9 research outputs found

    Tight Time-Memory Trade-offs for Symmetric Encryption

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    Concrete security proofs give upper bounds on the attacker\u27s advantage as a function of its time/query complexity. Cryptanalysis suggests however that other resource limitations - most notably, the attacker\u27s memory - could make the achievable advantage smaller, and thus these proven bounds too pessimistic. Yet, handling memory limitations has eluded existing security proofs. This paper initiates the study of time-memory trade-offs for basic symmetric cryptography. We show that schemes like counter-mode encryption, which are affected by the Birthday Bound, become more secure (in terms of time complexity) as the attacker\u27s memory is reduced. One key step of this work is a generalization of the Switching Lemma: For adversaries with SS bits of memory issuing qq distinct queries, we prove an nn-to-nn bit random function indistinguishable from a permutation as long as S×q2nS \times q \ll 2^n. This result assumes a combinatorial conjecture, which we discuss, and implies right away trade-offs for deterministic, stateful versions of CTR and OFB encryption. We also show an unconditional time-memory trade-off for the security of randomized CTR based on a secure PRF. Via the aforementioned conjecture, we extend the result to assuming a PRP instead, assuming only one-block messages are encrypted. Our results solely rely on standard PRF/PRP security of an underlying block cipher. We frame the core of our proofs within a general framework of indistinguishability for streaming algorithms which may be of independent interest

    An Information-Theoretic Proof of the Streaming Switching Lemma for Symmetric Encryption

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    Motivated by a fundamental paradigm in cryptography, we consider a recent variant of the classic problem of bounding the distinguishing advantage between a random function and a random permutation. Specifically, we consider the problem of deciding whether a sequence of qq values was sampled uniformly with or without replacement from [N][N], where the decision is made by a streaming algorithm restricted to using at most ss bits of internal memory. In this work, the distinguishing advantage of such an algorithm is measured by the KL divergence between the distributions of its output as induced under the two cases. We show that for any s=Ω(logN)s=\Omega(\log N) the distinguishing advantage is upper bounded by O(qs/N)O(q \cdot s / N), and even by O(qs/NlogN)O(q \cdot s / N \log N) when qN1ϵq \leq N^{1 - \epsilon} for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 where it is nearly tight with respect to the KL divergence

    Memory-Sample Lower Bounds for Learning Parity with Noise

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    In this work, we show, for the well-studied problem of learning parity under noise, where a learner tries to learn x=(x1,,xn){0,1}nx=(x_1,\ldots,x_n) \in \{0,1\}^n from a stream of random linear equations over F2\mathrm{F}_2 that are correct with probability 12+ε\frac{1}{2}+\varepsilon and flipped with probability 12ε\frac{1}{2}-\varepsilon, that any learning algorithm requires either a memory of size Ω(n2/ε)\Omega(n^2/\varepsilon) or an exponential number of samples. In fact, we study memory-sample lower bounds for a large class of learning problems, as characterized by [GRT'18], when the samples are noisy. A matrix M:A×X{1,1}M: A \times X \rightarrow \{-1,1\} corresponds to the following learning problem with error parameter ε\varepsilon: an unknown element xXx \in X is chosen uniformly at random. A learner tries to learn xx from a stream of samples, (a1,b1),(a2,b2)(a_1, b_1), (a_2, b_2) \ldots, where for every ii, aiAa_i \in A is chosen uniformly at random and bi=M(ai,x)b_i = M(a_i,x) with probability 1/2+ε1/2+\varepsilon and bi=M(ai,x)b_i = -M(a_i,x) with probability 1/2ε1/2-\varepsilon (0<ε<120<\varepsilon< \frac{1}{2}). Assume that k,,rk,\ell, r are such that any submatrix of MM of at least 2kA2^{-k} \cdot |A| rows and at least 2X2^{-\ell} \cdot |X| columns, has a bias of at most 2r2^{-r}. We show that any learning algorithm for the learning problem corresponding to MM, with error, requires either a memory of size at least Ω(kε)\Omega\left(\frac{k \cdot \ell}{\varepsilon} \right), or at least 2Ω(r)2^{\Omega(r)} samples. In particular, this shows that for a large class of learning problems, same as those in [GRT'18], any learning algorithm requires either a memory of size at least Ω((logX)(logA)ε)\Omega\left(\frac{(\log |X|) \cdot (\log |A|)}{\varepsilon}\right) or an exponential number of noisy samples. Our proof is based on adapting the arguments in [Raz'17,GRT'18] to the noisy case.Comment: 19 pages. To appear in RANDOM 2021. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1708.0263

    Quantum Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Multiple Collision Pairs

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    The Memory-Tightness of Authenticated Encryption

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    This paper initiates the study of the provable security of authenticated encryption (AE) in the memory-bounded setting. Recent works – Tessaro and Thiruvengadam (TCC \u2718), Jaeger and Tessaro (EUROCRYPT \u2719), and Dinur (EUROCRYPT \u2720) – focus on confidentiality, and look at schemes for which trade-offs between the attacker\u27s memory and its data complexity are inherent. Here, we ask whether these results and techniques can be lifted to the full AE setting, which additionally asks for integrity. We show both positive and negative results. On the positive side, we provide tight memory-sensitive bounds for the security of GCM and its generalization, CAU (Bellare and Tackmann, CRYPTO \u2716). Our bounds apply to a restricted case of AE security which abstracts the deployment within protocols like TLS, and rely on a new memory-tight reduction to corresponding restricted notions of confidentiality and integrity. In particular, our reduction uses an amount of memory which linearly depends on that of the given adversary, as opposed to only imposing a constant memory overhead as in earlier works (Auerbach et al., CRYPTO \u2717). On the negative side, we show that a large class of black-box reductions cannot generically lift confidentiality and integrity security to a joint definition of AE security in a memory-tight way

    Verifiable Capacity-bound Functions: A New Primitive from Kolmogorov Complexity (Revisiting space-based security in the adaptive setting)

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    We initiate the study of verifiable capacity-bound function (VCBF). The main VCBF property imposes a strict lower bound on the number of bits read from memory during evaluation (referred to as minimum capacity). No adversary, even with unbounded computational resources, should produce an output without spending this minimum memory capacity. Moreover, a VCBF allows for an efficient public verification process: Given a proof-of-correctness, checking the validity of the output takes significantly fewer memory resources, sublinear in the target minimum capacity. Finally, it achieves soundness, i.e., no computationally bounded adversary can produce a proof that passes verification for a false output. With these properties, we believe a VCBF can be viewed as a “space” analog of a verifiable delay function. We then propose the first VCBF construction relying on evaluating a degree-dd polynomial ff from Fp[x]\mathbb{F}_p[x] at a random point. We leverage ideas from Kolmogorov complexity to prove that sampling ff from a large set (i.e., for high-enough dd) ensures that evaluation must entail reading a number of bits proportional to the size of its coefficients. Moreover, our construction benefits from existing verifiable polynomial evaluation schemes to realize our efficient verification requirements. In practice, for a field of order O(2λ)O(2^\lambda) our VCBF achieves O((d+1)λ)O((d+1)\lambda) minimum capacity, whereas verification requires just O(λ)O(\lambda). The minimum capacity of our VCBF construction holds against adversaries that perform a constant number of random memory accesses. This poses the natural question of whether a VCBF with high minimum capacity guarantees exists when dealing with adversaries that perform non-constant (e.g., polynomial) number of random accesses

    Super-Linear Time-Memory Trade-Offs for Symmetric Encryption

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    We build symmetric encryption schemes from a pseudorandom function/permutation with domain size NN which have very high security -- in terms of the amount of messages qq they can securely encrypt -- assuming the adversary has S<NS < N bits of memory. We aim to minimize the number of calls kk we make to the underlying primitive to achieve a certain qq, or equivalently, to maximize the achievable qq for a given kk. We target in particular qNq \gg N, in contrast to recent works (Jaeger and Tessaro, EUROCRYPT \u2719; Dinur, EUROCRYPT \u2720) which aim to beat the birthday barrier with one call when S<NS < \sqrt{N}. Our first result gives new and explicit bounds for the Sample-then-Extract paradigm by Tessaro and Thiruvengadam (TCC \u2718). We show instantiations for which q=Ω((N/S)k)q =\Omega((N/S)^{k}). If S<N1αS < N^{1- \alpha}, Thiruvengadam and Tessaro\u27s weaker bounds only guarantee q>Nq > N when k=Ω(logN)k = \Omega(\log N). In contrast, here, we show this is true already for k=O(1/α)k = O(1/\alpha). We also consider a scheme by Bellare, Goldreich and Krawczyk (CRYPTO \u2799) which evaluates the primitive on kk independent random strings, and masks the message with the XOR of the outputs. Here, we show q=Ω((N/S)k/2)q= \Omega((N/S)^{k/2}), using new combinatorial bounds on the list-decodability of XOR codes which are of independent interest. We also study best-possible attacks against this construction

    Hiding in Plain Sight: Memory-tight Proofs via Randomness Programming

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    This paper continues the study of memory-tight reductions (Auerbach et al, CRYPTO \u2717). These are reductions that only incur minimal memory costs over those of the original adversary, allowing precise security statements for memory-bounded adversaries (under appropriate assumptions expressed in terms of adversary time and memory usage). Despite its importance, only a few techniques to achieve memory-tightness are known and impossibility results in prior works show that even basic, textbook reductions cannot be made memory-tight. This paper introduces a new class of memory-tight reductions which leverage random strings in the interaction with the adversary to hide state information, thus shifting the memory costs to the adversary. We exhibit this technique with several examples. We give memory-tight proofs for digital signatures allowing many forgery attempts when considering randomized message distributions or probabilistic RSA-FDH signatures specifically. We prove security of the authenticated encryption scheme Encrypt-then-PRF with a memory-tight reduction to the underlying encryption scheme. By considering specific schemes or restricted definitions we avoid generic impossibility results of Auerbach et al. (CRYPTO \u2717) and Ghoshal et al. (CRYPTO \u2720). As a further case study, we consider the textbook equivalence of CCA-security for public-key encryption for one or multiple encryption queries. We show two qualitatively different memory-tight versions of this result, depending on the considered notion of CCA security

    Memory-Tight Multi-Challenge Security of Public-Key Encryption

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    We give the first examples of public-key encryption schemes which can be proven to achieve multi-challenge, multi-user CCA security via reductions that are tight in time, advantage, and memory. Our constructions are obtained by applying the KEM-DEM paradigm to variants of Hashed ElGamal and the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation that are augmented by adding uniformly random strings to their ciphertexts and/or keys. The reductions carefully combine recent proof techniques introduced by Bhattacharyya’20 and Ghoshal- Ghosal-Jaeger-Tessaro’22. Our proofs for the augmented ECIES version of Hashed-ElGamal make use of a new computational Diffie-Hellman assumption wherein the adversary is given access to a pairing to a random group, which we believe may be of independent interest