994 research outputs found

    Throughput Analysis of CSMA Wireless Networks with Finite Offered-load

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    This paper proposes an approximate method, equivalent access intensity (EAI), for the throughput analysis of CSMA wireless networks in which links have finite offered-load and their MAC-layer transmit buffers may be empty from time to time. Different from prior works that mainly considered the saturated network, we take into account in our analysis the impacts of empty transmit buffers on the interactions and dependencies among links in the network that is more common in practice. It is known that the empty transmit buffer incurs extra waiting time for a link to compete for the channel airtime usage, since when it has no packet waiting for transmission, the link will not perform channel competition. The basic idea behind EAI is that this extra waiting time can be mapped to an equivalent "longer" backoff countdown time for the unsaturated link, yielding a lower link access intensity that is defined as the mean packet transmission time divided by the mean backoff countdown time. That is, we can compute the "equivalent access intensity" of an unsaturated link to incorporate the effects of the empty transmit buffer on its behavior of channel competition. Then, prior saturated ideal CSMA network (ICN) model can be adopted for link throughput computation. Specifically, we propose an iterative algorithm, "Compute-and-Compare", to identify which links are unsaturated under current offered-load and protocol settings, compute their "equivalent access intensities" and calculate link throughputs. Simulation shows that our algorithm has high accuracy under various offered-load and protocol settings. We believe the ability to identify unsaturated links and compute links throughputs as established in this paper will serve an important first step toward the design and optimization of general CSMA wireless networks with offered-load control.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1007.5255 by other author

    A Joint Model for IEEE 802.15.4 Physical and Medium Access Control Layers

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    Many studies have tried to evaluate wireless networks and especially the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Hence, several papers have aimed to describe the functionalities of the physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layers. They have highlighted some characteristics with experimental results and/or have attempted to reproduce them using theoretical models. In this paper, we use the first way to better understand IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Indeed, we provide a comprehensive model, able more faithfully to mimic the functionalities of this standard at the PHY and MAC layers. We propose a combination of two relevant models for the two layers. The PHY layer behavior is reproduced by a mathematical framework, which is based on radio and channel models, in order to quantify link reliability. On the other hand, the MAC layer is mimed by an enhanced Markov chain. The results show the pertinence of our approach compared to the model based on a Markov chain for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer. This contribution allows us fully and more precisely to estimate the network performance with different network sizes, as well as different metrics such as node reliability and delay. Our contribution enables us to catch possible failures at both layers.Comment: Published in the proceeding of the 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Istanbul, Turkey, 201

    Simultaneous Transmission and Reception: Algorithm, Design and System Level Performance

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    Full Duplex or Simultaneous transmission and reception (STR) in the same frequency at the same time can potentially double the physical layer capacity. However, high power transmit signal will appear at receive chain as echoes with powers much higher than the desired received signal. Therefore, in order to achieve the potential gain, it is imperative to cancel these echoes. As these high power echoes can saturate low noise amplifier (LNA) and also digital domain echo cancellation requires unrealistically high resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC), the echoes should be cancelled or suppressed sufficiently before LNA. In this paper we present a closed-loop echo cancellation technique which can be implemented purely in analogue domain. The advantages of our method are multiple-fold: it is robust to phase noise, does not require additional set of antennas, can be applied to wideband signals and the performance is irrelevant to radio frequency (RF) impairments in transmit chain. Next, we study a few protocols for STR systems in carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) network and investigate MAC level throughput with realistic assumptions in both single cell and multiple cells. We show that STR can reduce hidden node problem in CSMA network and produce gains of up to 279% in maximum throughput in such networks. Finally, we investigate the application of STR in cellular systems and study two new unique interferences introduced to the system due to STR, namely BS-BS interference and UE-UE interference. We show that these two new interferences will hugely degrade system performance if not treated appropriately. We propose novel methods to reduce both interferences and investigate the performances in system level.Comment: 20 pages. This manuscript will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Using Direct-Sequenced Spread Spectrum in a Wired Local Area Network

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    Code division multiple access provides an ability to share channel bandwidth amongst users at the same time. Individual user performance is not degraded with the addition of more users, unlike traditional Ethernet. Using direct sequenced spread spectrum in a wired local area network, network performance is improved. For a network in overload conditions, individual station throughput is increased by nearly 212% while mean end-to-end delay was reduced by 800%. The vast improvement demonstrated by this research has the capability to extend legacy-cabling infrastructures for many years to come while easily accommodating new bandwidth intensive multimedia applications

    Distributed CSMA with pairwise coding

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    We consider distributed strategies for joint routing, scheduling, and network coding to maximize throughput in wireless networks. Network coding allows for an increase in network throughput under certain routing conditions. We previously developed a centralized control policy to jointly optimize for routing and scheduling combined with a simple network coding strategy using max-weight scheduling (MWS) [9]. In this work we focus on pairwise network coding and develop a distributed carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) policy that supports all arrival rates allowed by the network subject to the pairwise coding constraint. We extend our scheme to optimize for packet overhearing to increase the number of beneficial coding opportunities. Simulation results show that the CSMA strategy yields the same throughput as the optimal centralized policy of [9], but at the cost of increased delay. Moreover, overhearing provides up to an additional 25% increase in throughput on random topologies.United States. Dept. of Defense. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & EngineeringUnited States. Air Force (Air Force Contract FA8721-05-C-0002
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