2 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional robotic-assisted endomicroscopy with a force adaptive robotic arm

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    Effective in situ, in vivo tumour margin assessment is an important, yet unmet, clinical demand in surgical oncology. Recent advances in probe-based optical imaging tools such as confocal endomicroscopy is making inroads in clinical applications. In practice, maintaining consistent tissue contact whilst ensuring large area surveillance is crucial for its practical adoption and for this reason there is a great demand for robotic assistance so that high-speed endomicroscopes can be combined with autonomous scanning, thus simphfying its incorporation in routine surgical workflows. In this paper, a cooperatively controlled robotic manipulator is developed, which provides a stable mechatronicaUy-enhanced platform for micro-scanning tools to perform local high resolution mosaics over 3D undulating moving surfaces. Detailed kinematic and overall system performance analyses are provided and the results demonstrate the adaptabUity in terms of both contact force and orientation control of the system, and thus its simplicity in practical deployment and value for clinical adoption

    High-resolution fluorescence endomicroscopy for rapid evaluation of breast cancer margins

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    Breast cancer is a major public health problem world-wide and the second leading cause of cancer-related female deaths. Breast conserving surgery (BCS), in the form of wide local excision (WLE), allows complete tumour resection while maintaining acceptable cosmesis. It is the recommended treatment for a large number of patients with early stage disease or, in more advanced cases, following neoadjuvant chemotherapy. About 30% of patients undergoing BCS require one or more re-operative interventions, mainly due to the presence of positive margins. The standard of care for surgical margin assessment is post-operative examination of histopathological tissue sections. However, this process is invasive, introduces sampling errors and does not provide real-time assessment of the tumour status of radial margins. The objective of this thesis is to improve intra-operative assessment of margin status by performing optical biopsy in breast tissue. This thesis presents several technical and clinical developments related to confocal fluorescence endomicroscopy systems for real-time characterisation of different breast morphologies. The imaging systems discussed employ flexible fibre-bundle based imaging probes coupled to high-speed line-scan confocal microscope set-up. A preliminary study on 43 unfixed breast specimens describes the development and testing of line-scan confocal laser endomicroscope (LS-CLE) to image and classify different breast pathologies. LS-CLE is also demonstrated to assess the intra-operative tumour status of whole WLE specimens and surgical excisions with high diagnostic accuracy. A third study demonstrates the development and testing of a bespoke LS-CLE system with methylene blue (MB), an US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved fluorescent agent, and integration with robotic scanner to enable large-area in vivo imaging of breast cancer. The work also addresses three technical issues which limit existing fibre-bundle based fluorescence endomicroscopy systems: i) Restriction to use single fluorescence agent due to low-speed, single excitation and single fluorescence spectral band imaging systems; ii) Limited Field of view (FOV) of fibre-bundle endomicroscopes due to small size of the fibre tip and iii) Limited spatial resolution of fibre-bundle endomicroscopes due to the spacing between the individual fibres leading to fibre-pixelation effects. Details of design and development of a high-speed dual-wavelength LS-CLE system suitable for high-resolution multiplexed imaging are presented. Dual-wavelength imaging is achieved by sequentially switching between 488 nm and 660 nm laser sources for alternate frames, avoiding spectral bleed-through, and providing an effective frame rate of 60 Hz. A combination of hand-held or robotic scanning with real-time video mosaicking, is demonstrated to enable large-area imaging while still maintaining microscopic resolution. Finally, a miniaturised piezoelectric transducer-based fibre-shifting endomicroscope is developed to enhance the resolution over conventional fibre-bundle based imaging systems. The fibre-shifting endomicroscope provides a two-fold improvement in resolution and coupled to a high-speed LS-CLE scanning system, provides real-time imaging of biological samples at 30 fps. These investigations furthered the utility and applications of the fibre-bundle based fluorescence systems for rapid imaging and diagnosis of cancer margins.Open Acces