8 research outputs found

    A routing defense mechanism using evolutionary game theory for Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) often suffer from intermittent disruption due to factors such as mobility and energy. Though lots of routing algorithms in DTNs have been proposed in the last few years, the routing security problems have not attracted enough attention. DTNs are still facing the threats from different kinds of routing attacks. In this paper, a general purpose defense mechanism is proposed against various routing attacks on DTNs. The defense mechanism is based on the routing path information acquired from the forwarded messages and the acknowledgment (ACK), and it is suitable for different routing schemes. Evolutionary game theory is applied with the defense mechanism to analyze and facilitate the strategy changes of the nodes in the networks. Simulation results show that the proposed evolutionary game theory based defense scheme can achieve high average delivery ratio, low network overhead and low average transmission delay in various routing attack scenarios. By introducing the game theory, the networks can avoid being attacked and provide normal transmission service. The networks can reach evolutionary strategy stable (ESS) under special conditions after evolution. The initial parameters will affect the convergence speed and the final ESS, but the initial ratio of the nodes choosing different strategies can only affect the game process

    On Using Contact Expectation for Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Abstract—Conventional routing algorithms rely on the ex-istence of persistent end-to-end paths for the delivery of a message to its destination via a predesigned path. However, in a delay tolerant network (DTN), nodes are intermittently connected, and thus the network topology is dynamic in nature, which makes the routing become one of the most challenging problems. A promising solution is to predict the nodes ’ future contacts based on their contact histories. In this paper, we first propose an expected encounter based routing protocol (EER) which distributes multiple replicas of a message proportionally between two encounters according to their expected encounter values. In case of single replica of a message, EER makes the routing decision by comparing the minimum expected meeting delay to the destination. We further propose a community based routing protocol (CR) which takes advantages of the high contact frequency property of the community. The simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed routing protocols under different network parameters

    A Taxonomy on Misbehaving Nodes in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are type of Intermittently Connected Networks (ICNs) featured by long delay, intermittent connectivity, asymmetric data rates and high error rates. DTNs have been primarily developed for InterPlanetary Networks (IPNs), however, have shown promising potential in challenged networks i.e. DakNet, ZebraNet, KioskNet and WiderNet. Due to unique nature of intermittent connectivity and long delay, DTNs face challenges in routing, key management, privacy, fragmentation and misbehaving nodes. Here, misbehaving nodes i.e. malicious and selfish nodes launch various attacks including flood, packet drop and fake packets attack, inevitably overuse scarce resources (e.g., buffer and bandwidth) in DTNs. The focus of this survey is on a review of misbehaving node attacks, and detection algorithms. We firstly classify various of attacks depending on the type of misbehaving nodes. Then, detection algorithms for these misbehaving nodes are categorized depending on preventive and detective based features. The panoramic view on misbehaving nodes and detection algorithms are further analyzed, evaluated mathematically through a number of performance metrics. Future directions guiding this topic are also presented

    Defense and traceback mechanisms in opportunistic wireless networks

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     In this thesis, we have identified a novel attack in OppNets, a special type of packet dropping attack where the malicious node(s) drops one or more packets (not all the packets) and then injects new fake packets instead. We name this novel attack as the Catabolism attack and propose a novel attack detection and traceback approach against this attack referred to as the Anabolism defence. As part of the Anabolism defence approach we have proposed three techniques: time-based, Merkle tree based and Hash chain based techniques for attack detection and malicious node(s) traceback. We provide mathematical models that show our novel detection and traceback mechanisms to be very effective and detailed simulation results show our defence mechanisms to achieve a very high accuracy and detection rate

    Establishing trust relationships and secure channels in opportunistic networks

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    &nbsp;An effective system with techniques and algorithms that preserve the completeness and integrity of packets in a network and protects Opportunistic Networks from packet dropping and modification attacks has been proposed in this thesis. The techniques and attributes used to create the system involve using Merkle trees, trust, and reputation.<br /

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Social Networks

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    Improving road safety and traffic efficiency has been a long-term endeavor for the government, automobile industry and academia. Recently, the U.S. Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has allocated a 75 MHz spectrum at 5.9 GHz for vehicular communications, opening a new door to combat the road fatalities by letting vehicles communicate to each other on the roads. Those communicating vehicles form a huge Ad Hoc Network, namely Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET). In VANETs, a variety of applications ranging from the safety related (e.g. emergence report, collision warning) to the non-safety related (e.g., delay tolerant network, infortainment sharing) are enabled by vehicle-to-vehicle (V-2-V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V-2-I) communications. However, the flourish of VANETs still hinges on fully understanding and managing the challenging issues over which the public show concern, particularly, security and privacy preservation issues. If the traffic related messages are not authenticated and integrity-protected in VANETs, a single bogus and/or malicious message can potentially incur a terrible traffic accident. In addition, considering VANET is usually implemented in civilian scenarios where locations of vehicles are closely related to drivers, VANET cannot be widely accepted by the public if VANET discloses the privacy information of the drivers, i.e., identity privacy and location privacy. Therefore, security and privacy preservation must be well addressed prior to its wide acceptance. Over the past years, much research has been done on considering VANET's unique characteristics and addressed some security and privacy issues in VANETs; however, little of it has taken the social characteristics of VANET into consideration. In VANETs, vehicles are usually driven in a city environment, and thus we can envision that the mobility of vehicles directly reflects drivers' social preferences and daily tasks, for example, the places where they usually go for shopping or work. Due to these human factors in VANETs, not only the safety related applications but also the non-safety related applications will have some social characteristics. In this thesis, we emphasize VANET's social characteristics and introduce the concept of vehicular social network (VSN), where both the safety and non-safety related applications in VANETs are influenced by human factors including human mobility, human self-interest status, and human preferences. In particular, we carry on research on vehicular delay tolerant networks and infotainment sharing --- two important non-safety related applications of VSN, and address the challenging security and privacy issues related to them. The main contributions are, i) taking the human mobility into consideration, we first propose a novel social based privacy-preserving packet forwarding protocol, called SPRING, for vehicular delay tolerant network, which is characterized by deploying roadside units (RSUs) at high social intersections to assist in packet forwarding. With the help of high-social RSUs, the probability of packet drop is dramatically reduced and as a result high reliability of packet forwarding in vehicular delay tolerant network can be achieved. In addition, the SPRING protocol also achieves conditional privacy preservation and resist most attacks facing vehicular delay tolerant network, such as packet analysis attack, packet tracing attack, and black (grey) hole attacks. Furthermore, based on the ``Sacrificing the Plum Tree for the Peach Tree" --- one of the Thirty-Six Strategies of Ancient China, we also propose a socialspot-based packet forwarding (SPF) protocol for protecting receiver-location privacy, and present an effective pseudonyms changing at social spots strategy, called PCS, to facilitate vehicles to achieve high-level location privacy in vehicular social network; ii) to protect the human factor --- interest preference privacy in vehicular social networks, we propose an efficient privacy-preserving protocol, called FLIP, for vehicles to find like-mined ones on the road, which allows two vehicles sharing the common interest to identify each other and establish a shared session key, and at the same time, protects their interest privacy (IP) from other vehicles who do not share the same interest on the road. To generalize the FLIP protocol, we also propose a lightweight privacy-preserving scalar product computation (PPSPC) protocol, which, compared with the previously reported PPSPC protocols, is more efficient in terms of computation and communication overheads; and iii) to deal with the human factor -- self-interest issue in vehicular delay tolerant network, we propose a practical incentive protocol, called Pi, to stimulate self-interest vehicles to cooperate in forwarding bundle packets. Through the adoption of the proper incentive policies, the proposed Pi protocol can not only improve the whole vehicle delay tolerant network's performance in terms of high delivery ratio and low average delay, but also achieve the fairness among vehicles. The research results of the thesis should be useful to the implementation of secure and privacy-preserving vehicular social networks

    Erkennung und Vermeidung von Fehlverhalten in fahrzeugbasierten DTNs

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    Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) are a suitable technology for many applications when the network suffers from intermittent connections and significant delays. In current vehicular networks, due to the high mobility of vehicles, the connectivity in vehicular networks can be highly unstable, links may change or break soon after they have been established and the network topology varies significantly depending on time and location. When the density of networked vehicles is low, connectivity is intermittent and with only a few transmission opportunities. This makes forwarding packets very difficult. For the next years, until a high penetration of networked vehicles is realized, delay-tolerant methods are a necessity in vehicular networks, leading to Vehicular DTNs (VDTNs). By implementing a store-carry-forward paradigm, VDTNs can make sure that even under difficult conditions, the network can be used by applications. However, we cannot assume that all vehicles are altruistic in VDTNs. Attackers can penetrate the communication systems of vehicles trying their best to destroy the network. Especially if multiple attackers collude to disrupt the network, the characteristics of VDTNs, without continuous connectivity, make most traditional strategies of detecting attackers infeasible. Additionally, selfish nodes may be reluctant to cooperate considering their profit, and due to hard- or software errors some vehicles cannot send or forward data. Hence, efficient mechanisms to detect malicious nodes in VDTNs are imperative. In this thesis, two classes of Misbehavior Detection Systems (MDSs) are proposed to defend VDTNs against malicious nodes. Both MDSs use encounter records (ERs) as proof to document nodes' behavior during previous contacts. By collecting and securely exchanging ERs, depending on different strategies in different classes of MDSs, a reputation system is built in order to punish bad behavior while encouraging cooperative behavior in the network. With independently operating nodes and asynchronous exchange of observations through ERs, both systems are very well suited for VDTNs, where there will be no continuous, ubiquitous network in the foreseeable future. By evaluating our methods through extensive simulations using different DTN routing protocols and different realistic scenarios, we find that both MDS classes are able to efficiently protect the system with low overhead and prevent malicious nodes from further disrupting the network.In Netzwerken mit zeitweisen Unterbrechungen oder langen Verzögerungen sind Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs) eine geeignete Technologie für viele Anwendungen. Die Konnektivität in Fahrzeugnetzen ist bedingt durch die hohe Mobilität und die geringe Verbreitung von netzwerkfähigen Fahrzeugen oft instabil. Bis zur flächendeckenden Verbreitung von netzwerkfähigen Fahrzeugen ist es daher zwingend notwendig auf Methoden des Delay Tolerant Networking zurückzugreifen um die bestmögliche Kommunikation zu gewährleisten. In diesem Zusammenhang wird von Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) gesprochen. Durch das Store-Carry-Forward-Prinzip kann ein VDTN Kommunikation für Anwendungen ermöglichen. Allerdings ist davon auszugehen, dass sich nicht alle Fahrzeuge altruistisch verhalten: Angreifer können Fahrzeuge übernehmen und das Netzwerk attackieren oder Knoten sind aus egoistischen Motiven oder auf Grund von Defekten unkooperativ. Verfahren, die Fehlverhalten in stabilen Netzen durch direkte Beobachtung erkennen können, sind in VDTNs nicht anwendbar. Daher sind Methoden, die Fehlverhalten in VDTNs nachweisen können, zwingend erforderlich. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Klassen von Misbehavior Detection Systems (MDSs) vorgestellt. Beide Systeme basieren auf Encounter Records (ERs): Nach einem Kontakt tauschen zwei Knoten kryptografisch signierte Meta-Informationen zu den erfolgten Datentransfers aus. Diese ERs dienen bei darauffolgenden Kontakten mit anderen Netzwerkteilnehmern als vertrauenswürdiger Nachweis für das Verhalten eines Knotens in der Vergangenheit. Basierend auf der Auswertung gesammelter ERs wird ein Reputationssystem entwickelt, das kooperatives Verhalten belohnt und unkooperatives Verhalten bestraft. Dauerhaft unkooperative Knoten werden aus dem Netzwerk ausgeschlossen. Durch den asynchronen Austausch von Informationen kann jeder Knoten das Verhalten seiner Nachbarn selbstständig und unabhängig evaluieren. Dadurch sind die vorgestellten MDS-Varianten sehr gut für den Einsatz in einem VDTN geeignet. Durch umfangreiche Evaluationen wird gezeigt, dass sich die entwickelten MDS-Verfahren für verschiedene Routingprotokolle und in unterschiedlichen Szenarien anwenden lassen. In allen Fällen ist das MDS in der Lage das System mit geringem Overhead gegen Angreifer zu verteidigen und eine hohe Servicequalität im Netzwerk zu gewährleisten