1,052 research outputs found

    Accurate prediction of heat conductivity of water by a neuroevolution potential

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    We propose an approach that can accurately predict the heat conductivity of liquid water. On the one hand, we develop an accurate machine-learned potential based on the neuroevolution-potential approach that can achieve quantum-mechanical accuracy at the cost of empirical force fields. On the other hand, we combine the Green-Kubo method and the spectral decomposition method within the homogeneous nonequilibrium molecular dynamics framework to account for the quantum-statistical effects of high-frequency vibrations. Excellent agreement with experiments under both isobaric and isochoric conditions within a wide range of temperatures is achieved using our approach.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    RbHe Potential Energy Surface Sensitivity Study

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    This paper studies how alterations of features of RbHe potential energy surfaces (PES) for a diode pumped alkali laser (DPAL) system effect the collisional cross section. The Split-Operator method is used to propagate a wave function along these PES and because they are radially coupled, the wave function can be transmitted from the starting surface to other energy surfaces. This transmittance is encoded in the correlation function. The full Hamiltonian used for propagation consists of the electronic potential, the nuclear kinetic energy, and the Coriolis coupling. The correlation function is used to generate the Scattering Matrix elements. These elements describe the transmittance and reflectance coefficients of the reactant wave packet. A temperature averaged cross section is then calculate for the π1/2 to π3/2 transition. Despite large changes in the correlation function and S-Matrix elements, the temperature averaged cross section varied little with change in PES and fell within experimental error margins

    Tools and Selected Applications

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    Linear chemically sensitive electron tomography using DualEELS and dictionary-based compressed sensing

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    We have investigated the use of DualEELS in elementally sensitive tilt series tomography in the scanning transmission electron microscope. A procedure is implemented using deconvolution to remove the effects of multiple scattering, followed by normalisation by the zero loss peak intensity. This is performed to produce a signal that is linearly dependent on the projected density of the element in each pixel. This method is compared with one that does not include deconvolution (although normalisation by the zero loss peak intensity is still performed). Additionaly, we compare the 3D reconstruction using a new compressed sensing algorithm, DLET, with the well-established SIRT algorithm. VC precipitates, which are extracted from a steel on a carbon replica, are used in this study. It is found that the use of this linear signal results in a very even density throughout the precipitates. However, when deconvolution is omitted, a slight density reduction is observed in the cores of the precipitates (a so-called cupping artefact). Additionally, it is clearly demonstrated that the 3D morphology is much better reproduced using the DLET algorithm, with very little elongation in the missing wedge direction. It is therefore concluded that reliable elementally sensitive tilt tomography using EELS requires the appropriate use of DualEELS together with a suitable reconstruction algorithm, such as the compressed sensing based reconstruction algorithm used here, to make the best use of the limited data volume and signal to noise inherent in core-loss EELS

    The photochemical ring-opening of 1,3-cyclohexadiene imaged by ultrafast electron diffraction

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    The ultrafast photoinduced ring-opening of 1,3-cyclohexadiene constitutes a textbook example of electrocyclic reactions in organic chemistry and a model for photobiological reactions in vitamin D synthesis. Here, we present direct and unambiguous observation of the ring-opening reaction path on the femtosecond timescale and sub-{\AA}ngstr\"om length scale by megaelectronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction. We follow the carbon-carbon bond dissociation and the structural opening of the 1,3-cyclohexadiene ring by direct measurement of time-dependent changes in the distribution of interatomic distances. We observe a substantial acceleration of the ring-opening motion after internal conversion to the ground state due to steepening of the electronic potential gradient towards the product minima. The ring-opening motion transforms into rotation of the terminal ethylene groups in the photoproduct 1,3,5-hexatriene on the sub-picosecond timescale. Our work demonstrates the potential of megaelectronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction to elucidate photochemical reaction paths in organic chemistry
