5 research outputs found

    On Efficient Distributed Construction of Near Optimal Routing Schemes

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    Given a distributed network represented by a weighted undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) on nn vertices, and a parameter kk, we devise a distributed algorithm that computes a routing scheme in (n1/2+1/k+D)no(1)(n^{1/2+1/k}+D)\cdot n^{o(1)} rounds, where DD is the hop-diameter of the network. The running time matches the lower bound of Ω~(n1/2+D)\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/2}+D) rounds (which holds for any scheme with polynomial stretch), up to lower order terms. The routing tables are of size O~(n1/k)\tilde{O}(n^{1/k}), the labels are of size O(klog2n)O(k\log^2n), and every packet is routed on a path suffering stretch at most 4k5+o(1)4k-5+o(1). Our construction nearly matches the state-of-the-art for routing schemes built in a centralized sequential manner. The previous best algorithms for building routing tables in a distributed small messages model were by \cite[STOC 2013]{LP13} and \cite[PODC 2015]{LP15}. The former has similar properties but suffers from substantially larger routing tables of size O(n1/2+1/k)O(n^{1/2+1/k}), while the latter has sub-optimal running time of O~(min{(nD)1/2n1/k,n2/3+2/(3k)+D})\tilde{O}(\min\{(nD)^{1/2}\cdot n^{1/k},n^{2/3+2/(3k)}+D\})

    Routing Schemes and Distance Oracles in the Hybrid Model

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    The HYBRID\mathsf{HYBRID} model was introduced as a means for theoretical study of distributed networks that use various communication modes. Conceptually, it is a synchronous message passing model with a local communication mode, where in each round each node can send large messages to all its neighbors in a local network (a graph), and a global communication mode, where each node is allotted limited (polylogarithmic) bandwidth per round which it can use to communicate with any node in the network. Prior work has often focused on shortest paths problems in the local network, as their global nature makes these an interesting case study how combining communication modes in the HYBRID\mathsf{HYBRID} model can overcome the individual lower bounds of either mode. In this work we consider a similar problem, namely computation of distance oracles and routing schemes. In the former, all nodes have to compute local tables, which allows them to look up the distance (estimates) to any target node in the local network when provided with the label of the target. In the latter, it suffices that nodes give the next node on an (approximately) shortest path to the target. Our goal is to compute these local tables as fast as possible with labels as small as possible. We show that this can be done exactly in O~(n1/3)\widetilde O(n^{1/3}) communication rounds and labels of size Θ(n2/3)\Theta(n^{2/3}) bits. For constant stretch approximations we achieve labels of size O(logn)O(\log n) in the same time. Further, as our main technical contribution, we provide computational lower bounds for a variety of problem parameters. For instance, we show that computing solutions with stretch below a certain constant takes Ω~(n1/3)\widetilde \Omega(n^{1/3}) rounds even for labels of size O(n2/3)O(n^{2/3})

    Round- and Message-Optimal Distributed Graph Algorithms

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    Distributed graph algorithms that separately optimize for either the number of rounds used or the total number of messages sent have been studied extensively. However, algorithms simultaneously efficient with respect to both measures have been elusive. For example, only very recently was it shown that for Minimum Spanning Tree (MST), an optimal message and round complexity is achievable (up to polylog terms) by a single algorithm in the CONGEST model of communication. In this paper we provide algorithms that are simultaneously round- and message-optimal for a number of well-studied distributed optimization problems. Our main result is such a distributed algorithm for the fundamental primitive of computing simple functions over each part of a graph partition. From this algorithm we derive round- and message-optimal algorithms for multiple problems, including MST, Approximate Min-Cut and Approximate Single Source Shortest Paths, among others. On general graphs all of our algorithms achieve worst-case optimal O~(D+n)\tilde{O}(D+\sqrt n) round complexity and O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) message complexity. Furthermore, our algorithms require an optimal O~(D)\tilde{O}(D) rounds and O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) messages on planar, genus-bounded, treewidth-bounded and pathwidth-bounded graphs.Comment: To appear in PODC 201

    Minor Excluded Network Families Admit Fast Distributed Algorithms

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    Distributed network optimization algorithms, such as minimum spanning tree, minimum cut, and shortest path, are an active research area in distributed computing. This paper presents a fast distributed algorithm for such problems in the CONGEST model, on networks that exclude a fixed minor. On general graphs, many optimization problems, including the ones mentioned above, require Ω~(n)\tilde\Omega(\sqrt n) rounds of communication in the CONGEST model, even if the network graph has a much smaller diameter. Naturally, the next step in algorithm design is to design efficient algorithms which bypass this lower bound on a restricted class of graphs. Currently, the only known method of doing so uses the low-congestion shortcut framework of Ghaffari and Haeupler [SODA'16]. Building off of their work, this paper proves that excluded minor graphs admit high-quality shortcuts, leading to an O~(D2)\tilde O(D^2) round algorithm for the aforementioned problems, where DD is the diameter of the network graph. To work with excluded minor graph families, we utilize the Graph Structure Theorem of Robertson and Seymour. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time the Graph Structure Theorem has been used for an algorithmic result in the distributed setting. Even though the proof is involved, merely showing the existence of good shortcuts is sufficient to obtain simple, efficient distributed algorithms. In particular, the shortcut framework can efficiently construct near-optimal shortcuts and then use them to solve the optimization problems. This, combined with the very general family of excluded minor graphs, which includes most other important graph classes, makes this result of significant interest

    Time Lower Bounds for Distributed Distance Oracles

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