7 research outputs found

    Real-time pedestrian recognition on low computational resources

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    Pedestrian recognition has successfully been applied to security, autonomous cars, Aerial photographs. For most applications, pedestrian recognition on small mobile devices is important. However, the limitations of the computing hardware make this a challenging task. In this work, we investigate real-time pedestrian recognition on small physical-size computers with low computational resources for faster speed. This paper presents three methods that work on the small physical size CPUs system. First, we improved the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features and Adaboost classifier. Second, we optimized the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector Machine. Third, We implemented fast Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The results demonstrate that the three methods achieved real-time pedestrian recognition at an accuracy of more than 95% and a speed of more than 5 fps on a small physical size computational platform with a 1.8 GHz Intel i5 CPU. Our methods can be easily applied to small mobile devices with high compatibility and generality

    A Wasserstein distance based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for the risk aware optimization of sensor placement

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    Abstract In this paper we propose a new algorithm for the identification of optimal "sensing spots", within a network, for monitoring the spread of "effects" triggered by "events". This problem is referred to as "Optimal Sensor Placement" and many real-world problems fit into this general framework. In this paper sensor placement (SP) (i.e., location of sensors at some nodes) for the early detection of contaminants in water distribution networks (WDNs) will be used as a running example. Usually, we have to manage a trade-off between different objective functions, so that we are faced with a multi objective optimization problem. (MOP). The best trade-off between the objectives can be defined in terms of Pareto optimality. In this paper we model the sensor placement problem as a multi objective optimization problem with boolean decision variables and propose a Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) for approximating and analyzing the Pareto set. The evaluation of the objective functions requires the execution of a simulation model: to organize the simulation results in a computationally efficient way we propose a data structure collecting simulation outcomes for every SP which is particularly suitable for visualization of the dynamics of contaminant concentration and evolutionary optimization. This data structure enables the definition of information spaces, in which a candidate placement can be represented as a matrix or, in probabilistic terms as a histogram. The introduction of a distance between histograms, namely the Wasserstein (WST) distance, enables to derive new genetic operators, indicators of the quality of the Pareto set and criteria to choose among the Pareto solutions. The new algorithm MOEA/WST has been tested on two benchmark water distribution networks and a real world network. Preliminary results are compared with NSGA-II and show a better performance, in terms of hypervolume and coverage, in particular for relatively large networks and low generation counts

    LABCAT: Locally adaptive Bayesian optimization using principal component-aligned trust regions

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    Bayesian optimization (BO) is a popular method for optimizing expensive black-box functions. BO has several well-documented shortcomings, including computational slowdown with longer optimization runs, poor suitability for non-stationary or ill-conditioned objective functions, and poor convergence characteristics. Several algorithms have been proposed that incorporate local strategies, such as trust regions, into BO to mitigate these limitations; however, none address all of them satisfactorily. To address these shortcomings, we propose the LABCAT algorithm, which extends trust-region-based BO by adding principal-component-aligned rotation and an adaptive rescaling strategy based on the length-scales of a local Gaussian process surrogate model with automatic relevance determination. Through extensive numerical experiments using a set of synthetic test functions and the well-known COCO benchmarking software, we show that the LABCAT algorithm outperforms several state-of-the-art BO and other black-box optimization algorithms

    Development of advanced methods for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation in internal combustion engines with the use of machine learning algorithms

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    Besides increasing the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, in order to comply with more stringent environmental protection limitations, in the mid-term the auto industry must improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the well to wheel efficiency of the employed fuel. To achieve this target, a deeper knowledge of the phenomena that influence the mixture formation and the chemical reactions involving new synthetic fuel components is mandatory, but complex and time intensive to perform purely by experimentation. Therefore, numerical simulations play an important role in this development process, but their use can be effective only if they can be considered accurate enough to capture these variations. The most relevant models necessary for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation and successive chemical reactions have been investigated in the present work, with a critical approach, in order to provide instruments to define the most suitable approaches also in the industrial context, which is limited by time constraints and budget evaluations. To overcome these limitations, new methodologies have been developed to conjugate detailed and simplified modelling techniques for the phenomena involving chemical reactions and mixture formation in non-traditional conditions (e.g. water injection, biofuels etc.). Thanks to the large use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, several applications have been revised or implemented, with the target of reducing the computing time of some traditional tasks by orders of magnitude. Finally, a complete workflow leveraging these new models has been defined and used for evaluating the effects of different surrogate formulations of the same experimental fuel on a proof-of-concept GDI engine model.Besides increasing the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, in order to comply with more stringent environmental protection limitations, in the mid-term the auto industry must improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the well to wheel efficiency of the employed fuel. To achieve this target, a deeper knowledge of the phenomena that influence the mixture formation and the chemical reactions involving new synthetic fuel components is mandatory, but complex and time intensive to perform purely by experimentation. Therefore, numerical simulations play an important role in this development process, but their use can be effective only if they can be considered accurate enough to capture these variations. The most relevant models necessary for the simulation of the reacting mixture formation and successive chemical reactions have been investigated in the present work, with a critical approach, in order to provide instruments to define the most suitable approaches also in the industrial context, which is limited by time constraints and budget evaluations. To overcome these limitations, new methodologies have been developed to conjugate detailed and simplified modelling techniques for the phenomena involving chemical reactions and mixture formation in non-traditional conditions (e.g. water injection, biofuels etc.). Thanks to the large use of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, several applications have been revised or implemented, with the target of reducing the computing time of some traditional tasks by orders of magnitude. Finally, a complete workflow leveraging these new models has been defined and used for evaluating the effects of different surrogate formulations of the same experimental fuel on a proof-of-concept GDI engine model

    Time efficiency in optimization with a bayesian-Evolutionary algorithm

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    Not all generate-and-test search algorithms are created equal. Bayesian Optimization (BO) invests a lot of computation time to generate the candidate solution that best balances the predicted value and the uncertainty given all previous data, taking increasingly more time as the number of evaluations performed grows. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) on the other hand rely on search heuristics that typically do not depend on all previous data and can be done in constant time. Both BO and EA community typically assess their performance as a function of the number of evaluations, i.e., data efficiency. However, this is unfair once we start to compare the efficiency of these classes of algorithms, as the overhead times to generate candidate solutions are significantly different. We suggest to measure the efficiency of generate-and-test search algorithms as the expected gain in the objective value per unit of computation time spent, i.e., time efficiency. To the time-efficient search algorithm, we therefore propose a new algorithm, a combination of BO and an EA, BEA for short, that starts with BO, then transfers knowledge to an EA, and subsequently runs the EA. We compare the BEA with BO, the EA, Differential Evolution (DE), and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The results show that BEA outperforms BO, the EA, DE and PSO in terms of time efficiency, and ultimately leads to better performance on well-known benchmark objective functions with many local optima. Moreover, we test BEA, BO, and the EA on nine test cases of robot learning problems and here again we find that BEA outperforms the other algorithms