50,610 research outputs found

    Terrorist threat assessment with formal concept analysis.

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    The National Police Service Agency of the Netherlands developed a model to classify (potential) jihadists in four sequential phases of radicalism. The goal of the model is to signal the potential jihadist as early as possible to prevent him or her to enter the next phase. This model has up till now, never been used to actively find new subjects. In this paper, we use Formal Concept Analysis to extract and visualize potential jihadists in the different phases of radicalism from a large set of reports describing police observations. We employ Temporal Concept Analysis to visualize how a possible jihadist radicalizes over time. The combination of these instruments allows for easy decisionmaking on where and when to act.Formal concept analysis; Temporal concept analysis; Contextual attribute logic; Text mining; Terrorist threat assesment;

    Abstract concepts, language and sociality. From acquisition to inner speech

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    The problem of representation of abstract concepts, such as “freedom” and “justice”, has become particularly crucial in recent years, due to the increased success of embodied and grounded views of cognition. We will present a novel view on abstract concepts and abstract words. Since abstract concepts do not have single objects as referents, children and adults might rely more on input from others in learning them; we therefore suggest that linguistic and social experience play an important role for abstract concepts. We will discuss evidence obtained in our and other labs showing that processing of abstract concepts evokes linguistic interaction and social experiences, leading to the activation of the mouth motor system. We will discuss the possible mechanisms that underlie this activation. Mouth activation can be due to re-enactment of the experience of conceptual acquisition, which occurred through the mediation of language. Alternatively, it could be due to the re-explanation of the word meaning, possibly through inner speech. Finally, it can be due to a metacognitive process revealing low confidence on the meaning of our concepts. This process induces in us the need to rely on others to ask/negotiate conceptual meaning. We conclude that with abstract concepts words work as social tools: they extend our thinking abilities and push us to rely on others to integrate our knowledge

    A pattern-based approach to a cell tracking ontology

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    Time-lapse microscopy has thoroughly transformed our understanding of biological motion and developmental dynamics from single cells to entire organisms. The increasing amount of cell tracking data demands the creation of tools to make extracted data searchable and interoperable between experiment and data types. In order to address that problem, the current paper reports on the progress in building the Cell Tracking Ontology (CTO): An ontology framework for describing, querying and integrating data from complementary experimental techniques in the domain of cell tracking experiments. CTO is based on a basic knowledge structure: the cellular genealogy serving as a backbone model to integrate specific biological ontologies into tracking data. As a first step we integrate the Phenotype and Trait Ontology (PATO) as one of the most relevant ontologies to annotate cell tracking experiments. The CTO requires both the integration of data on various levels of generality as well as the proper structuring of collected information. Therefore, in order to provide a sound foundation of the ontology, we have built on the rich body of work on top-level ontologies and established three generic ontology design patterns addressing three modeling challenges for properly representing cellular genealogies, i.e. representing entities existing in time, undergoing changes over time and their organization into more complex structures such as situations

    Time indeterminacy and spatio-temporal building transformations: an approach for architectural heritage understanding

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    Nowadays most digital reconstructions in architecture and archeology describe buildings heritage as awhole of static and unchangeable entities. However, historical sites can have a rich and complex history, sometimes full of evolutions, sometimes only partially known by means of documentary sources. Various aspects condition the analysis and the interpretation of cultural heritage. First of all, buildings are not inexorably constant in time: creation, destruction, union, division, annexation, partial demolition and change of function are the transformations that buildings can undergo over time. Moreover, other factors sometimes contradictory can condition the knowledge about an historical site, such as historical sources and uncertainty. On one hand, historical documentation concerning past states can be heterogeneous, dubious, incomplete and even contradictory. On the other hand, uncertainty is prevalent in cultural heritage in various forms: sometimes it is impossible to define the dating period, sometimes the building original shape or yet its spatial position. This paper proposes amodeling approach of the geometrical representation of buildings, taking into account the kind of transformations and the notion of temporal indetermination

    There's No Place Like Home: Dwelling and Being at Home in Digital Games

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    This chapter considers the presence, in digital games, of experiences of dwelling. Starting with an engagement with the philosopher Edward S. Casey's distinction between hestial and hermetic spatial modes, the chapter argues that the player's spatial engagement with digital game worlds has tended to align with the hermetic pole, emphasizing movement, traversal and exploration. By contrast, hestial spatial practices, characterized by centrality, lingering and return, are far less prevalent both in digital games themselves and in discussions on spatiality in the game studies discourse. To counter this lack, this chapter draws upon philosophical work on space by Casey, Martin Heidegger, Yi-Fu Tuan and Christian Norberg-Schulz, using these as a conceptual lens to identify spatial structures and practices in digital games that diverge from the hermetic mode. Attention is paid to games that invite pausing and lingering in place, games where the player's relation to place is structured around practices of building, the phenomenology of home and dwelling in games, and familiarity and identity as experiential characteristics of being at home. Minecraft and Animal Crossing: New Leaf are examined in detail as case studies, though the chapter also refers to examples from other games

    Emergence of classical trajectories in quantum systems: the cloud chamber problem in the analysis of Mott (1929)

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    We analyze the paper "The wave mechanics of α\alpha-ray tracks" (Mott, 1929), published in 1929 by N.F. Mott. In particular, we discuss the theoretical context in which the paper appeared and give a detailed account of the approach used by the author and the main result attained. Moreover, we comment on the relevance of the work not only as far as foundations of Quantum Mechanics are concerned but also as the earliest pioneering contribution in decoherence theory
