257 research outputs found

    Hogwild! over Distributed Local Data Sets with Linearly Increasing Mini-Batch Sizes

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    Hogwild! implements asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) where multiple threads in parallel access a common repository containing training data, perform SGD iterations and update shared state that represents a jointly learned (global) model. We consider big data analysis where training data is distributed among local data sets in a heterogeneous way -- and we wish to move SGD computations to local compute nodes where local data resides. The results of these local SGD computations are aggregated by a central "aggregator" which mimics Hogwild!. We show how local compute nodes can start choosing small mini-batch sizes which increase to larger ones in order to reduce communication cost (round interaction with the aggregator). We improve state-of-the-art literature and show O(KO(\sqrt{K}) communication rounds for heterogeneous data for strongly convex problems, where KK is the total number of gradient computations across all local compute nodes. For our scheme, we prove a \textit{tight} and novel non-trivial convergence analysis for strongly convex problems for {\em heterogeneous} data which does not use the bounded gradient assumption as seen in many existing publications. The tightness is a consequence of our proofs for lower and upper bounds of the convergence rate, which show a constant factor difference. We show experimental results for plain convex and non-convex problems for biased (i.e., heterogeneous) and unbiased local data sets.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2007.09208 AISTATS 202

    SparCML: High-Performance Sparse Communication for Machine Learning

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    Applying machine learning techniques to the quickly growing data in science and industry requires highly-scalable algorithms. Large datasets are most commonly processed "data parallel" distributed across many nodes. Each node's contribution to the overall gradient is summed using a global allreduce. This allreduce is the single communication and thus scalability bottleneck for most machine learning workloads. We observe that frequently, many gradient values are (close to) zero, leading to sparse of sparsifyable communications. To exploit this insight, we analyze, design, and implement a set of communication-efficient protocols for sparse input data, in conjunction with efficient machine learning algorithms which can leverage these primitives. Our communication protocols generalize standard collective operations, by allowing processes to contribute arbitrary sparse input data vectors. Our generic communication library, SparCML, extends MPI to support additional features, such as non-blocking (asynchronous) operations and low-precision data representations. As such, SparCML and its techniques will form the basis of future highly-scalable machine learning frameworks
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