15 research outputs found

    Tight Bounds for Graph Problems in Insertion Streams

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    Despite the large amount of work on solving graph problems in the data stream model, there do not exist tight space bounds for almost any of them, even in a stream with only edge insertions. For example, for testing connectivity, the upper bound is O(n * log(n)) bits, while the lower bound is only Omega(n) bits. We remedy this situation by providing the first tight Omega(n * log(n)) space lower bounds for randomized algorithms which succeed with constant probability in a stream of edge insertions for a number of graph problems. Our lower bounds apply to testing bipartiteness, connectivity, cycle-freeness, whether a graph is Eulerian, planarity, H-minor freeness, finding a minimum spanning tree of a connected graph, and testing if the diameter of a sparse graph is constant. We also give the first Omega(n * k * log(n)) space lower bounds for deterministic algorithms for k-edge connectivity and k-vertex connectivity; these are optimal in light of known deterministic upper bounds (for k-vertex connectivity we also need to allow edge duplications, which known upper bounds allow). Finally, we give an Omega(n * log^2(n)) lower bound for randomized algorithms approximating the minimum cut up to a constant factor with constant probability in a graph with integer weights between 1 and n, presented as a stream of insertions and deletions to its edges. This lower bound also holds for cut sparsifiers, and gives the first separation of maintaining a sparsifier in the data stream model versus the offline model

    Streaming Complexity of Spanning Tree Computation

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    The semi-streaming model is a variant of the streaming model frequently used for the computation of graph problems. It allows the edges of an n-node input graph to be read sequentially in p passes using Õ(n) space. If the list of edges includes deletions, then the model is called the turnstile model; otherwise it is called the insertion-only model. In both models, some graph problems, such as spanning trees, k-connectivity, densest subgraph, degeneracy, cut-sparsifier, and (Δ+1)-coloring, can be exactly solved or (1+ε)-approximated in a single pass; while other graph problems, such as triangle detection and unweighted all-pairs shortest paths, are known to require Ω̃(n) passes to compute. For many fundamental graph problems, the tractability in these models is open. In this paper, we study the tractability of computing some standard spanning trees, including BFS, DFS, and maximum-leaf spanning trees. Our results, in both the insertion-only and the turnstile models, are as follows. Maximum-Leaf Spanning Trees: This problem is known to be APX-complete with inapproximability constant ρ ∈ [245/244, 2). By constructing an ε-MLST sparsifier, we show that for every constant ε > 0, MLST can be approximated in a single pass to within a factor of 1+ε w.h.p. (albeit in super-polynomial time for ε ≤ ρ-1 assuming P ≠ NP) and can be approximated in polynomial time in a single pass to within a factor of ρ_n+ε w.h.p., where ρ_n is the supremum constant that MLST cannot be approximated to within using polynomial time and Õ(n) space. In the insertion-only model, these algorithms can be deterministic. BFS Trees: It is known that BFS trees require ω(1) passes to compute, but the naïve approach needs O(n) passes. We devise a new randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage. This gives a polynomial separation between single-source and all-pairs shortest paths for unweighted graphs. DFS Trees: It is unknown whether DFS trees require more than one pass. The current best algorithm by Khan and Mehta [STACS 2019] takes Õ(h) passes, where h is the height of computed DFS trees. Note that h can be as large as Ω(m/n) for n-node m-edge graphs. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide a simple alternative proof of this result, via a new connection to sparse certificates for k-node-connectivity. Second, we present a randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it also offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage.ISSN:1868-896

    Space Optimal Vertex Cover in Dynamic Streams

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    Tight Bounds for Vertex Connectivity in Dynamic Streams

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    We present a streaming algorithm for the vertex connectivity problem in dynamic streams with a (nearly) optimal space bound: for any nn-vertex graph GG and any integer k1k \geq 1, our algorithm with high probability outputs whether or not GG is kk-vertex-connected in a single pass using O~(kn)\widetilde{O}(k n) space. Our upper bound matches the known Ω(kn)\Omega(k n) lower bound for this problem even in insertion-only streams -- which we extend to multi-pass algorithms in this paper -- and closes one of the last remaining gaps in our understanding of dynamic versus insertion-only streams. Our result is obtained via a novel analysis of the previous best dynamic streaming algorithm of Guha, McGregor, and Tench [PODS 2015] who obtained an O~(k2n)\widetilde{O}(k^2 n) space algorithm for this problem. This also gives a model-independent algorithm for computing a "certificate" of kk-vertex-connectivity as a union of O(k2logn)O(k^2\log{n}) spanning forests, each on a random subset of O(n/k)O(n/k) vertices, which may be of independent interest.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to SOSA 2023. 15 pages, 3 Figure

    Noisy Boolean Hidden Matching with Applications

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    The Boolean Hidden Matching (BHM) problem, introduced in a seminal paper of Gavinsky et al. [STOC\u2707], has played an important role in lower bounds for graph problems in the streaming model (e.g., subgraph counting, maximum matching, MAX-CUT, Schatten p-norm approximation). The BHM problem typically leads to ?(?n) space lower bounds for constant factor approximations, with the reductions generating graphs that consist of connected components of constant size. The related Boolean Hidden Hypermatching (BHH) problem provides ?(n^{1-1/t}) lower bounds for 1+O(1/t) approximation, for integers t ? 2. The corresponding reductions produce graphs with connected components of diameter about t, and essentially show that long range exploration is hard in the streaming model with an adversarial order of updates. In this paper we introduce a natural variant of the BHM problem, called noisy BHM (and its natural noisy BHH variant), that we use to obtain stronger than ?(?n) lower bounds for approximating a number of the aforementioned problems in graph streams when the input graphs consist only of components of diameter bounded by a fixed constant. We next introduce and study the graph classification problem, where the task is to test whether the input graph is isomorphic to a given graph. As a first step, we use the noisy BHM problem to show that the problem of classifying whether an underlying graph is isomorphic to a complete binary tree in insertion-only streams requires ?(n) space, which seems challenging to show using either BHM or BHH

    Streaming Algorithms for Connectivity Augmentation

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    We study the kk-connectivity augmentation problem (kk-CAP) in the single-pass streaming model. Given a (k1)(k-1)-edge connected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) that is stored in memory, and a stream of weighted edges LL with weights in {0,1,,W}\{0,1,\dots,W\}, the goal is to choose a minimum weight subset LLL'\subseteq L such that G=(V,EL)G'=(V,E\cup L') is kk-edge connected. We give a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for this problem which requires to store O(ϵ1nlogn)O(\epsilon^{-1} n\log n) words. Moreover, we show our result is tight: Any algorithm with better than 22-approximation for the problem requires Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) bits of space even when k=2k=2. This establishes a gap between the optimal approximation factor one can obtain in the streaming vs the offline setting for kk-CAP. We further consider a natural generalization to the fully streaming model where both EE and LL arrive in the stream in an arbitrary order. We show that this problem has a space lower bound that matches the best possible size of a spanner of the same approximation ratio. Following this, we give improved results for spanners on weighted graphs: We show a streaming algorithm that finds a (2t1+ϵ)(2t-1+\epsilon)-approximate weighted spanner of size at most O(ϵ1n1+1/tlogn)O(\epsilon^{-1} n^{1+1/t}\log n) for integer tt, whereas the best prior streaming algorithm for spanner on weighted graphs had size depending on logW\log W. Using our spanner result, we provide an optimal O(t)O(t)-approximation for kk-CAP in the fully streaming model with O(nk+n1+1/t)O(nk + n^{1+1/t}) words of space. Finally we apply our results to network design problems such as Steiner tree augmentation problem (STAP), kk-edge connected spanning subgraph (kk-ECSS), and the general Survivable Network Design problem (SNDP). In particular, we show a single-pass O(tlogk)O(t\log k)-approximation for SNDP using O(kn1+1/t)O(kn^{1+1/t}) words of space, where kk is the maximum connectivity requirement