184 research outputs found


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    This article focuses on the structures of emergency networks based on UAVs for emergency situations. It presents a review of wireless technologies and schemes for the organization of networks based on such technologies to ensure communication in disaster areas using UAVs, a table of characteristics of wireless technologies, and calculations of the major values, with whichdependency charts are builtБҧл мақалада тҿтенше жағдайларға арналған пилотсыз ҧшу аппараттарына негізделген апаттық желілердің қҧрылымдары талқыланған. Сымсыз технологияларға шолу жасалынған жҽне ҧшу аппараттарының кҿмегімен апат аймақтарында байланысты қамтамасыз ету ҥшін сол технологияларға негізделген желілерді ҧйымдастыру схемаларыҧсынылған. Сымсыз технологиялар сипаттамаларының кестесі қҧрылды жҽне олардың кҿмегімен тҽуелділік графиктері салынып, маңызды мҽндеріне есептеулер жҥргізілді.В данной статье рассмотрены структуры аварийных сетей на базе БПЛА для чрезвычайных ситуаций. Проведен обзор беспроводных технологий и представлены схемы организации сетей на основе рассмотренных технологий для обеспечения связи в зонах бедствия c использованием БПЛА. Построена таблица характеристик беспроводныхтехнологий и проведены расчеты основных значений, с помощью которых построены графики зависимостей параметров сетей с БПЛА

    Backhaul For Low-Altitude UAVs in Urban Environments

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) acting as access points in cellular networks require wireless backhauls to the core network. In this paper we employ stochastic geometry to carry out an analysis of the UAV backhaul performance that can be achieved with a network of dedicated ground stations. We provide analytical expressions for the probability of successfully establishing a backhaul and the expected data rate over the backhaul link, given either an LTE or a millimeter-wave backhaul. We demonstrate that increasing the density of the ground station network gives diminishing returns on the performance of the UAV backhaul, and that for an LTE backhaul the ground stations can benefit from being colocated with an existing base station network

    Securing UAV Communications Via Trajectory Optimization

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    Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications has drawn significant interest recently due to many advantages such as low cost, high mobility, and on-demand deployment. This paper addresses the issue of physical-layer security in a UAV communication system, where a UAV sends confidential information to a legitimate receiver in the presence of a potential eavesdropper which are both on the ground. We aim to maximize the secrecy rate of the system by jointly optimizing the UAV's trajectory and transmit power over a finite horizon. In contrast to the existing literature on wireless security with static nodes, we exploit the mobility of the UAV in this paper to enhance the secrecy rate via a new trajectory design. Although the formulated problem is non-convex and challenging to solve, we propose an iterative algorithm to solve the problem efficiently, based on the block coordinate descent and successive convex optimization methods. Specifically, the UAV's transmit power and trajectory are each optimized with the other fixed in an alternating manner until convergence. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm significantly improves the secrecy rate of the UAV communication system, as compared to benchmark schemes without transmit power control or trajectory optimization.Comment: Accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Joint Trajectory and Communication Design for UAV-Enabled Multiple Access

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have attracted significant interest recently in wireless communication due to their high maneuverability, flexible deployment, and low cost. This paper studies a UAV-enabled wireless network where the UAV is employed as an aerial mobile base station (BS) to serve a group of users on the ground. To achieve fair performance among users, we maximize the minimum throughput over all ground users by jointly optimizing the multiuser communication scheduling and UAV trajectory over a finite horizon. The formulated problem is shown to be a mixed integer non-convex optimization problem that is difficult to solve in general. We thus propose an efficient iterative algorithm by applying the block coordinate descent and successive convex optimization techniques, which is guaranteed to converge to at least a locally optimal solution. To achieve fast convergence and stable throughput, we further propose a low-complexity initialization scheme for the UAV trajectory design based on the simple circular trajectory. Extensive simulation results are provided which show significant throughput gains of the proposed design as compared to other benchmark schemes.Comment: Submitted for possible publicatio