272 research outputs found

    Utility-maximization Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks

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    Device-to-device(D2D) underlaying communication brings great benefits to the cellular networks from the improvement of coverage and spectral efficiency at the expense of complicated transceiver design. With frequency spectrum sharing mode, the D2D user generates interference to the existing cellular networks either in downlink or uplink. Thus the resource allocation for D2D pairs should be designed properly in order to reduce possible interference, in particular for uplink. In this paper, we introduce a novel bandwidth allocation scheme to maximize the utilities of both D2D users and cellular users. Since the allocation problem is strongly NP-hard, we apply a relaxation to the association indicators. We propose a low-complexity distributed algorithm and prove the convergence in a static environment. The numerical result shows that the proposed scheme can significant improve the performance in terms of utilities.The performance of D2D communications depends on D2D user locations, the number of D2D users and QoS(Quality of Service) parameters

    Efficiency Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Underlay Communication Systems: A Reverse Iterative Combinatorial Auction Based Approach

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    Peer-to-peer communication has been recently considered as a popular issue for local area services. An innovative resource allocation scheme is proposed to improve the performance of mobile peer-to-peer, i.e., device-to-device (D2D), communications as an underlay in the downlink (DL) cellular networks. To optimize the system sum rate over the resource sharing of both D2D and cellular modes, we introduce a reverse iterative combinatorial auction as the allocation mechanism. In the auction, all the spectrum resources are considered as a set of resource units, which as bidders compete to obtain business while the packages of the D2D pairs are auctioned off as goods in each auction round. We first formulate the valuation of each resource unit, as a basis of the proposed auction. And then a detailed non-monotonic descending price auction algorithm is explained depending on the utility function that accounts for the channel gain from D2D and the costs for the system. Further, we prove that the proposed auction-based scheme is cheat-proof, and converges in a finite number of iteration rounds. We explain non-monotonicity in the price update process and show lower complexity compared to a traditional combinatorial allocation. The simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm efficiently leads to a good performance on the system sum rate.Comment: 26 pages, 6 fgures; IEEE Journals on Selected Areas in Communications, 201

    Device-to-Device Communication in 5G Cellular Networks

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    Owing to the unprecedented and continuous growth in the number of connected users and networked devices, the next-generation 5G cellular networks are envisaged to support enormous number of simultaneously connected users and devices with access to numerous services and applications by providing networks with highly improved data rate, higher capacity, lower end-to-end latency, improved spectral efficiency, at lower power consumption. D2D communication underlaying cellular networks has been proposed as one of the key components of the 5G technology as a means of providing efficient spectrum reuse for improved spectral efficiency and take advantage of proximity between devices for reduced latency, improved user throughput, and reduced power consumption. Although D2D communication underlaying cellular networks promises lots of potentials, unlike the conventional cellular network architecture, there are new design issues and technical challenges that must be addressed for proper implementation of the technology. These include new device discovery procedures, physical layer architecture and radio resource management schemes. This thesis explores the potentials of D2D communication as an underlay to 5G cellular networks and focuses on efficient interference management solutions through mode selection, resource allocation and power control schemes. In this work, a joint admission control, resource allocation, and power control scheme was implemented for D2D communication underlaying 5G cellular networks. The performance of the system was evaluated, and comparisons were made with similar schemes.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Interference Management of Inband Underlay Device-toDevice Communication in 5G Cellular Networks

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    The explosive growth of data traffic demands, emanating from smart mobile devices and bandwidth-consuming applications on the cellular network poses the need to drastically modify the cellular network architecture. A challenge faced by the network operators is the inability of the finite spectral resources to support the growing data traffic. The Next Generation Network (NGN) is expected to meet defined requirements such as massively connecting billions of devices with heterogeneous applications and services through enhanced mobile broadband networks, which provides higher data rates with improved network reliability and availability, lower end-to-end latency and increased energy efficiency. Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is one of the several emerging technologies that has been proposed to support NGN in meeting these aforementioned requirements. D2D communication leverages the proximity of users to provide direct communication with or without traversing the base station. Hence, the integration of D2D communication into cellular networks provides potential gains in terms of throughput, energy efficiency, network capacity and spectrum efficiency. D2D communication underlaying a cellular network provides efficient utilisation of the scarce spectral resources, however, there is an introduction of interference emanating from the reuse of cellular channels by D2D pairs. Hence, this dissertation focuses on the technical challenge with regards to interference management in underlay D2D communication. In order to tackle this challenge to be able to exploit the potentials of D2D communication, there is the need to answer some important research questions concerning the problem. Thus, the study aims to find out how cellular channels can be efficiently allocated to D2D pairs for reuse as an underlay to cellular network, and how mode selection and power control approaches influence the degree of interference caused by D2D pairs to cellular users. Also, the research study continues to determine how the quality of D2D communication can be maintained with factors such as bad channel quality or increased distance. In addressing these research questions, resource management techniques of mode selection, power control, relay selection and channel allocation are applied to minimise the interference caused by D2D pairs when reusing cellular channels to guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) of cellular users, while optimally improving the number of permitted D2D pairs to reuse channels. The concept of Open loop power control scheme is examined in D2D communication underlaying cellular network. The performance of the fractional open loop power control components on SINR is studied. The simulation results portrayed that the conventional open loop power control method provides increased compensation for the path loss with higher D2D transmit power when compared with the fractional open loop power control method. Furthermore, the problem of channel allocation to minimise interference is modelled in two system model scenarios, consisting of cellular users coexisting with D2D pairs with or without relay assistance. The channel allocation problem is solved as an assignment problem by using a proposed heuristic channel allocation, random channel allocation, Kuhn-Munkres (KM) and Gale-Shapley (GS) algorithms. A comparative performance evaluation for the algorithms are carried out in the two system model scenarios, and the results indicated that D2D communication with relay assistance outperformed the conventional D2D communication without relay assistance. This concludes that the introduction of relay-assisted D2D communication can improve the quality of a network while utilising the available spectral resources without additional infrastructure deployment costs. The research work can be extended to apply an effective relay selection approach for a user mobility scenario

    Resource Allocation for Network-Integrated Device-to-Device Communications Using Smart Relays

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    With increasing number of autonomous heterogeneous devices in future mobile networks, an efficient resource allocation scheme is required to maximize network throughput and achieve higher spectral efficiency. In this paper, performance of network-integrated device-to-device (D2D) communication is investigated where D2D traffic is carried through relay nodes. An optimization problem is formulated for allocating radio resources to maximize end-to-end rate as well as conversing QoS requirements for cellular and D2D user equipment under total power constraint. Numerical results show that there is a distance threshold beyond which relay-assisted D2D communication significantly improves network performance when compared to direct communication between D2D peers