4 research outputs found

    Is my configuration any good: checking usability in an interactive sensor-based activity monitor

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    We investigate formal analysis of two aspects of usability in a deployed interactive, configurable and context-aware system: an event-driven, sensor-based homecare activity monitor system. The system was not designed from formal requirements or specification: we model the system as it is in the context of an agile development process. Our aim was to determine if formal modelling and analysis can contribute to improving usability, and if so, which style of modelling is most suitable. The purpose of the analysis is to inform configurers about how to interact with the system, so the system is more usable for participants, and to guide future developments. We consider redundancies in configuration rules defined by carers and participants and the interaction modality of the output messages.Two approaches to modelling are considered: a deep embedding in which devices, sensors and rules are represented explicitly by data structures in the modelling language and non-determinism is employed to model all possible device and sensor states, and a shallow embedding in which the rules and device and sensor states are represented directly in propositional logic. The former requires a conventional machine and a model-checker for analysis, whereas the latter is implemented using a SAT solver directly on the activity monitor hardware. We draw conclusions about the role of formal models and reasoning in deployed systems and the need for clear semantics and ontologies for interaction modalities

    Exploring conflicts in rule-based Sensor Networks

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    This paper addresses rule conflicts within wireless sensor networks. The work is situatedwithin psychiatric ambulatory assessment settings where patients are monitored in andaround their homes. Detecting behaviours within these settings favours sensor networks,while scalability and resource concerns favour processing data on smart nodes incorporatingrule engines. Such monitoring involves personalisation, thereby becoming important toprogram node rules on the fly. Since rules may originate from distinct sources and changeover time, methods are required to maintain rule consistency. Drawing on lessons fromFeature Interaction, the paper contributes novel approaches for detecting and resolving rule-conflict across sensor networks

    Handling Emergent Conflicts in Adaptable Rule-based Sensor Networks

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    This thesis presents a study into conflicts that emerge amongst sensor device rules when such devices are formed into networks. It describes conflicting patterns of communication and computation that can disturb the monitoring of subjects, and lower the quality of service. Such conflicts can negatively affect the lifetimes of the devices and cause incorrect information to be reported. A novel approach to detecting and resolving conflicts is presented. The approach is considered within the context of home-based psychiatric Ambulatory Assessment (AA). Rules are considered that can be used to control the behaviours of devices in a sensor network for AA. The research provides examples of rule conflict that can be found for AA sensor networks. Sensor networks and AA are active areas of research and many questions remain open regarding collaboration amongst collections of heterogeneous devices to collect data, process information in-network, and report personalised findings. This thesis presents an investigation into reliable rule-based service provisioning for a variety of stakeholders, including care providers, patients and technicians. It contributes a collection of rules for controlling AA sensor networks. This research makes a number of contributions to the field of rule-based sensor networks, including areas of knowledge representation, heterogeneous device support, system personalisation, and in particular, system reliability. This thesis provides evidence to support the conclusion that conflicts can be detected and resolved in adaptable rule-based sensor networks

    Tightly coupled verification of pervasive systems

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    We consider the problem of verifying context-aware, pervasive, interactive systems when the interaction involves both system configuration and system use. Verification of configurable systems is more tightly coupled to design when the verification process involves reasoning about configurable formal models. The approach is illustrated with a case study: using the model checker SPIN and a SAT solver to reason about a configurable model of an activity monitor from the MATCH homecare infrastructure. Parts of the models are generated automatically from actual log files