is a polynomial-time algorithm which always finds a Hamilton cycle of weight at most h(w)h(w). He answered this question in the affirmative and subsequently Rublineckii (1973) and others described several other TSP heuristics satisfying this property. In this paper, we prove a considerable generalisation of Vizing's result: for each fixed kk, we give an algorithm that decides whether, for any input edge weighting ww of KnK_n, there is a Hamilton cycle of KnK_n of weight at most h(w)kh(w)-k (and constructs such a cycle if it exists). For kk fixed, the running time of the algorithm is polynomial in nn, where the degree of the polynomial does not depend on kk (i.e., the generalised Vizing problem is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to the parameter kk)

    Structural Equation Modeling and simultaneous clustering through the Partial Least Squares algorithm

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    The identification of different homogeneous groups of observations and their appropriate analysis in PLS-SEM has become a critical issue in many appli- cation fields. Usually, both SEM and PLS-SEM assume the homogeneity of all units on which the model is estimated, and approaches of segmentation present in literature, consist in estimating separate models for each segments of statistical units, which have been obtained either by assigning the units to segments a priori defined. However, these approaches are not fully accept- able because no causal structure among the variables is postulated. In other words, a modeling approach should be used, where the obtained clusters are homogeneous with respect to the structural causal relationships. In this paper, a new methodology for simultaneous non-hierarchical clus- tering and PLS-SEM is proposed. This methodology is motivated by the fact that the sequential approach of applying first SEM or PLS-SEM and second the clustering algorithm such as K-means on the latent scores of the SEM/PLS-SEM may fail to find the correct clustering structure existing in the data. A simulation study and an application on real data are included to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology

    Scaling Algorithms for Unbalanced Transport Problems

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    This article introduces a new class of fast algorithms to approximate variational problems involving unbalanced optimal transport. While classical optimal transport considers only normalized probability distributions, it is important for many applications to be able to compute some sort of relaxed transportation between arbitrary positive measures. A generic class of such "unbalanced" optimal transport problems has been recently proposed by several authors. In this paper, we show how to extend the, now classical, entropic regularization scheme to these unbalanced problems. This gives rise to fast, highly parallelizable algorithms that operate by performing only diagonal scaling (i.e. pointwise multiplications) of the transportation couplings. They are generalizations of the celebrated Sinkhorn algorithm. We show how these methods can be used to solve unbalanced transport, unbalanced gradient flows, and to compute unbalanced barycenters. We showcase applications to 2-D shape modification, color transfer, and growth models

    Varieties of Limited Access Orders: The nexus between politics and economics in hybrid regimes

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    This article advances our understanding of differences in hybrid stability by going beyond existing regime typologies that separate the study of political institutions from the study of economic institutions. It combines the work of Douglass North, John Wallis, and Barry Weingast (NWW) on varieties of social orders with the literature on political and economic regime typologies and dynamics to understand hybrid regimes as Limited Access Orders (LAOs) that differ in the way dominant elites limit access to political and economic resources. Based on a measurement of political and economic access applied to seven post‐Soviet states, the article identifies four types of LAOs. Challenging NWW's claim, it shows that hybrid regimes can combine different degrees of political and economic access to sustain stability. Our typology allows to form theoretical expectations about the kinds of political and/or economic changes that will move different types of LAOs toward more openness or closure

    Efficient Computation of Sensitivity Coefficients of Node Voltages and Line Currents in Unbalanced Radial Electrical Distribution Networks

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    The problem of optimal control of power distribution systems is becoming increasingly compelling due to the progressive penetration of distributed energy resources in this specific layer of the electrical infrastructure. Distribution systems are, indeed, experiencing significant changes in terms of operation philosophies that are often based on optimal control strategies relying on the computation of linearized dependencies between controlled (e.g. voltages, frequency in case of islanding operation) and control variables (e.g. power injections, transformers tap positions). As the implementation of these strategies in real-time controllers imposes stringent time constraints, the derivation of analytical dependency between controlled and control variables becomes a non-trivial task to be solved. With reference to optimal voltage and power flow controls, this paper aims at providing an analytical derivation of node voltage and line current flows as a function of the nodal power injections and transformers tap-changers positions. Compared to other approaches presented in the literature, the one proposed here is based on the use of the [Y] compound matrix of a generic multi-phase radial unbalanced network. In order to estimate the computational benefits of the proposed approach, the relevant improvements are also quantified versus traditional methods. The validation of the proposed method is carried out by using both IEEE 13 and 34 node test feeders. The paper finally shows the use of the proposed method for the problem of optimal voltage control applied to the IEEE 34 node test feeder.Comment: accepted for publication to IEEE Transactions on Smart Gri