14 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithm for Effective Optimization of Delay Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    شبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكية (WSNs) تلعب دورا هاما في العديد من التطبيقات في العالم الحقيقي مثل المراقبة. وتستخدم الشبكات اللاسلكية أيضا لنقل البيانات. في مثل هذه الحالات، هناك مشاكل مع شبكات محدودة الموارد. وتشمل هذه المشاكل التأخير في الاتصال وتقليل جودة الخدمة(QoS). توبولوجيا السيطرة يمكن أن تحل هذه المشكلة إلى حد ما. التأخير في الاداء و QoS  يحتاج إلى مزيد من التحسين لدعم العمليات المقصودة في الشبكات اللاسلكية.  وعند النظر في مفهوم عقدة التأخير من الممكن تحسين الأداء في مثل هذه الشبكات. في هذه الورقة اقترحنا تكوين التاخير قائم على الخوارزمية الجينية (GA) لتحسين أداء التأخير في WSN. وتحسب عقد التتابع المواضع المثلى باستخدام الخوارزمية المقترحة من أجل تحسين نوعية الخدمة وتقليل التأخير قدر الإمكان. نفذنا الخوارزمية باستخدام المحاكاة NS2. وكشفت النتائج أن النهج المقترح قادر على تحسين جودة الخدمة، والحد من التأخير إلى جانب تحسين أداء الشبكة من حيث الإنتاجية، وقدرة الشبكة وكفاءة الطاقة.Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play an important role in many real-world applications like surveillance. Wireless networks are also used to have data transfer. In such cases, there are problems with  resourcece-constraintnednetworks. The problems include a delay in communication and reduction in Quality of Service (QoS). Topology control can solve this problem to some extent. However, the delay performance and QoS need to be improved further to support intended operations in wireless networks. When relay node concept is considered, it is possible to optimize performance in such networks. In this paper, we proposed a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based relay configuration for optimizing delay performance in WSN. Relay nodes compute optimal positions using the proposed algorithm so as to improve QoS and reduce delay as much as possible. We implemented the algorithm using NS2 simulations. The results revealed that the proposed approach is able to improve QoS, reduce delay besides improving network performance in terms of throughput, network capacity, and energy efficiency

    Energy Efficient and Guaranteed Packet Delivery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    For Ad-hoc network routing protocols, high delivery ratio with low energy consumption is one of design challenges. This paper identifies the limitations of ad hoc routing scheme, in terms of guaranteed delivery with low energy consumption. Accordingly, this paper describe a scheme, in which data is forwarded along a pre-established lone path to save energy, and a high delivery ratio is completed by path repair whenever a break is detected. This paper propose a humble, quick, local path repairing method, whereby a malicious node can be tracked by low energy. This paper implement encoding and compression technique scheme and compare its performance with those of pure lone path without repair and multi-path routing schemes

    A parallel prevention algorithm for black hole attacks in MANET

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    In this paper, we propose a parallel algorithm for MANETs that optimizes both routing discovery and security in an Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). The new algorithm, termed as Parallel Grid Optimization by the Daddy Long-Legs Algorithm (PGO-DLLA), simulates the behavior of the biological spiders known as daddy long-legs spiders.Experiments were conducted on an NS2 simulator to demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm.The results indicate better performance than the AntNet algorithm with respect to all metrics that used in experiments such as packet delivery ratio (PDR), end-to-end delay (EtoE) and Packet loss (PL) except throughput, for which AntNet is the better algorithm.In addition, the results show that PGO-DLLA outperforms the standard AODV algorithm in simulations of both a peaceful environment and a hostile environment represented by a black hole attacks

    New Key Generation and Encryption Algorithms for Privacy Preservation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) get widespread applications along with the evolving technologies. However, MANETs are at risk due to the shortage of security mechanisms. In this paper, we propose new algorithms for key generation and encryption for privacy preservation in MANETs. Our key generation algorithm modified Fibonacci sequence by adding scrambling factors to generate random key sequences with required length but incurred low computational overhead, whereas the encryption/decryption algorithm utilizes the One Time Pad (OTP) system by adding scrambling factors for data confidentiality which satisfies the randomness, diffusion, and confusion tests. Simulation of the proposed algorithms was conducted using Matlab and NS-2. Experiment results showed that the proposed algorithms produced random key sequences and random Ciphertexts. Through several tests i.e. speed, correlation and autocorrelation, diffusion, and confusion tests, the simulation result showed the superiority of our algorithms over the other algorithms. For the proof of concept, the proposed algorithms have been simulated in the network simulator, where the result showed that along with the increase of the number of nodes, the throughput of the network increased, while the delay is relatively constant around 6000 ms for 20 up to 70 nodes

    How wireless queues benefit from motion: an analysis of the continuum between zero and infinite mobility

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    This paper considers the time evolution of a queue that is embedded in a Poisson point process of moving wireless interferers. The queue is driven by an external arrival process and is subject to a time-varying service process that is a function of the SINR that it sees. Static configurations of interferers result in an infinite queue workload with positive probability. In contrast, a generic stability condition is established for the queue in the case where interferers possess any non-zero mobility that results in displacements that are both independent across interferers and oblivious to interferer positions. The proof leverages the mixing property of the Poisson point process. The effect of an increase in mobility on queueing metrics is also studied. Convex ordering tools are used to establish that faster moving interferers result in a queue workload that is smaller for the increasing-convex stochastic order. As a corollary, mean workload and mean delay decrease as network mobility increases. This stochastic ordering as a function of mobility is explained by establishing positive correlations between SINR level-crossing events at different time points, and by determining the autocorrelation function for interference and observing that it decreases with increasing mobility. System behaviour is empirically analyzed using discrete-event simulation and the performance of various mobility models is evaluated using heavy-traffic approximations.Comment: Preliminary version appeared in WiOPT 2020. New version with revision

    Robot Team Formation Control Using Communication Throughput Approach

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    In this thesis, we consider a team of robots forming a mobile robot network cooperating to accomplish a mission in an unknown but structured environment. The team has no a-priori knowledge of the environment. Robots have limited memory storage capabilities, not enough to map the environment. Each robot also has limited sensor capability and computational power. Due to the need to avoid obstacles and other environment effects, some robots get delayed from the rest. Using tracking controller, the robot team should follow the leader in a flexible formation shape without losing network connectivity, and that was achieved by monitoring the end-to-end throughput level

    The Capacity of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    Abstract—A substantial body of the literature exists addressing the capacity of wireless networks. However, it is commonly assumed that all nodes in the network are identical. The issue of heterogeneity has not been embraced into the discussions. In this paper, we investigate the throughput capacity of heterogeneous wireless networks with general network settings. Specifically, we consider an extended network with n normal nodes and m nb (0 b 1) more powerful helping nodes in a rectangular area with width sðnÞ and length n=sðnÞ, where sðnÞ nw and 0 w 1=2. We assume that there are n flows in the network. All the n normal nodes are sources while only randomly chosen nd (0 d 1) normal nodes are destinations. We further assume that the n normal nodes are uniformly and independently distributed, while the m helping nodes are either regularly placed or uniformly and independently distributed, resulting in two different kinds of networks called Regular Heterogeneous Wireless Networks and Random Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, respectively. We show that network capacity is determined by the shape of the network area, the number of destination nodes, the number of helping nodes, and the bandwidth of helping nodes. We also find that heterogeneous wireless networks can provide throughput higher in the order sense than traditional homogeneous wireless networks only under certain conditions. Index Terms—Heterogeneous wireless networks, extended networks, achievable throughput Ç

    Secure protocol design for mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    指導教員:姜 暁